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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    THIS IS NOT A CLAIMED MAP, these are just here if you want any The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.a I'm Just messing around Any file can be used OR none of the files .... by anyone until someone else claims I guess. I'm just gonna keep adding or whatever The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.a.sv6 The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.b The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.b.sv6 The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.c The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.c.sv6 The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.d The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.d.sv6
  2. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Here's the current File. The park is still very preliminary, so anyone can do anything they want. Who's Next EDIT: File name: Technically this would be 6.02 The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.sv6
  3. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Claiming Map 6.1 !
  4. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Just added some paths to link areas The OpenRCT2 Group Park5.60.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: - Missed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Wuis, SpiffyJack, Broxzier, TCE, Cascadia, SpiffyJack @jensj12 @RedScope53 @Tune @BlazingEmpireHD @Jochem @YoloSweggLord @giraty @Wuis @Broxzier @TCE @cascadia
  5. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

  6. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Initial stab at map. The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.1.sv6
  7. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    CLAIMED Park 6 map
  8. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Just throwing this out there to get the juices flowing
  9. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    @cascadia you have any thoughts how to shape 4 quadrants? each different? make one a water world? one desert? trees? etc... I'm thinking not so rugged this time (seems like it did more harm than good in #5 ) but more smooth rolling terrain. idk.. I suggest some sketches for the vibe prior to forming
  10. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Thanks, I like that idea too.
  11. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    I'm all for dedicating themed areas. I probably would have had a tighter train of thought in Park 5 is it was done that way also. I know I did a lot of wafting as far as deciding which way to design. @imlegos What is NCSO? some kind of server or something...
  12. I like it. Nice use of content and cool architecture too. Looking forward to see more progress
  13. @Broxzier. I understand that..when I had the issue, I could start the updated downloaded version or ORCT2 (hardcopy) with no issues. Yet using the launcher to update and than start the game, I would get the message that Avast is running a quick check because the file mentioned above could be unsafe.. mean while it restricts the network and their abort option doesn't quite abort as fast as it should, thus typically followed by a message that the file has been submitted for approval and theyll send the status report. But if you bypass the anti virus at prior to executing the exe. File it works good.. just sharing my experience with Avast.
  14. With Avast, I had to do this: Run Launcher and wait for the update until the the Play button lights up. Then I suspend Avast for a few seconds, Launch the game, and when the main menu screen appears, I cancel the suspend. Or you do what cascadia mentioned.
  15. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    I like the idea of tracks being used like this. I also like the idea of tracks being lower than adjacent paths... But I'll add this: I learned a lot with my Grand Central map and designing track routes. At first the routes had ups and downs cause I liked it, but after adding routes It proved to be a disaster and i soon found it works much better if each track has a dedicated height. Yes, the track can change elevations if needed, but i would also suggest the height changs to be done away from any other tracks with no ups or down track close to station. I wish I could back and change some early work be just to much. Only my opinion
  16. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Just straitened out some things.. nothing to special. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.58.sv6
  17. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Claiming the Park for a little while... At any point if @TCE is ready, I'll upload immediately.
  18. @NickBishop12 I don't want to be a dick, but my trained monkey finds answers easier than you and he doesn't complain as much either. Do more homework my friend cause all your posts have been asked before and the answers are available.
  19. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Do to electrical overload complications, negotiations are currently scheduled for this week to accept proposals to build an independent power sub station to provide the necessary gigawatts required to power additional ionic generators. With that being said, the addition of Ionic Atmospheric Sensors have also been installed in all Park Air Ships as a precautionary first alert warning system do to the erratic nature of the recent cold fronts. Sooooooo, Introducing 'Snow Drifter'. A looping coaster designed to travel from the warmer low altitude through the frigid higher altitudes while keeping guests comfortable during their experience. In addition to, extra facilities were added adjacent to Entry/Exit to keep guest busy as they wait to enter queue, or the relax after exiting. Tech Notes: - This ride and scenery may be modified by other builders. Permission granted. - The current queue path is too short. Claimed: Queue: @Broxzier ,TCE, CascadiaMissed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Wuis, SpiffyJack Edit: I guess I should upload the file too... The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.57.sv6
  20. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Crash, boom, smash After being completely mesmerized for hours by @Broxzier teleported success, my crew has been pushing the limits of this new technology with some very strange anomalies accuring... At one point, the entire park sank 12 feet, then rose 14 feet before eventually settling to norm, only to be followed by an enormous plate eruption causing a magnetic shift in the parks north and south poles which apparently happened do to the extreme amount of power required to operate not 1, but 2 teleporting ionic generators. These devices working in tandom generated so much kinetic energy that apparently the results introduced abnormal non-reversable weather patterns within the park boundaries that extends equal to a 100 mile blast radius.. On a good note, all attractions were constructed to zone 8 seismic regulations and all other attractions sustained zero damage.
  21. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Ok, cool @Broxzier sweet dreams any certain time to return file work good for you? Claimed: SpiffyJackQueue: Broxzier, TCE, CascadiaMissed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Wuis
  22. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 5

    Updating Queue is that's ok
  23. Cutters Air Tours now fly's OFF THE MAP and RETURNS. Thank You @Tune @Broxzier !!! This is a test as to fly a plane off map and return... The clouds are a crude illustration, and there is a glitch mid teleport... But it works bitchen. What's going to happen next is going to be very interesting.
  24. Agreed, and as I remember you could set the length and the rating independently.
  25. This is what can happen if you don't run as Administrator... Assuming you right clicked on your shortcut and picked "Run As Administrator" this notice shouldn't show up unless you literally trying to access a Restricted System folder for this action. Also I notice 'One Drive' in the path which possibly is conflicting. (that was a complete guess, but its not something I commonly see.) You've spent a lot of time trying to fix this so I'm suggesting this: Do a complete uninstall, then do a cold start reboot, then reinstall AS AN ADMINISTRATOR to this path: C:\Users\<your user folder>\Documents\OpenRCT2\ ((C:\)can be any drive letter) My actual path is: C:\Users\Gateway\Documents\OpenRCT2 Also, My OpenRCT2 folder has a \Bin folder that contains all the files I see in your OpenRCT2 root directory except for the config.ini file. There is smart input out here, but this is what I did when I had the same issue and it worked.
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