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Everything posted by flp

  1. It should be possible to select a specific resolution for the game window, even if the game runs in windowed mode.
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  2. As the title said: please add here buttons for select/de-select all objects.
  3. On 26th of May 2012, I started the RollerCoaster Tycoon let's play on my Youtube-Channel. Now, nearly seven years later, in the year of the 20th birthday of RCT, I reached episode #1000 during the "Icicle Worlds"-scenario. In numbers, i finished 59 of the 81 regular scenarios (= 73%, incl. both add-ons) and it is also my aim to finish the remaining 22 scenarios and then the bonus scenarios. Yes, it is in german, but here is the extra long 1 hour jubilee episode:
  4. Looks good!
  5. I have some problems with the "Most dazzling ride colors award", maybe i do something wrong? Following situation: new park with five tracked rides: 4 rollercoasters and 1 cycle monorail. 3 of them have as main colors the main colors required for the award. In my opinion, the conditions for recieving the award are true (At least 5 rides and more than half of the rides are colourful.). But after a long waiting time, nothing happened. After that, i coloured the other two rides also in the colors, but no award. Then, i built a 5th coaster with the dazzling colors and after a short waiting time, the news with the award was shown. So my questions: what did i wrong? Is the award only for coasters?
  6. Love it. Even as german i had to smile about the "Die Mannschaft"-Coaster.
  7. But isn't that a contradiction? Sure, with peeps the dinghys are faster. But they are also heavier, so a higher gravity pulls them down. I also find it unrealistic that the dinghies explodes when crashing
  8. RCT1 has also that annoying "feature" that the game removes also fences on the opposite side of the path...
  9. I agree, even though the graphics from RCT is not the best, it isn't 3D and you don't have a onride camera or other features, it is this kind of special flair/ambience of those games which makes them fascinating than the modern 3D game versions. Sure, i have a copy of RCT3 and the onride option is great, but i never played RCT3 that much like i play RCT1/2. It's the same with racing games. Let me add Grand Prix 2 to your list.
  10. Thank you for your tipps. It worked now for me
  11. Sorry for bringin this thread up again, but it doesn't work for me. As a simple example, I tried to put a wodden coaster water splash in a junior coaster. First the junior coaster: Then I deleted the tracks where the water splash would be. Then I added the water splash But this doesn't work. When I want to start a test on the junior coaster, the game said, the track is not completed. My enabeled cheats: Where is my mistake here?
  12. I know, but even with limits disabled, i could not build higher than that, and the loopings also needs to be higher.
  13. Found this Wikipedia article today: And yes, i had to build this immediately in OpenRCT2. And my version is even worser than the original....
  14. Yeah, it has nothing to do with roller coasters, but: I'd like to have an additional track element for the river rapids: A water pistol element which is connected to a path and guests can try to hit the guests in the river rapids. Maybe it could cost some money as additional income. For the go kart track wider turns and Track pieces without tire barriers for a more open looking track.
  15. Thank you. I looked for something more obvious.
  16. I did not understand what is absurd in this coaster...
  17. I don't think so. I play OpenRCT2 with the RCT2 release version from 2002. Premade rides: You click on the picture from the ride and then a windows opens with all premade rides, if available.
  18. I take this thread to add an other wish about the ride musics: It should be possible to change the ride music of the merry-go-round to all of the other available musics...
  19. Hey, i played RCT nearly since the release of RCT1 but never tried this idea i had a few days ago. So, I never thought that this is possible and i expected an error message with the consequences that i can't open the maze, but no... it is really possible to lock your guests in a maze by building a dead end from the entrance. This is reproducible not even in OpenRCT2, but also in RCT1. I don't see this as a bug, in fact i guess it was nearly impossible to code a kind of check function which checks if the guests can reach the exit. Or It was just forgotten, i don't know. But it is quite funny that this works, even it does not have any advantages for the park. What is your optinion to that? If you don't know what i mean, watch this video i made about it: click
  20. As noted in this thread by Broxzier, i found a bug in version 0.0.8. Clearance check is disabled but i can't build a ride into water. It works in that way, when i remove the water, build the ride and then rise the water level over the track.
  21. I tried this again and it seems to be a bug, because i can't build into water with clearance check enabled. Yeah it was just a spontaneous idea i had at that moment. I will try it again with your tipp.
  22. Just played around a bit with the tile inspector and tried the invisible tracks option. Love the way how you can now build go kart tracks on a footpath or a vintage car ride through a cold siberia theming without any tracks visible.
  23. Hey, while recording new episodes of the classic RCT1 for my youtube channel, i had the following idea. I often check how many jobs (watering plants, empty bins, fix rides etc.) my staff had done, but i have to click on every staff to look for that summary. So i suggest to add this to the staff overview window It's not an important suggestion, and more eye candy, but in my opinion it would be usefull.
  24. I saw the link to the amazing portal coaster in the Group Park 5 Thread and made a youtube video about it: Edit: Sorry, if my english in the video is bad
  25. Okay thank you. So then i ask myself, what is the sense of using an inspection time of 1 or 2 hours? These ride must brake down every second or so...
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