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Everything posted by saxman1089

  1. Haha what do the peeps do when they get to the loop? do they walk around it?
  2. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Not if he lives in the US, it was just around midnight on the east coast, earlier farther west.
  3. I was gonna recommend the same thing about the trackitecture. Monorail track stacked on top of itself would work really well. Also, if you wanted to not have to enclose all the rides, you could pretend that there is a dome over the entire large crater. You could even build the bottom portion where its anchored into the ground and extend it up a bit (not all the way of course). Something like this H2H7 park from NE comes to mind:
  4. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Hey all, I'm traveling right now, add me to the missed turn list please!
  5. What do you all think about adding a tool to the object selector which can move objects from one tab to another? Meaning that if you add objects to a bench and they pop into the "?" tab, you can move them into a more appropriate scenery tab? On a related note, can a search box be added to the scenery window? When you have lots of different custom scenery objects, it's often hard to find the object you're looking for. I'd imagine it would be implemented similarly to the search box in the object selection tool.
  6. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Welcome back @TheMightyClem!
  7. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Is it possible one of your control or shift keys is stuck down? So its always looking like the scenery is on a different height than it actually is, and you rotate the view, and bam, its in the wrong spot! Just a thought.
  8. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    I say go for it. You're in the missed list and you have the right to claim! Broxzier did make these rules after all. =)
  9. All, this issue will be fixed with an upcoming update. Apparently, each entertainer is associated with a different scenery tab, including the three basic animal entertainers, so if these tabs aren't enabled, the entertainers aren't either. The bench I used for this park was a custom scenery bench from years ago, which evidently didn't have some of the basic scenery tabs fully enabled. From now on, these three basic entertainers will be included regardless of the scenery tabs included.
  10. Holy shit that orange coaster is insane.
  11. I'm definitely under the limit, because I've checked using the console and I can hire other staff no problem. It seems like its time for me to take this over to Github. Thanks all for the help!
  12. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Added a Round Up and Monster Truck Ride, added some themeing to my coaster (but not much), and opened up/added some paths around the park in the predefined areas to improve the peeps ' experience. Claimed: - Queue: xbalogan, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, Deurklink, Wuis, Cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p, saxman1089 Missed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack @xbalogan, @Philmon11, @jensj12, @Przemek, @Jochem, @SpiffyJack The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.23.sv6
  13. Now its Nipplicious Island! But seriously, all of it looks good. I haven't had a chance to check out in-game yet, but looks cool from the screens!
  14. Hahahah you smart ass.
  15. Working on my park, trying to hire some entertainers, and then I get a simple red box that says "Cannot hire staff..." See screen below. I can hire any other staff with no issues at all. If anyone else hasn't seen this, I'll head over to Github. Just wanted to see if anyone had this problem before and how they fixed it.
  16. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: saxman1089 Queue: xbalogan, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, Deurklink, Wuis, Cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p Missed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack
  17. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Oh jeez don't leave the naming to me. Itll be super cliche and terrible. Ill probably claim tomorrow at some point, so if any of the missed turn people want a go, go for it!
  18. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    Please continue from version 19. Cascadia was in the missed turn list and claimed before you, therefore completely following the rules. There is no reason for you to continue building from version 18, and there is no reason for you to be so up in arms and bitter over this. You obviously aren't going to miss your turn because of cascadia as you said you might above, so I'm not sure what your problem is. If you choose not to continue from version 19, I'm sure most people here will continue to follow the rules, and your work on version 18 will be skipped over entirely (at least that's what I would do if I were next in the queue after you). EDIT: You say "you just had gotten the right to claim the park." Yes. that is true, but you did not CLAIM the park, and cascadia did before you. Therefore it was rightfully cascadia's turn.
  19. There should be a screenshot folder within the OpenRCT2 folder. If its not there, I'm not sure where it would be.
  20. Thanks for the compliments as always @hpg! The HVAC thing on top of the big pool changing building will probably be replaced with something. I think IRL it's literally a large fan, which is what I was going for with the gear. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels on the fence about it. The red car object is already gone, for your exact reasoning! Will be replaced with scenery objects or one of the in-game cars/trucks. As for the ride pricing, that's a cool idea. Right now I've got the game on "no money mode" and I'll leave it that way for now. But switching to pay-per-ride at the end and setting the rides to the proper costs is definitely a possibility. I'll have to post some update screens soon as well. I've expanded the park significantly since I last updated this post. Trying to save some surprises for when the park is finished and people can DL though. =)
  21. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    I really like that actually! More simple and clean than what I was thinking. Either I'll copy this on my next turn or you can rebuild it on yours.
  22. There's a search box in the object selection window, but I'm not sure if you can use it with .dat filenames.
  23. People apparently still black out sometimes. What nutcase at Intamin decided "let's put a 270 degree curve at the bottom of the 300 ft lift hill!" ? It looks super fun though. I actually remade the track itself in OpenRCT2, thinking about making a design submission for NE using it, but not sure yet.
  24. That curve on Frozen Waves would be a killer. Although curves at the bottom of huge lift hills aren't necessarily unrealistic, check out Intimidator 305 if you've never seen it!
  25. saxman1089

    Group Park 7

    @Przemek, that looks pretty sweet! Not that this is a realism park, but using the GCI trains rather than the PTC trains would look even better for that coaster, since it's got a ton of curved track. Nice work!
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