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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. imlegos

    New Park

  2. imlegos

    New Park

    Rotate them.
  3. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    It's called a suspended monorail, not hanging. I would have probably been fine with "Inverted Monorail", given the naming scheme of the game, with only 2 rides called hanging.
  4. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    ...Suspended Monorail, not hanging...
  5. imlegos

    New Park

    Maybe build supports for the wooden connecting to the roofs.
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Someone make a straw poll
  7. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Also, whoever fixxes it, add me aswell.
  8. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    (Sens removed himself from the list)
  9. !!! New version !!! RCT2 Rebuilt.deskthemepack
  10. Sens is a bigger danger to forests then wild fires and landslides combined.
  11. @YoloSweggLord He only did 3 episodes of ORCT2, he has like 100 on RCT2
  12. Fluxtrance.
  13. Welcome to the insanity that is the ORCT2 forums.
  14. Did you try disabling operating limits to make a unlimited speed chainlift?
  15. Ah yes, the Big Thunder Mountain + Expedition Everest + Grizzly Mountain (DCA land)
  16. I can't remember but I think someone mentioned about adding the ability to lower and raise objects in the tile inspector, but this hasn't been done yet.
  17. Also noteable about this: A proper version of Diamond Heights can now be made... (also, the original file from RCT1 can be loaded properly) Now, if only someone would make new versions of the RCT2 trains with the proper frames, probably something like Ladybird+ and Log+
  18. I don't really see how it would...
  19. imlegos

    Group Park 2

  20. imlegos

    Group Park 4

    Monorail Coasters shoulden't be a thing. In other news... I've never really thought of it but you could totally use one of the base game's monorail trains as a people mover ride..
  21. Even I'M tired of all this limits requests. And I don't even work on the game!
  22. This is exactly what I thought would happen...
  23. Crash files? Should have made 2 files automatically after failing, they would be helpful in fixing the problem... Atleast I think that's how that works...
  24. Custom Content? Not much stuff gets posted in there, and rides are allowed.
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