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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    I didn't expect snow & ice to be at the bottom, but I really don't mind. It always conflicts with the other themes.
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    I think it could be interesting if the tracks wouldn't be just the borders, but would have their own theme as well. For example, one side would take you through a jungle, then another side takes you through a roman themed area. The poll was mostly meant to decide which themes to go with, as having them available from the start may help getting certain themed buildings in right away. In the previous parks I noticed that sometimes one person would add a new theme or even just one piece of scenery, and then that theme would be used much more often in the following turns, even though there were already many versions before without it being used at all. You don't have to sign in to vote, or even create polls! StrawPoll is completely free to use.
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Of course, it's open for everyone.
  4. I highly doubt it has to do with different RCT2 versions.
  5. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Also I think it'll be nice if this park will actually have a name. It could be very corny. Perhaps something similar to the original scenario names.
  6. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Good idea. If everyone could pick the themes they would like to see, we have a clear image of which ones to go with. You can pick multiple themes:
  7. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    Let's move the discussion for group park 6 here:
  8. Broxzier

    Group Park 6

    Group Park 5 is almost been completely filled, so it's time to start Group Park 6! How does it work? Multiple players extend and improve on a park by taking turns. Who gets a turn is decided by a queue, where the person in front may take theirs. When joining, you'll be placed at the end of the queue, and have to wait until you reach the front before you may take yours. To not keep the rest waiting too long, there are two time limits. When someone reaches the front of the queue, they have 24 hours to claim the park, and once claimed they have 48 hours to work on it. Once finished they will post the new saved game with a short update log, a screenshot, and the updated queue, where they may add themselves to the end of again. When someone does not claim their turn in time, or went over the 48-hour limit after claiming it, they will be moved to a missed turn list, and the next person in the queue may take their turn. Anyone listed in the missed turn list is allowed to claim the park when it's not claimed already, or move themselves in the front of the current queue so that they may claim the park when the current player has finished. The missed turn list is not a queue, anyone in there has the same priority. First come first serve. To join, simply read the rules and then leave a comment saying you want to join. You may add yourself to the end of the queue, or, when you're not sure, wait for someone else to do so. Rules / Guidelines Keep it NSCO - Don't include any non-standard objects. This means both the content from the expansion packs and custom objects. Be rational - Don't build things that cover a large portion of the map, or build coasters every turn. Look at what the others are building, and try to blend in. Respect - Don't change things made by other players without their consent. Hotfixes - Anyone may claim the park when it's not claimed already for hotfixes, but try to keep it claimed for a minimum amount of time. Tag the first person in the queue when done. Hotfixes do not need to increase the version number, but append something to the end of the filename (e.g. Group Park 6.12-crashfix, or simply Group Park 6.12a). Versioning - Increase the version in the filename by one. The number that needs to increase is the one after the 6. part in the filename (6. is because it's the sixth group park, the part behind the dot is a separate number). The first 10 versions should contain a leading zero. Just like the previous group parks, we're going to start with discussing the general idea of the park before the building begins. Some things have already been discussed in the previous topic, which you can read onward from here.
  9. The Android port is still in development though.
  10. RCT2 and therefore OpenRCT2 parks can only use one of the two park modes: free park entry + paid rides, and paid park entry + free ride. When loading a scenario from RCT1 into OpenRCT2, the game will need to pick one arbitrary, which most likely defaults to paid entry. You can change this under scenario option.
  11. It's up to the host to decide the rules. If you disagree, tell them.
  12. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    I'll make a new thread for group park 6 tomorrow, so we can move the discussion over there.
  13. In case you're talking about the inability to select a different objects rather than having hit the limit already, I just want to make sure you are aware of the object selection tool under the debug button in the top toolbar. Scenery groups have a limit too, which is embedded in the object file. This limit was originally 128, but has been raised to 256 a while ago, which seems to work even fine in vanilla.
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    If everyone is up for it, I'm in! If not, then maybe we could split the park into differently themed areas before we begin.
  15. @SpiffyJack It sounds like Wuis was having issues with the launcher, not with the game.
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: - Queue: @cascadia Missed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Wuis, SpiffyJack, Broxzier, TCE Longest missed turn list ever
  17. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    I do like the idea of having a central square where trams ride through, but what you show in the screenshot looks quite uninviting to me. Maybe it's the receptivity, or the square buildings. I dislike how the tracks are above the square. I'd rather see them all on the ground, or next to the paths. If we go for next to the paths, I suggest building the track a bit lower than the path itself, so we can build things like this:
  18. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    Skipping for now, because I still don't have any ideas. Claimed: - Queue: @TCE, Cascadia Missed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, giraty, Wuis, SpiffyJack, Broxzier
  19. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    You have the full 48 hours for yourself
  20. Try uninstalling the game and then installing the launcher.
  21. Are you using the launcher?
  22. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    @SpiffyJack If you have time now, you may go before me. I'm about to go to bed anyway
  23. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    Claiming! Claimed: Broxzier Queue: TCE, Cascadia Missed: jensj12, Redscope53, Tune, BlazingEmpireHD, Jochem, YoloSweggLord, SpiffyJack, giraty, Wuis
  24. Make sure to read all comments too. You're being disrespectful, and apparently even part of the problem yourself.
  25. Broxzier

    Group Park 5

    Correct, 3 weeks ago someone posted a few records of that black coaster, but without any instructions at the time. I spend some time looking at different ways, and first was only able to do it by changing the track definitions, but eventually someone on reddit posted a park of it, so I could inspect how they actually did it. Two downsides of this method is that they don't instantly teleport to the other side, and that they need to be at the exact same height.
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