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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. I updated Devils Tower. 150x150 Height 142 Scenario file format so you can make it your own If your interested Devils Tower 150x150.sc6
  2. Just curious, are you using the Launcher to execute the game with the latest build? Hopefully yes, if not, try that.
  3. Yup, what @Broxzier said too. I just like to keep different media separate.
  4. Tiki Islands! just goofing around Tiki Islands.sc6
  5. I just made a 'Heightmap folder' and keep all my grey scales in there. Once the image is imported, its never used again unless you decide to re-import it. EDIT: Color also works, but can be very unpredictable as to the results.
  6. I seem to be going bat shit crazy messing around with Heightmaps... Twisted Highway! H=50 and it actually slopes to sea level. My opinion: This could be an AMAZING map to work with. Possible WIP... Twisted Highway.sc6
  7. Devils Tower! Devils Tower 100x100.sc6 Edit: Current H=142 if I could get 280.. this would be close to scale.
  8. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Cool.. I personally wasn't going to build that area, I only made a suggestion to your intersection.
  9. Scorpion Bay! Located somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. Before and after a kick ass hurricane, or maybe alien visitors I would visit this place! if I knew where it was... Scorpion Bay 04.sc6 Scorpion Bay 05.sc6
  10. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Don't go by what I posted... The Park is yours right now and you can do what you want My post has no bearing Edit: Although I do think some space is needed in that area. cascadia was the original builder there so I was just suggesting. 2nd Edit: I do suggest that any building in the center needs to be done well, it won't take much to make it look like a cluster f%ck
  11. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia what do you think about opening up at the two paths shown? Give a little more wiggle room to build the area? Asking you because its your build. I didn't claim but i'm always messing around
  12. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I checked out the park... Lots of cool stuff going on.. I not ready yet. It's all yours @qbbq
  13. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I'll probably jump in and claim park around 12:00 pm pacific time if file is still available
  14. You answered my question better than I asked it. So know i'm thinking I can limit a greyscale pallet to 100 shades (or 50 due to steps of two) and get pretty close to knowing exactly where tiles will rise and fall. For instance: If you work off an origin of height (black), each grey can be a specific height allowing you to carve an entire map as detailed like a road map if you wanted.. I have noted too many grey's can be noisy. vs. working with a simple pallet and having more control. edit: I only base my 0-19 .. 20-39 etc so i can see the different shades
  15. That is correct. I believe i'm going to use the RCT castle objects for the cliff build, they will work much better
  16. Island Fingers. I'm separating the grey scale to tile height ratio. It seems that every 20 pts in grey scale separates tile heights... still working on the formula. EDIT: @Broxzier I think you know what i'm trying to do... you have any input on this? Island Fingers.sc6
  17. The Mote.sc6
  18. .... Louis blocks.. and others .. I need to get back to the roots maybe... I'll hear about it on NEDs too
  19. This is literally the smallest map I've ever decided to build. Originally it was just to showcase how using Height Map aids in map building. @BlazingEmpireHD the space map isn't using any packs.. oh wait, i'm confused, the mountains i used as clouds?
  20. Or maybe a castle thing... ?
  21. I thought about doing some type of space mountain.... Thoughts?
  22. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I have to pass Claimed: Queue: @imlegos, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier, Wuis , Jochem, TuneMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack
  23. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    You realize I could say this is because your stupid.... But even I don't agree with that...
  24. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Just have fun... it's all good
  25. Thank you... i cant remember to be honest... but I do know each file is progressive as far as scenery and added terraforming in the progress. Edit: I goofed...the MO9. file above is strait off the height map. Those other files were sad attempts to build the mountain prior using a height map.
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