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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. SpiffyJack

    Mount Olympus

    Mount Oympus: I started with a height map I produced. The height map I used is 50x50 pixels which produced a map 50x50 tiles. Although pixels squared does not typically translate to tiles squared. But 50x50 does. Then some clouds and water were added to complete a scenario. Followed with Olympus Aire Shuttle.. At this point if anyone wants the Scenario as is, be my guest. It will be the only file I upload on this one. As always, comments are most welcome Mount Olympus Master.sv6 EDIT: I goofed.. MO9.sc6 is the map from the height map MO9.sc6
  2. did you try ctrl+s to snap a shot? edit: also you can press T to clear the menu options to give you an unobstructed screen and then hit ctrl+s to snap a screen 100 percent.
  3. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    good one... I have no
  4. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I replaced service men twice so far... some I force pathed, they got fired... I hire new crew, they were dumb too, I hired more (in a test) and they kept getting lost and stuck also... the map is possessed
  5. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @TheMightyClem.. cool build! Your file should be: ....6.07.sv6
  6. @BlazingEmpireHD kewl.... Just asking, Have you played and beat all these scenarios? Or are you basing the goals from experience? BTW.... 54 - Lake Chaski* is a beautiful map!
  7. Looks great! You wouldn't happen to be a CAD draftsman would you..
  8. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @TheMightyClem The queue works like this: * If your in the queue line, you simply wait your turn. When your name gets to the front of the queue, you have 24 hours to claim the park. Once you claim the park, you have 48 hours to do what ever you want. When your done, you upload your work and re enter the queue till next turn. ** The missed queue is for, obviously missed turns, but also if you know your going to miss, and more importantly you don't know what your schedule is going to be. So being in the missed queue allows you to insert your turn at the front of the queue at any time that works for your schedule. Once your in the missed queue, that is where you will stay until you move yourself at any time. So RedScope53 is kinda correct
  9. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Un-pathed mechanics Just happen to notice a crane was set up over at imlegos' zone. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.05a.sv6
  10. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

  11. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I know right! @cascadia Agreed, I typically won't path a mechanic BBUUTTTT I was watching the original mechanics I hired and they kept getting stuck in stupid places, as well as some handies also... Definitely a lazy and green crew of service techs atm. You like how I just kinda threw out some eat, drink and piss stops... ALL temporary of coarse.
  12. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Added 8 Mechs Added 8 Handies Added 4 guards Added multiple food and drink stalls (TEMPORARY UNTIL PARK GETS MORE ATTRACTIONS) Added Kiosks (TEMPORARY UNTIL PARK GETS MORE ATTRACTIONS) Added bins and benches (TEMPORARY UNTIL PARK GETS MORE ATTRACTIONS) ***Park is working OK on its own ATM... Queue: @TheMightyClem, Giraty, WobblyRails, Broxzier, RedScope53, Jochem, Wuis, Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegosMissed: jensj12, Cascadia The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.05.sv6
  13. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Claimed!!! SpiffyJack ALSO ... I am NOT changing the queue Brief claim because the park needs some serious maintenance personnel.
  14. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Mixed old tech with new tech to provide guests with a glimpse into the past mined out mine shafts left behind in 1847. Guests can now dive directly into the Earths surface and return unharmed while experiencing a once in lifetime ride through the future and the past. 1. Introducing: "Mine Warp" (w.i.p. at 90%) 2. Added some Handymen 3. Added some Mechanics 4. Removed grid lines 5. Added terrain paint (NON-Binding) 6. Added springs inlets at lake top (just an idea I used from @cascadia comment) Park Name Suggestion: "HIGHLAND SPRINGS AMUSEMENT PARK" Queue: @imlegos, @TheMightyClem, @giraty, @WobblyRails, @Broxzier, RedScope53, Jochem, Wuis, Cascadia, Tune, SpiffyJackMissed: @jensj12 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.03.sv6
  15. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

  16. Good Job man
  17. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Defiantly, i would use 3 minimum
  18. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I don't know what i'm gonna do,... They are not hard borders. You can go big, just keep the other builders in mind EDIT: Absolutely you can TForm all you want.
  19. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Understandable, and agree.. I found it odd that only @cascadia and I started out the map... makes it kinda different to form for all.. I hope builders are ok with this layout, although my next turn I may do some additional forming
  20. Awsome.. welcome back... now get into the Group 6 build
  21. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I feel I need to clarify what my thinking was for this map. I only divided the areas to help me. I purposely did not add foliage or paint the terrain as to expose a blank canvas giving each builder there own take as to what to build. The plots are not intended to keep a builder within an area. This is just me saying I did not add rules to this build, that's the moderators job. Soooo.. don't think that because I layed out a grid that means it has to be used...
  22. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    When your name comes up in queue, just pass by moving your name to the 'missed list'. At that point you pass on your turn BUT you can re-insert your name to the front of the queue at any time.
  23. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia You can switch spots with me if you want.
  24. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @RedScope53 wait a minute... that looks like scenario editor... This is not a scenario.
  25. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    YES.. my bad... I meant you to enable your cheats... Looking at your screen, what version are you using?
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