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Everything posted by giraty

  1. You don't click all those ride pieces, don't you.....????
  2. Another update! Park is nearly full now, what a two months it has been. I managed to create park whose ride doesn't tangle each other too much yet still success. Here is the castle expansion zone, inspired by narrow alleys I once visit in Vienna, and inspired by Macau for the oriental mixture and the narrowness. Next to it is another garden showcasing different sceneries from around the park in one go. Did I put too much scenery in it? Then a little jungle hill to pass through from the Giga Coasters to that square garden. This is for reminding people to love the nature wherever you are. And finally, the save file if you want to look into it! Contains expansion packs and customs but "export plug-ins" is checked. Enjoy! Quiesent Reef.sv6
  3. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Dirk-link for me, innit?
  4. giraty

    Group Park 7

    I opened the area around Anaconca Ride, it's been closed for soooo long now. Then I noticed that we have 2 observation towers in the park. Opened a new swinging inverter ship, named Turbine Ship, and a Wooden Wild Mine coaster built around the cliff, named Hide and Seek. Claimed: Queue: @Darthyoda714, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Leudimin, saxman1089, giraty Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, Wuis, TCE The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.48.sv6
  5. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: giraty Queue: Darthyoda714, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Leudimin, saxman1089 Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, Wuis, TCE
  6. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Nah it's fine, I could only work on it Saturday my time....
  7. I like that idea! I already have discord account and quite active
  8. Lmao
  9. So remember, wait your ride to be 25 years old to be profittable again. I'll keep that in mind
  10. I have started to run out of ideas with a big empty land still to be filled..... My usual thing: Winter in a non-winter zone. It's good to give people unusual experience, right....? The traditional houses area is expanded with 2 new coasters, a launched thrilling one, and a relax one to keep the balance while keeping the trees alive The new (but old) duelling Giga Coaster, using a little island in the offshores. Note that it drops below sea water at the beginning. On the top left quarter of the picture is the empty land I aforementioned
  11. 96???? Holy smoly. My record is 13.01 only, and that's the only non-glitch Ultra-Extreme excitement rating I ever got
  12. giraty

    Group Park 7

    There seems to be a pathing issues in the farm area. I tried few things but I'm not sure what should I do so here is the report for reference: A lot of peeps stuck at this point, almost all wants to go home, the primary cause of dropped park rating. I tried to reveal the train's layout. Does not really fix it. Then I deleted the petting zoo ride and reconnect all paths. Now the guest are freed. For they who understands how to fix this without removing the ride, use this reference.
  13. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Oops, that rock square is from me, was experimenting with a coaster there, I forgot to restore it As for park rating I'll try to see into it now.
  14. giraty

    Group Park 7

    The farm area, I considered to block the access to there since I don't know how to fix it
  15. giraty

    Group Park 7

    *oops double post due to internet conditions*
  16. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: Queue: Darthyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE, giraty Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, cascadia, saxman1089, TheMightyClem @Darthyoda714 Only changed few things like in pictures... The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.40.sv6
  17. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Will work on it tonight or tomorrow afternoon Claimed: giraty Queue: Darthyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, cascadia, saxman1089, TheMightyClem
  18. I tried earlier this month, it seems to be temporarily disabled, I can't get the option checked (it's always grey non-selectable). Not that my current laptop can run it....(the last time I tried lights effect that works, fps is lower than 1)
  19. giraty

    Group Park 7

    There's no building yet but the area that you turn into sand around my red-white coaster (on phone now, can't post picture)
  20. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Indeed very great update @RedScope53! The fences around my coaster, I want to build a building there so it's somewhat a mark but no problem with it
  21. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Do anyone still have WW/TT objects issue? I found an alternative satelitte dish in "Matrix" themeing, it's just 1 tile wide, animated, and colourable. We can replace TT dish with this one
  22. Chaotic confusion: 0 Space! Into Space! Into: 1
  23. FINALLY UPDATE The biggest changes are second transport system with monorails and goes clockwise around the island, compared to railway that goes counter-clockwise. I don't know will I keep the 3 racing coasters, I'm not satisified with it. In the center is a group park inspired zone, with room to expand with. The new coasters of Steel Horse and Flesh Horse near the abandoned town. I forgot already why did I put the purple base on the monorail station though lol. These houses are inspired by traditional Indonesian houses, though it looks way different from them.
  24. LOOOOLLL Nice start there. What is your plan with coasters? Surely there's only few trains that are enclosed, or before riding they wear plane emergency style breath helper ?
  25. So nipple-in-nipple-licious?
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