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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. I still have to wonder though, what's the Select + button for?
  2. @X7123M3-256 He hasn't implemented it. It's a mock-up in MSPaint. What I'm talking about is just theoretical implementation.
  3. For the path scenery, I'm gonna say that a scrolling dropdown would be the way it gets implemented, and would pull specifically from the base scenery tab. (This would also support custom fence objects and custom path decorations)
  4. Also, as for the path supports idea; I'm thinking it would show several basic versions of the supports, specifically Wooden (Grey Tarmac) Green Generic (Green Tarmac) Generic (Crazy Pathing), Brown Generic (Brown Tarmac), Metalic (Space Pathing), and if the currently selected pathway is Dirt or Ash, their variants of Sparce Wooden (Black/Brown) (selecting a different type would set the selection too Wooden)
  5. ... I support this idea HOWEVER, at this time some features of this would not be possible, namely the path supports selection (Which is a planned return from RCT1). It would not be possible under this current save system. I'm going to guess the bench, trash, lamp, and fence selections work in a similar fashion too the land tools where you can toggle whether or not the option is in-use by clicking it, and being inuse will light up a rectangle/square behind it. I'm also guessing these are drop-down menus that when held show the list of objects corresponding to said catagory.
  6. Uploading save files is always handy when you got a problem
  7. Some kind of Lego set. (Probably City)
  8. imlegos

    Pocket Money

    @Icy It's happened to me on Factory Capers.
  9. imlegos

    Pocket Money

    I think at most in default, guests carry 50.00 cash, which means you could theoretically make 50.00 from every guest entering the park, then put an atm right by the entry so they can buy more stuff. However, I have noticed that guests actually get angry if they spend a lot of money very fast, most note ably from park entrances.
  10. imlegos

    Pocket Money

    RCT2WW European - Fun at the Beach memorys... It would be scarier if the Retro styled monorail was available in that scenario.
  11. Happy to be of some help.
  12. We already had a topic similar to something like this "Tips for making Custom Content" Go check that out, some people have links to helpful stuff in there.
  13. Could do something similar to what RCT3 had, and what several CFRs have; make a "arcade" ride.
  14. Load Scenario in the Scenario Editor. Basically, it's the same location as the save/load buttons from regular play.
  15. @zaxcav Problem: I did not test this with the latest version as my _alt device does not have the latest version or launcher. I'll do proper up-to-date testing when I can access Main.
  16. Alright, I did the intended experiment, and for some reason the mechanic LEFT his area and walked down a path too the broken ride. I feel that checking for patrol zones SHOULD be a think that it has too go through. (Should mention, the path infront of the ride exit and the path he was placed at were both set as patrol zones, but the patrol zones were not connected.
  17. So, I went and did a small test on v0.0.5-develop build 8187b4a, and I noticed that mechanics temporarily will leave the patrol area, but return to it immediately after, thus making the "patrol area" 6x6. However, during this test I noticed that the mechanic would walk OFF the single tile of path in it's patrol area. I was originally intending to force a breakdown on a ride nearby in a seperate area of patrol, but this discovery stopped me.
  18. If there was a section of patrol that was missing a spot, the mechanic would just wonder on the edge, unable to reach his destination. They would not cross over.
  19. @zaxcav Patrol zones are still considered, as normally a mechanic would not pathfind to an area that isn't marked for him, same goes for the other 3 staff types. I'll take a look at this save later and see if I can find anything. I can't right now as I do not have access to the most recent version.
  20. @zaxcav Only the path directly infront of the ride exit is required to be zoned as patrol Also, patrol zones are factored into the pathfinding, as if they weren't mechanics in one part of the map would be trying to go to a ride on the other.
  21. This has been brought up several times, and it's been decided against. You could still have a in-community to get X Number of guests to ride a ride. ...That just sounds like hosting a default scenario. Leader-boards are pretty unnecessary though, as using cheats isn't checked by the Scenarios.
  22. imlegos

    Pocket Money

    That's why stalls and on-ride photos still produce money, so you can have a source of income even after maxxing out the entry fee (Which at max is normally between 40-50). Also, most RCT2 scenarios have a unlocked/able Cash Machine/A.T.M. in the selection, which are extremely useful as it can make guests continue to buy more stuff from stalls. For refrance; whenever I play the game I usually set the pricing to the following values: Food: 2.00 Drink: 1.50 Souvenirs: 0.90 Umbrellas: 3.00 (I'm not a terrible person, so I don't charge restrooms) On-Ride Photos are typically scaled based on what the guests think about their price. And another thing; Advertising for half/entry too the park is a really good idea, alongside an advertisement for a really good coaster, as more guests will come to the park and pay the fee.
  23. Opening a park via scenario editor does infact remove all rides, shops, and possibly queue paths. everything else, however, does remain. I do recommend using the "Convert Save Game to Scenario" for this, as it should work. Also, here's something no one has probably thought about asking; did you take the files OUT of the zip folder and put them into the mydocuments/openrct2/scenarios directory, or did you just put the zip file in there?
  24. imlegos

    Pocket Money

    The entire challage of Pay for Entry/free rides is too manage the pricing of both the entrance and stalls. (Also, on-ride photos are still purchase-able)
  25. @Wuis We already have a decent list of 3rd party devs, and even footage of Skyrim being played, safe to say that it's 3rd party friendly.
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