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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. @BlazingEmpireHD You must be regretting making this topic so vague, huh? You're taking flak from two sides!
  2. Boy, do I love me some Chuck Berry! @YoloSweggLord: That song is going in my personal collection. That ending to the song is rather amazing. I'm addicted to this one song.
  3. I love the Assassin's Creed franchise very much, and whenever I imagine myself as an Assassin in a hood, I see myself probably having the 'Me Gusta' face. I use variations of the same general idea everywhere I go, and this is the one I'll use for here (hence the RCT landscape in the background ) It's a very pointless idea, and that should tell you the amount of originality my brain has. Yes, I am very interesting at parties, thanks for asking.
  4. Well, we're happy to have you! You know, we have recently started another Group Park. Maybe you could join in to show us your skills.
  5. After these recent posts, I feel like I'm in the wrong part of YouTube. Again.
  6. @SensualEthiopianPolice I don't even know what to say for that song... Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy: UNITE!!!
  7. Wow! Pretty varied answers I might say! Rather interesting...
  8. Well, I meant that I couldn't naturally reproduce this in regular save files and new games. The save file MotogRice has uploaded must be the only save file that shows this problem. In my last post I was talking about things I observed in this save file, not anywhere else.
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Well, it certainly didn't crash on my side either. I was using the latest build that introduced the 'Disable Litter' cheat. It looks nice, but I think it would benefit from minute detailing, like some fences and smaller scenery pieces. That thing looks like a tower made from lego, lol. I shouldn't say this, but it does look rushed.
  10. You certainly noticed the problem with the Great White Whale. That's not the full extent of the problem, unfortunately. I tracked a guest who went into the Merry-Go-Round with about 40% happiness (the amount he brought with him originally) and while riding it, happiness rose upwards to a max 100%, and when the ride ended he exited out. That's when the happiness goes to 0%. It's also prominent on the Ferris Wheel as well as the Pirate Ship. For these flat rides the change is not gradual, but instantaneous.
  11. As the title suggests, I wanna know how you guys got to know about OpenRCT2. When was it, and how? I'll start first: It was almost 1 year ago, when I was randomly searching Roller Coaster Tycoon on google. After several pages of usual stuff, this link caught my attention: This guy was basically trying to code RCT on Java, and someone on those forums said 'OpenRCT with Multiplayer'. Immediately I googled that, and it surprisingly brought me to! If you'll click on that link, you'll notice it's a more than 4 year year old conversation where everyone get's stoked about RCT with Multiplayer. Just rediscovered that link today and decided to post this topic. It has some pretty interesting insight into things as well.
  12. I have no doubt that the player base is not intelligent. It most definitely is. The real problem is the fact that I can build my rep in multiplayer using one name, but then change my name to something else and ruin that very server. The game currently has the same issues 4chan's /b/ board has. Everyone is anonymous, so even decent and serious builders can show their trolling side. Basically, there are no repercussions to your deeds, and it's almost impossible for regular people to know who that person actually is (their serious multiplayer name). Hell, I could go into the game right now with a different name and destroy the very servers of people that trusted me throughout my multiplayer experience all these few months (not that I will; please don't kick me instantly if I join your server ).
  13. In which build did you originally start building the park you have uploaded? After looking at your save file, I can surely say this is exactly what was happening with me a while ago. Your save file could be helpful to the devs. However, one thing to note is that only happiness is affected here. I did not see any sudden spikes in hunger, thirst, restroom, or nausea. @Broxzier: you might wanna check that save file, or please make an issue of it on GitHub.
  14. The way I see it, we are only casual game testers who give feedback to make the end product awesome. We have already presented our grievances (see what I did there?) to the developers on the subject of multiplayer, but after that, it's only expected that before these changes are made, we go into the game knowing these problems. Best thing you could possibly do is stay away from multiplayer (until things are more fair) if you mean to go into it with serious intentions. The multiplayer landscape right now almost has a free-for-all, everyone-for-themselves style of game play. Of course, only the light and casual masses won't get butt-hurt when things go wrong. That's not to say, of course, that the game is not playable for serious people right now, but you should at least go into it knowing that if things get nasty and you get pissed off, you have yourself to blame probably. You can always make the rules restrictive to new clients that join your server, but that will toughen up your job as a host to allow permissions only to those people that play the game the way you expect them to.
