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Everything posted by giraty

  1. Yeah it happens to me sometimes. The fix is usually close then re-open the ride window or clicking other tabs near it before clicking back the ride rating tab. On multiplayer I don't know about that
  2. Usually I try clicking other tab before click back the ride rating. Or do you mean your ride rating won't show up?
  3. I'm using v.0.0.5 build 2d55356 which is around 1 week ago
  4. As the title said, this park is pure no money since scenario editor, not a money park turned into no money. I didn't notice this in earlier build.
  5. People I found a solution that is not perfect but enough to give the ride more vehicles: The count of how many vehicles available is calculated by the track length from station until the first time a merged section is used. Which means in my case to give more boats, I need to redesign the ride in a way that the steep lift hill comes later in the ride rather than early.
  6. That's great!!! I wish I know how to do it, especially I think the RCT1's Steel Roller Coaster vehicle design is better than RCT2's
  7. No it still use the default operating mode in the splash boat. As I said, with 3000ft long track, 70% still belongs to splash boats' track, but it only allows me 3 boats. Look at the picture comparison
  8. I recently merge splash boat with other vehicle track type, despite splash boat still have 70% it's own track, with 3000ft long I can only have 3 boats. In comparison, a smaller splash boat like the default doubledrop could have 10 boats.
  9. giraty

    New Park

    Nice job there! Also I never see those flowers before, from where is it?
  10. Granted but your nausea tolerance is none, which means you always throws up after riding any ride, even with RCT stat of 0.00. I wish one day have 50 hours
  11. That's one great idea, just I wonder can it be applied to a 14 years old and counting game. RCT3 uses time technique but the date keep advancing without taking account for the time. But if one day takes 10 minutes, how will " how many trains should be driving " at different times can be applied for long enough effect?
  12. While it looks good now, is it possible to unlock several more limits? Say Flying RC and Spiral RC doesn't have visible adjustable parameter to change the lift speed, respectively locked at 4 and 7 mph. I also suggest to speed up the water rides lift hill speed, IMO 2 mph is too slow and this causes more issue on Splash Boats since when full the speed goes under 1 mph. Thanks
  13. No neither. I first found out when opening a savegame with 6 racing coasters opened and they're out of sync after few minutes
  14. I start noticed a strange issue when I tried to race 3 coasters at a time, they will out of sync. See my demo video for better understanding. Do anyone also has this issue? I run this in v0.0.4 (switching back)
  15. How about heartline twister, I never see anyone build it with excitement rating above 5
  16. I noticed this too but my old savegame from vanilla RCT2 does not have this problem. Only when I tried to start the scenario in OpenRCT2 the problem @jensj12 mentioned occurs.
  17. Late reply (I forgot about opening this site) but thanks and wonderful job!
  18. giraty

    Scenery in pages

    I have a lot lot lot of object files under "small scenery" advanced tab. Since long I can no longer scroll down to choose one by one anymore. I'm suggesting to make scenery tab can go to pages like guests list when it goes over 3000 multiplier it goes to another page.
  19. Just for info I only started to realise this on 0.0.4. Upgrade to the beta 0.0.5 still carry the same issue. @Duncans_pupkin Thank you!
  20. But I don't have that issue in the vanilla RCT2, I've been doing it for like 3 years.
  21. I have my own park where I use a lot of this block brakes in non-block mode. Now most coasters that have that crashed with the bug, which is rather sad, and using cheat on real scenario is not fun at all. I only use cheat for doing rofl thing (yesterday I got 89 intensity rating and guests rides it). So what I believe now, the developers may have put the code of "continuous circuit with block sectioned mode" into "continous circuit mode".
  22. Ahaha, I seem can't find cheat window anywhere. If you suggest me to file an issue for GitHub it will took some time as I don't have it yet for now.
  23. I recently notice something strange within OpenRCT2. I sometimes use block brakes on a continous circuit non-block brakes mode to "defy" the brakes failure. On the vanilla RCT2, the block brakes will simply brakes the train as normal with target 4 mph. But on my OpenRCT2 v0.0.4 I notice on continous non-block brakes mode, the block brakes will stop a train when there's a train located after the block brakes. As you see in the picture, the next trains are held up by the block brakes even on the continous circuit which should only happened when continous with block sectioned is selected. Regards.
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