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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. @imlegos When are you even planning on finishing it, though? The meme is already dank and it's hardly been 2 or 3 weeks.
  2. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Thank you for the support, guys. It means a lot. Will work more on the actual building of the castle (which isn't even there right now).
  3. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Thanks, @cascadia! I'd very much like it if everyone molded this castle area, seeing we're going low on space and I'm running out of ideas on what to do with it. If not, I'll do things to it as I find more inspiration. I'll also have to look at IRL castles. Whatever suits you folks! I'll work more on it tomorrow, but here's how it looks right now:
  4. Looking at you, Jet Fuel >.>
  5. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    So we can still work with more CC, right? I'm trying to make a Castle theme with Hogwarts paths, and here's what I have so far:
  6. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I don't think most guys here will go for a Multiplayer server. We all live in different parts of the world, and I don't see someone waking up at 4:25 AM just so they can join a server.
  7. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'd like to claim the park now! Claimed: ziscorQueue: jensj12, Cascadia, Wuis, Yimmy, RedScope53, WobblyRails, Dan, BroxzierMissed: imlegos, SuperVarken, Philmon11 Also, I agree with Broxzier. Let's try moving the entrance queue of Tribal closer to the crossing. I like that idea a lot. We'll have to make things performance friendly, though. That will be the main focus if we wanna make a park strictly for the title screen.
  8. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Yes. The first Group Park has been featured as the title screen once at least. The reason it worked out for it was because It was a small park It had no custom scenery/ rides in it The 2nd one is still WIP (and I reckon it will be until we move to our own file format). The only reason I see this park can not be featured is because of the excessive use of CC.
  9. It's not a part of the main develop builds. JeroenDStout is still working on it on the sidelines as far as I know to implement it when he thinks it's ready. So far I think the lights still overlap under land and other scenery, so there's that; and he plans on using a depth buffer as well. Things look bright, so keep tabs on this feature's development, I say! He's been making this at a very fast rate!
  10. Here's how it is in mine: Home --> Library --> Application Support --> OpenRCT2 That folder is the Mac equivalent of the OpenRCT2 folder kept in Documents on Windows machines. You can find your save files, screenshots and other things in there. You can easily find Home from the Go option on the start bar (or whatever it's called on Mac).
  11. This is all "Super WIP" in the man's own words, so I don't think performance will be a problem when this feature is done. And I think the Golf lights work the same way the Railway and the Chairlifts work. They are lights centered at the first car of a vehicle train. Looks amazing for the Golf Course, but I was wondering if the entire Golf Course should be lit. If not, a larger light orb for the peeps so they can see as far as the hole at least.
  12. The parks you see in the title screen are all available from the main directory of OpenRCT2 in the "title sequence" folder, I believe. (BTW, @Spacek is the guy who made that title sequence) I'm curious to see a "Story Mode" thing of sorts. Look forward to seeing it, man!
  13. Upon reading the idea I too thought of it as a tracked ride, yeah. However, if someone were to go in that direction, it would destroy the feeling of randomness and gliding to the ride. The most we could ask for is lifting the limitations preventing such possibilities so that the game can have more dynamic rides. Then, we could even have the restaurant idea cascadia mentions maybe. Restaurants could be a flat ride with benches being the core vehicles and peeps sitting on them doing the eating animation would count as them being on the ride. Staff movement could be simple animations that happen all the time while the ride is functional. Ride breaking could be something like the chef accidentally causing a fire and is having to use the extinguisher. You'd have to not use the mechanic to fix these, though. Or, better yet show cooking machinery breaking and generating smoke, to which a mechanic responds. Again, this is all only possible when massive limitations are lifted, and even then this is extremely ambitious work that will take a lot of wizardry to make possible. Also, thanks @RedScope53 for showing that ride. Will download immediately.
  14. Haha, I indeed used them. I don't know where I got them from while playing MP, but they have been a great thing to have! Also, that's the poorest execution I could think of, I might make a better image manually and post it here.
  15. This is exactly the kind of thing we could have once plugins are a thing. I love the idea for a Parachute Jump, and I think an even more cool thing to have would be guests simply para-gliding across the park from a high spot you make ( like the Parachute Jump ride) and land safely to another spot. I don't even know how this could even be possible (if at all) but I love the picture I'm getting in my mind right now! As for multi-block stalls, that gives me an idea I've been keeping with myself for some while; I wish someone could make stalls in the same system like Plant Coaster: Generic Blocks of simple stalls to which you can attach your own extensions of walls and roofs to make a decent building. Modular-Building-friendly Shops, if you will: The shop would only go along with a certain type of wall that it was supposed to be for, though. I'm all for the brick walls et al. Here's how I'd imagine the stall like, but with more indoor detail and more tailored to modular building:
  16. Has been pitched already, IIRC...
  17. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I plan on joining right after Broxzier is done. Just wanted to point that out.
  18. In my opinion, even at the highest speed the game starts to lag quite a lot, so it very much has to do with performance issues. Factor in the fact that large parks require even more processes happening at once on the screen and it'll be almost unplayable if speeds were increased to "hyperspace fast". I don't think it's hard to implement at all, just a choice the developers made based on practicality. You're very much welcome to post a feature request for faster game speeds if you'd like right here. Or, you can pitch the idea less formally on either of these chats: Non Developer Developer
  19. To be honest, I don't know how long it is before we see anything useful here. It's taking a toll on FPS as it is, I've heard.
  20. Here's the repo for the latest image Broxzier showed:
  21. Yes, I saw in the dev chat! I'm really fired up about the future with these. Also, @JeroenDStout and @zsilencer posted these on 27th May these images respectively (shortly after I pitched the idea on the non-dev chat): They both managed to implement this into the game somehow (with different methods I should add), so these aren't photoshops anymore.
  22. Wow, I might actually listen to that now. Might. Rap hardly has a melody I like, but here's hoping.
  23. Oh no! Quick, kill it with fire!
  24. Truly lovely to hear.
  25. The place looks really great! Why don't you add more color to the structures? I bet the Water Blue will look really awesome! (but then again, that's just my preference every time )
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