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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @RedScope53 ---At your main menu, go to options, click the wrench tab, 'check' Enable debugging tools. II Export plug-in objects with saved games. This probably won't fix you, but you do want those options selected. EDIT: wait a minute... that looks like scenario editor... This is not a scenario.
  2. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    That is bazaar.. I just downloaded the same file and it's all there... HHHMMMM.. cascadia is gonna pissed at you! JK.. At the moment I do not have an answer accept maybe kill that file and DL again... but that seems pointless and makes no sense either... @cascadia @Broxzier @everybody else too
  3. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    show a screen shot please
  4. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Current Map File 6.03 If my work gets changed, It won't hurt my feelings.. we have to start somewhere The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park Map 6.03.sv6
  5. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I will upload within a couple hours
  6. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Going to implement comments in a few minutes... so this is current.. At ANY POINT IF SOMEONE ELSE WANTS THIS MAP TO TERRA>> PLEASE SAY SO I only have it because no body else does... Edit: I'm also keeping a 2-3 tile easement at map edge for black out areas aka 'hiding stuff' planes flying off screen and returning etc... thoughts are welcome on this
  7. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    ohhh... I did just get an idea for that though @giraty
  8. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    That's cool... I can upload the file now if you want and you can mess with it too
  9. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Thanks Bro!!! Just what this gravitational geek needs... more reasons to love and ponder how this crazy solar system actually freaking works.. but the damn thing really works... genius.
  10. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia noted and I agree. @TheMightyClem I agree. cascadia knows I like a big mountain! But in the Park5 build only I and one other built in the mountain and I was thinking maybe it was too much... so this time I'm listening all I can. OMG! you feel that?!?! the ground shook! and, it's rising....
  11. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia What do you think at this point, more height here or there? more or less water? raise entire areas? .. also notice the grid at which (I would use) for main paths.. How's that work for you? Edit: Do you think I should vaporize the East Quad, or does it work as a water source for the park... maybe scale it down... ? I kinda like it, but this is more than me.
  12. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    At this point I divided the map 22x22 areas... Obviously you can see what I was initially partial to... Currently the map now looks like this.... My concept is to give a different terrain to each plot. Please give feedback at this point....
  13. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Officially Claiming Park 6 Map ! With consideration to all comments up to this point.
  14. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Understandable , i'm ok with that
  15. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    I will use whatever gets decided on... But I would like 1/4 building blocks, roofs items and complete wall sets
  16. Just a shout out to all the contributors in the forum. The Moderators, The Administration, and all the other Tycoons and soon to be Tycoons. THANK YOU for all the input and help to all the questions that get asked daily. It's cool to see a game that (for the most part would have disappeared like so many legacy titles) after many years, has not only NOT been forgotten, but seems to be at an all time high. KUDOS! AND THANK YOU!
  17. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    That's cool. You CAN fiddle all you want.... There is no right or wrong way... just don't overstep the rules set forth by @Broxzier and the other builders. Just have fun...simple
  18. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    keep in mind, terraforming the map is NOT required to build in the park... Terraforming is for builders who like to form the map... again your welcome to join the map makers OR just wait to build when your name queues up
  19. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Seriously, you are very welcome to join the build! got to be honest though, I didn't have my glasses on and I thought you were TheMightyClam... sooooo, I guess my next joke isn't so funny...
  20. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    please do!!! i like your stuff
  21. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    OMG ... go away!!! I'm totally kidding!! If you get involved with the map, its more like a grab and go design kind of thing to help with the terraforming of the land. After that the Queue will develop, at that point YOU put your name in Queue and then just wait your turn to build.... You are more than welcome to join! WELCOME!!!
  22. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    COOOOOOL ...!! @Broxzier thanks for setting up the new thread. I'll vote..... In hindsight... I like the idea of the quad tram system cross tracks. At this point i'm wondering if it shouldn't be implemented AFTER a map is designed... IDK... maybe more input is needed to divide areas appropriately. I know i'm overthinking this... We have 4 quads, so maybe 4 per quad x4 for 16 areas... or we leave it all flat and let nature decide with each claimed space between builders...
  23. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    That's a cool poling page, although I really have to sign-in to poll? It's ... Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean their not after me... kinda thing
  24. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    Kinda like "CornyCopia"
  25. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 6

    The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.e The OpenRCT2 Forum Group Park 6.02.e.sv6
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