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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    I'll do something when I can think of something to do.
  2. Ziscor, wat r u doing, Ziscor... Stahp
  3. @cascadia Maybe because the Bible itself says not to worship idols, or anything created by man in the image of a god.
  4. When suddenly March 12 returns!
  5. Maybe to counter it the nausea would be increased?
  6. Exploiting video game physics to win
  7. I feel like they were removed from RCT2 because they could be ubused majorly in 1
  8. Nope, I don't like the outdoors
  9. imlegos


    Maybe I will join you guys... Time will be delayed by the entierty of the US between us, but it shoulden't be too bad.
  10. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Clearly you've never seen me when a park just starts. I always create a sort of entrance area station, usually with either a Miniature or a Monorail with foodstalls and seating taking up any space not used by the transport station.
  11. imlegos


    Why not just give the host the option to enable creator only perms for their coasters?
  12. We can't until we become standalone from RCT2. This has been brought up before, and all RCT1 features are planned to be re-added in ORCT2
  13. It hurt me to write that... Because Monorails are a form of train.
  14. Have you checked the launcher options; Is it set to only download stable, develop, or just run with a specific version?
  15. imlegos


    New people are always exciting, Especially seeing what they bring to the table (However, they are just annoying if they only know what RCT is because of Joel. But if they can redeem themselves, it's fine)
  16. Does your PC have problems rendering other games? And, more importantly, do you see this problem in vanilla RCT2 (With or without addons)
  17. Why not make a custom path object using the files from the brown path?
  18. Says the one who plays runescape... Although, I guess they did release a entire remade version of it that doesn't look like a SuperFX chip +, so nvm.
  19. I don't. Lie: You were born in Japan - Enjoy the outdoors - Never leave my room - Eat very little
  20. Granted, but all monorails constantly break down. I wish I was able to go to WDW (Walt Disney World)
  21. Well, my favorite Pokemon is Luxray... so there's that.
  22. Thread ish ded. The end. (Why do we have a forum game on a forum for a game???)
  23. Both ports are worked on by a company Chris started.
  24. This is something that I've felt could easily improve forum post sizes; Say someone on the group park has a lot of pictures to post, but posting them all would be the entire length of a regular forum page, but then they could use the spoiler text to surround the images, causing them to be click-to-reveal. This could also help with some other things; For instance say I wanted to start a OpenRCT2 Forums Pokedex. I could have support for all 6(7) regions with each regional dex divided by a spoiler that would reveal only that regions pokemon.
  25. I find it kinda strange how several people here have Roblox still on their desktop, wonder how many of them still even play it after it's constant decline
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