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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. I am pretty decent with scenery too. So, I am not a one trick pony. I'll get the screenies for ya soon
  2. I would also like to help you build your park. I could be your ride manager. (One who builds rides) If ya want me to join, go ahead an pm me, mate.
  3. Granted, but you crash almost immediately. I wish I could drive already
  4. I am a picky person when it came to trying out trainers, or mods for RCT2. I had been putting off getting OpenRCt2 for awhile. after hearing more and more and more good things about it, I tried it and instantly was astonished at how terrible it was (jk). I never ever use RCT2 anymore. All I do is OpenRCt2, some of the features in this game has greatly improved the name of RCt2. There are features I'd like to see inputed into OpenRCt2, and then there's features in OpenRCT2 that I've never thought about. I do hope this goes even more viral than it is, these boys and girls on the site have definitely earned the recognition they've gotten, and deserve much more! This all the more makes me wish I was a big YouTuber and could start playing OpenRCT2, and give the game a much higher rep. Too bad I am not a YouTuber. Thanks so much for the wonderful app, the dev team! -BlazingEmpireHD
  5. Hey everyone, I have been thinking about having a giant scenario pack of all my scenarios into one. (46 in total) I would love to be able to have a scenario pack and send it out to multiple sites, and maybe even get recognition like VJ got for his scenarios. the problem: I have no clue how to do this. If you all could help me get a scenario pack ready and on other sites, that would be so helpful and make me happier. Thanks!
  6. Add me!! (Please)
  7. Must have missed it. whoops!
  8. Granted, but doing so causes the game to glitch out so much, your computer gets fried. I wish I could do concept ideas to other games.
  9. I would love to join! Although, I wouldn't be able to do much, aside for maybe a couple flat rides, or a dinky coaster. If there happens to be a GP4, I'll join in an instant. Also, this seems like a type of park that would go up on New Element. Will it? That would be a great way to show off our work on a dedicated network. go ahead and add me in if ya like. (You may have to explain to me how this works though)
  10. I just want to comment on how (don't mind the cursing) fucking FANTASTIC this has turned out so far! You've all done an impeccable job! I can not bear to see the final final final product! I wish I had joined MUCH earlier, I could have done my own works, but now, to be able to show my full extent, I would need a lot, A LOT more room. Once again, I cannot appreciate this park, and this effort put in by ya all enough! Once more, This IS fucking fantastic.
  11. I'll have to figure it out, thanks @cascadia!
  12. Alright, I am very late to the party. I would love to join this, but, I need to know how it works. Do we get a save file, build on that save, then save once more and return the file? Or is it just a big ole' server? I probably have missed a lot, and it may be too full as is. So if I need to wait until GP4, I can.
  13. That's a great idea, @cascadia! However, I think they should add an undo button along with this log. If a ride, or scenery, whatever, was removed, a neat and tidy undo button would do the trick. Also, I see adding this feature could help us identify those who are griefing, and those that aren't. I haven't had much done to me in griefing, but some has happened. I know it could get very much worse. I haven't been able to start a server and test out all this on my own, but I could see the danger tobeheld in it. You've definitely got a great idea, @cascadia! I hope this could happen someday!
  14. That is VERY true! Although, making an LIM track without high intensity is INCREDIBLY hard. But it definitely not the hardest to do. Maybe 6 or 7.
  15. This looks freakin' fantastic! My only pet peeve is there isn't much on the "bench" type of thing. I usually have benches every so often, on and off main roads too. I don't know, oh well, it's looking incredible at the moment, and I WILl download it. Great job!
  16. I didn't see that until I went onto the actual site. I then realised who had made those works of beauty. I wonder if he will make more coaster types!
  17. He did? Sweet! I have no idea who it is though.
  18. I got good news for ye! There's actually a download where ya can get a really good RMC coaster! If you have seen the Mack Coaster, the B&M wing, Intamin WIng, 8 and 10 wide dive coaster cars somewhere in the servers here, you can easily know that the same company has made a really good RMC coaster "mod"(?) Link!: This directs to the site, and will give ya the opportunity to get all aforementioned and others. Hope this helps @DaKoasterNerd!
  19. Yeah I know there is, but I am saying, using the same port may get old, and fast. If there were templates, or user created templates, it would give an easier option to it all. I've used my own saves to create multiple parks. From the same template would become tedious to remove all the work before all the new comes in. Having certain templates with different presets would help to fix it. With custom designed templates by all of you would give endless oppertunities. Creating a decent scenario just as is before all the rides takes me a good hour and a half. I would guarantee that this "feature" would reduce it some.
  20. I would definitely say stand-up is the hardest. You can't do too much otherwise it will get a very high rating. Although, I do agree with most that the 4D is hard. I think it's simple. Another up there would be inverted coasters. All of them. To get a decent inverted with 4 or more loops and several drops is more difficult than you think it is. It's even harder to get a double inverted to work. (2 different inverteds). I can get both to work, but it takes forever. Top 5 Hardest Coasters: (imo) 1: Stand-up 2: 4D 3: Inverted Impulse 4: Wooden coasters 5: inverted coasters Why I chose wooden coasters is because to get a long one with many drops is actually very hard. If they had added a long drop, it would be much easier, and lesser on the intensity factors.
  21. I see the best way to fix this is buy a disc version. They're not expensive at all, purely because of the age. Likely around $5-12 on I am not sure if there's a way to fix this though, other than what I've said. I hope I was helpful!
  22. I have an idea. You know how painfully long it takes to make a decent scenario right? It takes forever. I have an idea on a feature that could be added to help with this. Scenario Templates would be the answer. Say that you wanted to start with a desert template, you'd go into OpenRCT2, into the scenario editor, and find a template to match that description. I see it as a "scenario Template" is a premade custom scenario in the Scenario Editor save files, open the save, and add on from there. Doing this could greatly lessen the time to create a scenario, but also give in to more ideas. It could also bring more fanbase to those who are just tired of it taking so long. I would have 4-10 templates. Snow, desert, mountains, lakes, rivers, ect ect ect. Then it could also be a help to have custom templates made by you and I, and everyone else. I hope I make sense. I also added a poll to see what the majority is for. Yes, have this feature, or no, do not. Do you think it would be a cool feature?
  23. I would love to see OpenRCT3, and even an OpenRCT1 too. I could imagine doing an OpenRCT3 would be exceedingly more difficult as RCT3 is 3D and RCT2 is not. Doing OpenRCT3 and succeeding at it would likely be a huge viral hit for this entire subject. If OpenRCt3 happened, and did well, I could see it going viral and fast. I do think it's a cool idea, and I think it could work, it would take much longer though.
  24. Oooh! I might check this out when it is done! Looks good so far!
  25. Granted, but you break said thing immediately. I wish my iPhone held more than 8 freakin' GB.
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