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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. This is expected, as the TD6 file format does not support the new footpaths. We are working on creating our own format, but this takes time. The station style is a bug, though.
  2. You now have about 20 requests like this on this forum. This is getting a bit spammy. Please wait until at least some of these have had replies until posting more. Or even better: build some of these coasters yourself and post them here.
  3. Generally, this problem goes away on its own. If it doesn’t, you can always download an installer build manually and use that. The Launcher is an unofficial project made by a contributor and is not required to run OpenRCT2.
  4. It doesn’t hurt to check with us, certainly. Better safe than sorry. But your topic title was a bit... let’s say “overexcited”. Anyway, I know you well enough to understand you did this to be helpful. 🙂
  5. This is caused by missing files in the ObjData folder of your RCT2 install. As OpenRCT2 has its own metadata, the vehicles will show up in menus and _behave_ correctly, but no images will be loaded. What version of RCT2 do you have? E.g. CD, GOG, Steam.
  6. Also see our FAQ: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/FAQ-&-Common-Issues#why-does-my-virus-scanner-not-trust-openrct2=
  7. No, it does not. And don’t necropost, please, unless you have a very good reason to do so.
  8. Most likely, it is your AV’s ransomware protection interfering. Microsoft’s Windows Defender is known to do this on occasion (but it won’t be the only one!). The solution is to whitelist OpenRCT2 in your AV’s settings.
  9. Can you both download the newest develop build from here: https://openrct2.org/downloads/develop . You’ll want an installer build, and most likely x64.
  10. That’s what you said in your first post already. What do you mean exactly by "is coming"?
  11. What do you mean, exactly?
  12. Now _that_ is a name I haven’t heard in a long, long time! I visited the park a few times when I was in primary school. I actually made it back in the day. The file date says 21 April 2003, so that’s 19 years ago. I’m not entirely happy with it, but I’ll post it anyway. But then, I was 12 at the time: Some notes for anyone who wants to do a better conversion: You might need to enable height limits The train contains 20 cars, for which you will need to enable cheats The ride was built by Zierer. This exact ride type _is_ represented in (Open)RCT2 as the Junior Roller Coaster, although the real-life version has a brief steep-ish section that the (Open)RCT2 counterpart does not support. Instead, you may want to use the Classic Mini Roller Coaster, which looks the same.
  13. Do you have any plugins in your OpenRCT2 install?
  14. I tried your save, but I had no crash or anything, it just removed the maze without trouble. Could you provide your build string? You can find it in the About ‘OpenRCT2’ window. There is also a button there to copy it. Additionally: what is your operating system?
  15. You need to put the scenarios and object files in your user profile’s OpenRCT2 folder. To get there, simply click the red toolbox -> Open Custom Content folder. Then put the scenarios in the `scenario` folder, the objects in `object` and the track designs in `track`. Oh, by the way, I restored the UCES site as part of my RCT2 website archive project. (I managed to track down MidwestBoyInLA as well.). You can visit it here: https://uces.rctspace.com/index2.html
  16. @BryDThe last version that works on macOS 10.13 is v0.2.6, which you can download here: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/releases/download/v0.2.6/OpenRCT2-0.2.6-macos-x86_64.zip
  17. Which version of OpenRCT2 did you open it in, specifically? It doesn’t, but even if it did that should not affect files. I did manage to get your file into a state where at least RCTC will open it again, albeit with a warning. Edit: Hm, it seems that still crashes RCTC after a bit. I have no idea why. AridHeights-resaved.sv6
  18. It is technically possible to have non-square maps since the new save format was merged, but the GUI has not yet been updated to enable it. Expanding in all four directions is much harder, though. The map currently only expands in the x+ and y+ direction, so no coordinates have to be updated. If you wanted to extend the other way, then _all_ coordinates have to be updated throughout and at once, otherwise it will break vehicles, pathfinding, peeps and everything else on the map.
  19. > why is your application writing into save files without warning in the first place? It doesn’t. It always asks the first time. You’re free to examine our code to check, though.
  20. This has been possible since 2015. Click and hold the golden shovel and put a tick before "Enable sandbox mode". (If you don’t see the golden shovel, enable the Cheats button using the Options window.)
  21. For more information, see https://www.reddit.com/r/rct/comments/ubrp4r/openrct2_v040_released/ Happy building!
  22. That happens if you update openrct2.exe, but not g2.dat. Make sure you update all files and not just openrct2.exe.
  23. Currently, it is possible to add new track styles, although we haven’t gotten around to putting them into objects yet, which means that adding such a track design would mean building it into OpenRCT2 directly. We did this earlier - the Hybrid Coaster and Single-Rail RC have been added to OpenRCT2 in this way. There is no tutorial yet, but we have a Discord channel for this sort of thing. We could certainly use more people who have modelling experience. Here is a direct link: https://discord.gg/9EXFDnuTuQ
  24. Hi Alessandro, welcome to the OpenRCT2 forums. Nice to hear that you like the game! We do have an Italian translation in our game, although I’m not sure it is 100% complete.
  25. A bit more patience wouldn’t go amiss. You asked me on Reddit at 12:38 and then asked here at 15:07. That’s 2.5 hours, barely enough time for me to answer. The problem lies in the RCT Classic files. It has all the sounds and music in .ogg format, which OpenRCT2 cannot read (yet). You can harvest these from the RCT2 Mini Game: https://archive.org/download/RollerCoasterTycoon2Demos/RCT2_Demo.exe You will need Wine or an unarchival tool to extract the files from it.
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