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Everything posted by ImABoss

  1. I would like to build a park with you both! It would be fun
  2. I don't see the delete button?
  3. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    The OpenRCT2 Group Park Alpha3.sc6 Changelog: Added Small Hills, And deleted some trees in the flat land area, because it looked very crowded.
  4. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    If no one is claiming it, I guess I will. Claimed!
  5. Yeah kinda
  6. Also sorry that I never got around to that mega park we were gonna do
  7. Hey all. So while I was building in a server, I randomly crashed. And got a 'Tried getting sprite' error. Except it wasn't sprite 65535. It was 36096. I'm not sure if this is new or has been around for a while, but I thought that I'd share it.
  8. This sounds EPIC! Also I am willing to keep a server running.
  9. ImABoss

    New Park

    Btw really loving the park!
  10. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Then delete the lake. ._.
  11. ImABoss

    New Park

    Damn you build fast
  12. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Changelog: Added small swamp/pond (First image), Extended beach sand dune/ Desert area, and also made a flat area so that it wasn't right next to the swamp area (Second image), Extended path all the way to the top of the waterfall and connected it to a bridge, also added a forest type area (Third image) The Open RCT2 Group Park Alpha 4.01.sc6
  13. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

  14. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Then someone delete it.
  15. ImABoss

    My New Park

  16. Granted, but you turned out to be a sanitation worker. I wish that I could afford Planet Coaster
  17. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

  18. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

  19. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    The OpenRCT Group Park 4.sc6
  20. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Changelog: Added lake and river leading from it to swamp area (1st and 3rd image), Added a walkway halfway to the top of the mountain (I was going to go to the top but I would half to change the land A LOT) (2nd image), Added rocks at the top and bottom of the waterfall (1st image), Closed off where the river used to be (before there was still some of the river left behind near the beach, 1st image). Aight so I know it's not much, but I'm not exactly the best at landscaping, but I did my best. Feel free to change literally ANYTHING. Also idk how to upload the save so...
  21. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

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