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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. Did you press Enter after pasting in `download_depot 285330 285331` ?
  2. Yeah, I logged this into our bugtracker in 2017: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/issues/5408
  3. That video you saw was something Dennis-Z worked on, but never finished. Also, I don't think I have seen him for ~3 years.
  4. I always recommend using RCT1+RCT2. It is less work and provides the full experience. Using RCT Classic assets has no advantages and is more work to set up.
  5. You'll have to be more specific. What happens exactly when you try to load such a file? Do you get any error message?
  6. That should not be the cause. You will really need to upload an affected save. Preferably one where we can simply open it in either version and see the problem immediately.
  7. Sure, we introduced the option to load up SV4/SC4 files (which RCT2 could not do), the RCT1 theme, the RCT1 title sequences, the RCT1 scenario selector, the RCT1 land types, the RCT1 powered launch mode and several other RCT1 compatibility things, but we "have no interest in anything RCT1 related". Unbelievable. How about you stop spreading such blatantly false nonsense?
  8. Open a command prompt on the ObjData folder, then type `rename *.pob *.dat` and press Enter.
  9. When you start up OpenRCT2 for the first time, a key is created. Any server you connect to saves this key so that nobody will be able to impersonate you by picking the same username. Did you remove your OpenRCT2 folder in Documents or move to a new computer?
  10. Hangt af van je versie. Komt hij van Steam, GOG, CD of nog ergens anders vandaan?
  11. Have you tested if the guests can enter anyway? If not, please upload your save.
  12. You would have to fix that save. Turn on sandbox mode and make the path from the edge to the park entrance unowned.
  13. Not sure. That would need quite a bit of testing on different configurations - what might work on your system could noticeably slow down someone else's.
  14. This is unrelated to the save format. It's not really a "fact of life" either - it could be made to run more often, but obviously there is a balance to be had between having stats quicker and having good frame rates.
  15. According to https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/06/apple-announces-mac-transition-to-apple-silicon/ , ARM-based Macs will support x86 applications through Rosetta 2, so you should be fine. Additionally, we already compile ARM versions for Android, Linux and occasionally Windows, so creating a native version for ARM-based Mac should not be too difficult. But you should be fine either way.
  16. I'm afraid so, yes. Apple is generally slow to implement new stuff, so supporting macOS versions older than 10.13 would have meant leaving out the plugin system. 0.2.6 is the last version that supports macOS 10.11. Another option would be to run the Windows version through Wine, but that won't work with multiplayer.
  17. As your Finder window shows, you did not copy or move the files, but you created an alias. Try actually copying or moving the files.
  18. Have you clicked the "Advanced" button? By default, some tabs are hidden. This includes "Small Scenery", which is quite likely to run out of slots, even if you did not select that much.
  19. Which version of OpenRCT2? (Always specify this if you're running into problems.) Can you upload an affected save?
  20. You will have to specify your Ubuntu version...
  21. That is correct. You need at least macOS 10.13. Try OpenRCT2 0.2.6: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/releases/download/v0.2.6/OpenRCT2-0.2.6-macos-x86_64.zip If this doesn't work, try 0.2.4: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/releases/download/v0.2.4/OpenRCT2-0.2.4-macos-x86_64.zip
  22. Try the following: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys BF69432E6A3929E2428A1418F4241060A4EC1B27 sudo apt install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openrct2/nightly/ubuntu bionic main" sudo apt install openrct2
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