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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. -Ability to invent track elements = -Ability to build boosters Think about it, the game's scenarios would be broken with boosters.
  2. imlegos

    User Statistics

    Like Minecraft's statistics menu; Guests killed, rides built, rides saved, scenarios completed, scenery placed, scenery deleted, rides demolished, pathing placed, pathing removed, Terrain modified stuff like that.
  3. imlegos

    User Statistics

    Hello everyone, I was in a twitch chat a few days ago and someone was talking about adding user statistics to this game, The streamer told him to post on the Reddit, however I think a post should also be here. Anywho, feel free to post suggestions for stats.
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    I also like that dam idea. (I had too...)
  5. Do I have too make a 3.1 now?
  6. Alpine Coaster : Steel Wild Mouse Make sure custom is enabled
  7. @X7123M3-256 Really appreciate it, I noticed the car seems just a little bit too small for mini/mouse coaster tracks though. Anyway, here's a quick thing I made using the cars:
  8. Someone's late.
  9. Granted, but he dies after a month. I wish the lighting branch could be finished and added.
  10. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    @YoloSweggLord Why are you suddenly upssed with water coasters?
  11. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Wouldn't be surprised if someone uploaded the finished parks to Reddit... but I don't know.
  12. Rip branch?
  13. Meanwhile on Tumblr...
  14. This is going to go bad real fast...
  15. Stalls are counted as attractions. You could find the answer by just playing.
  16. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Downloading it here would put it into your PC's downloads folder. You then have to move it too OpenRCT2/saves
  17. Hello everyone, I've been thinking recently and have come up with a possible idea for building an Alpine Coaster like ride (See image below). Only problem is; there's no good vehicle to use as a car. I have been using Bobsleigh cars, but they obviously swing on the turns. All I want is a new ride vehicle based on the Mini Coaster type; possibly a demake of the one in Tycoon 3.
  18. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Hmm... maybe someone should skip 4.04...
  19. So, YoloSweggLord is going to be Palpatine on a planetary level... Granted, but you have to leave everyone behind I wish people didn't break a granted wish from prior.
  20. @Nubbie I think what he meant was without perms, and client only; /block Annoyance /unblock Annoyance Doing this would remove this player's messages from your chat.
  21. You can check the github. Welcome. So many Europeans...
  22. The amount of people who build only Woodies, is too damn high!
  23. I have a terrain blocks set here on the forums (mostly quarter tile pieces)
  24. Another note: you can have 1 coaster be used for up to 4 schemes, lowering the ammount further if one set is used for multiple attractions (We did this with GP2's river rapid falls.)
  25. So... this happened in the latest build... I was in a server... I was afk at the time the crash occured, but it seems relevent to here, considering it's the same error. fdc0a9a4-b819-40aa-94ea-f1a344b6665f(801c7f2).dmp fdc0a9a4-b819-40aa-94ea-f1a344b6665f.sv6
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