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Everything posted by giraty

  1. After 3 weeks dormant, I declared this park finished. It looks pretty enough for a small park. Can't upload save now.
  2. giraty

    Group Park 8

    In the end I have no time at all. Sorry and now, @UTMAN
  3. giraty

    Group Park 8

    Claimed then
  4. giraty

    Group Park 8

    If anyone from missed turn list, go ahead, I give you time till my 24 hours border
  5. giraty

    Group Park 8

    Noted. Why did I built it there? This is just personal preference since it looks alright to me. There's a plan to build tunnel under the monorail but I was waiting on park updates.
  6. giraty

    Group Park 8

    Built a classic figure eight side friction coaster, and moved the carousel there too. @Broxzier I saw the handyman went off path through the ticketing booth that you built. I think the connection-through-tile-inspector causes that. Claimed: - Queue: Utman, RedScope53, Deurklink, Broxzier, giraty Missed: Wuis @UTMAN Go go! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.06.sv6
  7. giraty

    Group Park 8

  8. giraty

    Group Park 8

    So yes!
  9. giraty

    Group Park 8

    I must have missed reading WW-TT is allowed.... Thanks for the entrance makeover RedScope
  10. giraty

    Group Park 8

    I say it's a good start Claim: - Queue: @UTMAN, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis , giraty The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.01.sv6
  11. giraty

    Group Park 8

  12. Managed to fit a river rapids in Italian zone. Name yet to be decided Alpunta.sv6
  13. giraty

    Group Park 8

    Looks good, I can see a 2 tier park based on land height
  14. giraty

    Group Park 8

    That mountains' rear looks a bit hard to build on, but there is land tool to help.
  15. What's Zoo Tycoon doing in ORCT2 (Before you say it I know RCT3 Wild has a 'zoo' feature)
  16. giraty

    Group Park 8

    I would like to try an amphitheatre (wall-less), not sure how to work it out
  17. giraty

    Group Park 8

    Count me in again! For the landscape, I suggest a half flat and half mountanious. Flat land is for the realism manner that most way amusement park built, but with hilly section could also spark a good amount of imagination
  18. Oh sorry, I don't know 'welp' has bad conotations.... I take my blame there
  19. Welp, this topic is about loading the main site ( too long
  20. More update. I did the supports for coaster, extra aesthethics for French monorail station, not sure if it looks good but it looks realistic enough. Removed some flat rides from German area as it's too concentrated there, moved it into other regions. I replace lots of cherry tree, then realising Silver Birch tree is actually pretty common in the region so that's the replacement. Changed the staffs name according to their region! Alpunta.sv6
  21. It will work just as usual
  22. There's currently no in-game option to hide them. Deleting them from the RCT1 folder, well I would say moving it before you play ORCT2 to other folder is better because you don't have to redownload every track files everytime you want to play RCT1 again
  23. Maybe after 2 or 3 rides this park is prettu much finished. It's designed to be a small natural park, but anyways. I built a Twister coaster in the French area and tried to keep it compact relative to the track shape. No supports yet though. Then in the valley in the Italian zone, I built a vintage cars with a name of "Small Stelvio Pass" in Italian. Also I put flag flowers around the park to represent each areas. The save file is also here for those who wants to see around I would like to rename the staffs to each zone's naming way but give time alright Alpunta.sv6
  24. The point is: RCT2 is an evolution of RCT1, not all behaviour from RCT1 carried to RCT2. ORCT2 is based from RCT2's behaviour. RCT1 parks loaded to RCT2 will run under RCT2's behaviour
  25. What Deurklink said is correct. Fence which is inside the entrace's tile will be removed. Fences outside it will not be removed. and with the Katie's Dreamland example you made, that's because the fence there is outside the ride's tile.
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