  15. I'm pretty sure this has been fixed, since I tried my experiment several times, even on the park where I first noticed this, and it is not reproducible for me. As Broxzier asks, are on the latest builds? Were you tweaking with guest parameters using the cheats? Because the way it stands right now, under normal game conditions, this bug is not reproducible. Well, maybe it is, but then it's probably a super rare occurrence.
  16. This topic could be very useful to newcomers to ORCT2 who use Mac devices. The native way which only uses the console is a very interesting method I must say...
  17. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    That is amazing! You sure get a lot done in your turns. That particular style of building, along with making elaborate gentle rides, really appeals to me.
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @Dan sure takes long turns now, now that I told him he took a very short turn the first time.
  19. I remember reporting this a few months while ago, but the issue didn't gather much traction. What happened for me was that guests with 100% happiness took a ride, but right after exiting, the happiness went to 0%. Literally 0%. A thing I observed was that this did not happen every time, since I sent 2 guests in a Carousel as a sort of experiment, and one came out 100% happy, while the other came out 0% happy. I even posted a save file for that as well, lol. I haven't tested this thing out since then, but I think I should. I'll get back on this tomorrow to test it, but if someone did that before then, that would be great.
  20. The easiest way this works is you need a Windows running machine first, install the game on it, then copy that installed folder onto your Mac. Then, run OpenRCT2 on the Mac and when the program asks for the game folder, you direct it to the folder you transferred earlier. Of course, there are more ways, like running a Virtual Machine of sorts on the Mac and install RCT2 within this VM, and then directing OpenRCT2 to the installation folder. Another way could be by using Wine to install the game, then the same folder redirecting business. Since you are wanting to install it through steam, you could check this link: This is essentially the same 'Wine' method being used. If you don't know already, Wine is a software that makes a Windows friendly-ecosystem for the program you are wanting to install. Basically, the program will think it is running on Windows, but Wine is actually tricking it that way. I wouldn't recommend running Vanilla RCT2 using Wine, since all programs need some optimization first. Instead, just install the game, then run OpenRCT2 instead. I hope this helps you!
  21. Here's what I have in mind of what the security guard sprite could possibly look like (as per OP's original idea): (the Segway, if you will) It's way too small to look at as a standalone image, but I'm sure it would look appropriate in a game-setting. I know it's definitely not in proportion, and the color variety isn't exactly spot on, but I hope this comes useful in the future when something like this is possible to implement. As for the handyman, maybe something like this: For this I used the Gentle Car Ride Truck sprite as the cart. Pretty shoddy work, but I tried to show two garbage bags in the lower right, some water in a compartment in the left, and some 'equipment' (basically litter sprites) in the upper right corner. The handyman is using a hose pipe to water the flowers. This is the best I can come up with, but at least this could show the possibilities of the overall idea.
  22. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Nice coaster!
  23. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Shame on me. I've been playing for a long time but I forgot this always happens. What threw me off was that several guests overlapped on the same spot. Well, that and the fact that I was using Hyper Speed.
  24. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    There's another bug. Follow any guest on the Magical Gardens (the Mini Golf thingy). You'll notice that after exiting the building structure to get to the nearest hole, the guest will freeze their for a long time, then go on to the next one and freeze there for some time as well. This happens on two holes: the one in the picture, and the one that comes right after it. Interestingly, they are both similar holes in the fact they go into a turn. I'm talking about Golf Holes D and E.
  25. Here's another from the AC franchise. Pretty much very recognizable, but still wanted to put it here for other people's enjoyment: It could be said to have progression, so I thought 'Why not?'
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