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Everything posted by ImABoss

  1. Hey all. So while I was looking at some rides in Whiskey Station, I went to the edge of the map, and saw that it was glitched. On the edge of the map, it appeared to be copying rides/stalls etc. nearby. In some places it was seriously glitching, in others it was not. I took some screenshots to show you:
  2. It worked! Thank you so much!
  3. Damn awesome job!
  4. I bought and downloaded the RCT2: Tripple thrill pack off of steam. And yes I am.
  5. I downloaded the expansion packs today, but I still can't connect to the servers that require them. And the parks that come with the expansion packs aren't in OpenRCT2 either
  6. Hey all. So I've been playing OpenRCT2 For a while now, and today I decided to FINALLY get the expansion packs to be able to join servers that my friend plays on. Except whenever I join a server that requires them, It disconnects me and tells me that I still need the expansion packs, even though I already installed them. If someone could help me out that would be fantastic!
  7. Granted, but you crash almost immediately. I wish I was popular
  8. Granted, but the ideas turn out to be crappy. I wish that I could be a pilot
  9. I would love to build with you but I suck at scenery
  10. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Not everyone owns expansion packs
  11. I get an assertation failed error all the time. Whether it's hosting a server or trying to connect to one. I get them all the time
  12. LOL
  13. Awesome job!
  14. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Ohhh ok. I've never done this before so thanks for the clarification!
  15. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    What do you claim? Land? A Map?
  16. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    The' claiming land' part, and the '48 hours to work on the park' part
  17. Definitley downloading
  18. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Count me in! I'm very confused by the rules though
  19. This is happening to me too. I have four coasters, Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green. Orange, Yellow and Green all work just fine, but red hardly if ever leaves the station. Occasionally it will sync up, or it will run by itself. Either way, it's very annoying. Here's a screenshot:
  20. Can I go plz
  21. Thanks for the info. But some people intentionally join and disconnect, I see them do it on other servers as well. I also live in Mountain Time, so I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
  22. I see a "Ey boss. Can I habe de pusi boss" Sign
  23. I do host servers, but no one joins them. (And yes I have port forwarded, and I have had people join before to be clear) I can go an hour without someone joining. Occasionally, I will get people who join but leave like 3 seconds later. It's very annoying. Honestly I'm losing my motivation to host, mainly because no one joins.
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