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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. Wonderful playlist, @Broxzier! It's going in my personal collection. Here's something that is hard to surpass in epicness: Add in the fact that people who molded our world history have listened to this same melody in their life (including, but not restricted to Adolf Hitler) and you're bound to start doing something productive. Like taking a crap. Seriously, try taking a crap with this music on. Best minutes on the toilet you'll ever have. Trust me.
  2. The numerical change seems too extreme to me as well. Plus, this doesn't make any sense. Do the guests think that old rides are back in trend now? Why would the value go down gradually then go up drastically and plateau over there? One would have to survive 25 years of getting the ride rejected by everyone, only to gather huge interest once again. Is there a justified logic that Chris followed as to why this happens?
  3. I have no idea if this already exists, but how about adding a down limit to the ride's ever degrading excitement? After a certain period of time it can not get anymore boring than that. You could apply different limits to different types of coasters, or perhaps make it directly influenced by the base excitement it gets once the ride statistics have been calculated. Perhaps an algorithm that factors in the former as well as the latter? For example, Wooden Coasters get very unattractive or extreme after a long time, and it's very hard to get people on it, but under the same circumstances a coaster that is more technically advanced (no idea which ones fall under here, but a Giga sure looks like it comes in this) still manages to rake in the Grants. Or the Benjies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
  4. To my knowledge the game requires you to have remakes of the RCT1 parks in order to use them as title sequences. At least it used to, but now with support for RCT1 scenarios this might not be needed anymore. Still, there wouldn't be any harm if you just downloaded remakes. Here are the most commonly used ones: The error message you are getting seems to tell that the program is unable to get permissions to access CSS50.dat. Check the permissions on it. It's probably set as a read-only file.
  5. Such just. Much wow.
  6. Well, we have shifted more towards a vocal selection of music here. Let's get back on track (if there is one even, lol):
  7. I like this idea very much. This will be very much a breath of fresh air from the default color combination that is provided from the start. In fact, it's so old for me that I don't even let it set to that setting ever as if I have some prejudice towards it. Another thing that could be done is adding more pre-set color combinations into the roster, but either way is good enough for me.
  8. Wow. Just. Wow. There are still things I'm discovering from a game released more than a decade ago. Wow.
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, since I blocked the main path directly (clear violation of rule 7) I think I should move my ride to the left in my next turn to allow for the main path to continue undeviated. Would you guys agree? I wouldn't wanna do all that moving if it's location is fine for everyone...for some reason I'm really anxious about that thing, as must be clear from all my asking about it, since this is the first time I've participated in a Group Park over here, not to mention that's the first thing I built in this project as well.
  10. You mean like this video does it with peep thoughts? It would be a very interesting concept. Reading moving thoughts would be very difficult though. Maybe you meant showing where certain thoughts are concentrated. For either of those concepts, I think it would clutter the game screen too much. One of the things I like about the game is that all significant information is either at the very bottom or the very top. Inserting information in the middle of the screen (where the action happens, so to speak) would be slightly tiring to look at. That's just my opinion though. I'd be more interested in having a map where those types of info you mentioned was pinned by certain symbols. Sounds like a TON of work, though.
  11. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I think the only custom content we have so far is the little fence object I introduced in my turn.
  12. For me, Drone music sounds very chaotic and random. To that extent, it brings anxiety to my mind. Can this thread be just about everyone's taste in music? I enjoy listening to these things. Here's something that gets me up and about very easily:
  13. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    listen to your peaceful mixtape bruh
  14. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    The first post of this topic best explains how this is supposed to go.
  15. Hallelujah! This bug was carrying on since a long time with each develop build. Really thankful to you and Duncanspumpkin for getting this fixed guys!
  16. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, in my defense, I usually don't like how Gentle Car Rides look on their own, so I hide them under a building; mostly bringing them out only for slight sections. I'll see what I can do in my next turn, or you guys are very much free to improve it by yourself. Is the glitching very glaring? I could have improved on that had I not rushed my turn so soon. But please, if someone is up for it, please change my ride in any way you like (keep the general theme intact, though). On another note, the castle looks very nice! The hedges look like a moss of sorts.
  17. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: --Queue: @imlegos, Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier, Dan, ziscorMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    That's an oversight. I really need to spend more time polishing my work next time. Thanks for pointing that out; I thought I had repainted all the land under the paths.
  19. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Didn't @jensj12 say he was going for a crooked house theme? Ragtime-like colors would suit it IMO. The red is nice, though.
  20. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'll keep that in mind next time.
  21. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Sorry for that. The file was not getting uploaded as a .SV6 before, so I just removed that. If you type that in manually at the end of the file you could open the save file. Pretty coincidental that I did the same thing that Dan did. Seeing that the save file did not successfully export with the custom object I used, what options do we have now? If I put up the custom object here, can you guys attach that file with a save file and upload it here? [EDIT: Just refreshed the page to notice that the save file is working for you. This website needs to give updates when someone edits their post ]
  22. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Try this one, please. The OpenRCT Group Park 3.06.sv6
  23. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I was afraid this kind of thing would happen. I did tick that option. Is there anything else that is needed to turn on? How many objects is the console window saying that are needed in the save file?
  24. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Now that Dan is fine with moving the coaster, I think the coaster could be shifted to the right, so that another path could come around my Ride, so the path still seems like a main path. What do you guys think?
  25. Alright. Who has the grass?
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