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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Broxzier Queue: giraty, qbbq, Jochem, Wuis Missed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Tune, TheMightyClem
  2. RCT2 was for 99% written in assembly, and 1% C for the DirectX interface. Assembly is close to machine language, and difficult to maintain, so it has been decompiled into C for OpenRCT2. OpenRCT2 uses a mix of C and C++. It's open source, so head over to the GitHub page to take a look at it yourself.
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Stupid backstory: A growing power provider, PowerMax, made a very much needed offer with the park management. As the park was getting more and more attractions, which in turn need more power, and they were soon approaching the limits of their current power plan. Because of the mixed ground throughout the park, PowerMax advised to transmit the power using high voltage overhead power lines for the main transmission, and smaller overhead power lines in the different areas for power distribution. Park management decided against the latter because that would mean the power lines would be visible everywhere throughout the park, which could prevent future additions.. They compromised to build the smaller power lines for underground. What the park needed to do in return, was to have PowerMax's logo at all attractions where the guests would see (most likely in the hope that other big company holders would do some research to their plans). Once the deal was made and both parties signed, construction for the high voltage power lines began. The first thing they were used for was for the trams. For now the rest of the park could easily do with the current plan, and in time switch over. I've also added some more greenery in the above area, extended the fences, slightly changed the pirate themed station, and made the entrance area more inviting looking. Claimed: Queue: giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, Jochem, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Tune @giraty The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.29.sv6
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    The timing is perfect on my end! I have time today, and only today, to work on it. Claimed: BroxzierQueue: giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, Jochem, WuisMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos, Tune
  5. Are workaround could be to build the maze with a queue, and a path going around/underneath the maze. This park does exactly that:
  6. I cannot open it either, but I'm not sure if it's corrupt, because I get this error:
  7. Make a new thread and provide more information, instead of bumping up old threads.
  8. Do you have any more information that just that code? Like, what happens exactly? What does the console say?
  9. @Gareth Great to hear you're enjoying it! You can try setting the lowest base height to an odd number, which is just below water level. Then any non-black pixel has a much higher chance to get on or above sea level. While I do like your surface paint tool idea, I think this is best implemented as an optional plug-in (not supported yet), instead of being in-game for everyone, since only a small portion of the players will be using it. @Wuis Here's the direct links:
  10. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    What! Must have been tested while it was very crowded on the paths or something, how else is cycling that intense?
  11. Welcome to the forums! I'd get to know the game well before trying out multiplayer if I were you. Once you can play the game well, try joining a group for multiplayer, since these servers don't get grieved as often as the open ones.
  12. This should be fixed in a bit, just hang on.
  13. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    The park now features a bicycle rental place, which is located near one of the stations. Currently guests need to bring back their rented bikes, however, if proven useful, more of these will be built, so that they act as yet another transport service to various locations. The ride is not open yet, because the invisible track is not complete. Be careful when changing the main roads (the ones next to the tram lines), as there are now some invisible tracks on top of them. During my turn I've also fixed a disconnected path, and hired some extra mechanics. Claimed: Queue: imlegos, giraty, qbbq,TheMightyClem, Wuis, Jochem, Tune, Broxzier Missed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails @imlegos The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.22.sv6
  14. It seems to load only a few of the RCT1 scenarios before it quits, there should be many more. Try removing or renaming the config.ini file inside the OpenRCT2 folder, to run the game with the default settings, and no path to RCT1. It may be that the RCT1 files are causing this to happen.
  15. Okay... then no error is given. Try again but this time add --verbose after command.
  16. If you hold shift and rightclick anywhere in windows explorer while having that folder open, you should see the option "Open command prompt window here", or if you've installed the Windows 10 Creative Suit update, it's "Open Powershell Window here". Then simply type in "", and it should try to run the game. The game now exits while starting up, because it most likely can't find a specific file, and this will probably be printed to the command prompt (or powershell) window.
  17. They should go in your RCT2 installation directory, or you can place them in the OpenRCT2/objects and OpenRCT2/scenarios folders respectively.
  18. Try going to your Documents/OpenRCT/bin folder, open a command prompt there, and run It should print out any errors to the command prompt window.
  19. Broxzier


    You're not even reading what others have posted here.
  20. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Tomorrow I'll finally have time again, sooooo Claimed: BroxzierQueue: imlegos, giraty, qbbq,TheMightyClem, Wuis, Jochem, TuneMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails
  21. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    @cascadia Don't you think that observation tower is a bit too extreme? That is goes higher than the launched free fall makes sense, but it goes more than twice as high!
  22. That looks so nice!
  23. This particular assertion can be ignored, as this one was added quite recently to make sure a certain value stays within range. Somehow, the value doesn't stay within range, but it's probably been like that for a while already. Ignoring it a few times every frame will make you able to continue playing for now, or go back to an older build to not have the assertion being hit at all.
  24. the park that you embedded in your post fails to load. The screenshot in your second post is also not from multiplayer, as remarked by jensj12, and also shows a assertion failure, which does not create dump files, so I suspect that the two issues are not related to each other. Please provide the information that jensj12 asked for, so it can be properly looked into.
  25. I don't expect spammers to be a problem, and even if there would be watchers sending loads commands in the chat, a cooldown can be added easily. Also on Twitch the host can set the chat to Slow, but that kinda defeats its interaction with the followers, and the host can mute them on Twitch.
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