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Everything posted by RuneLaenen

  1. Could you provide a .deb file or something? Im not sure how that works :p I could never get it to build on linux :(
  2. Weird, I've got a steady 70Mbps downlink today. But yesterday something was wrong with the server itself, it took a long time to generate the pages or downloads... But that seems to be fixed now though.But I was already looking a bit for a hoster with 1Gbps port instead of the 100mbps we now have. But everything is so expensive compared to where we're now :(
  3. There has been someone working on this in the past, but we haven't seem him in a long time in the chat. Keep in mind people, that developing for OpenRCT2 is not a day job ;)
  4. Yes the server was really slow yesterday, I'm not sure why. If it is the same again today I'm considering changing my hosting provider.
  5. Soon, there will be an option to make everything bigger. (UI and map) Later on, this will be more advanced with more options.When this PR is merged, the feature will be available in the develop versions and the next stable version (coming somewhere in december 2015).
  6. Welcome to our website, I hope you enjoy it and the game :)
  7. As long as you want to play local, you have to use the local ips (192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x, depending on your local network configuration)If you haven't changed the port setting on the server side, you should be able to just enter the IP without port number on the client and it should work.If you want to connect to your server over the internet, you'll need to configure port forwarding for the used port to the used local ip address. I can't explain that any better since that's different for each router/provider...
  8. Kan de proberen de Mijn documenten/openrct2/Bin folder te wissen? Als dat niet werkt, even de Openrct2 folder hernoemen naar openrct2_old ofzo.Normaalgezien zou alles dan moeten werken. For the English people with the same problem:Could you try removing the My Documents/openrct2/bin folder? If that doesn't work, try renaming the openrct2 folder to openrct2_old or something and retry. It should work then.
  9. No, until full decompilation is accuired, the native Linux build will keep being buggy and only working for a part. You'll have to keep using Wine. As soon as linux builds are a 100% functional, you'll find builds and guides on this website. It would be very big news for OpenRCT2 to be 100% compatible with everything, so it won't go by unnoticed.
  10. I guess so, do you have a reddit account? If not it's free, but if you don't want to post it there yourself I can do it for you if you give me a downloadlink.
  11. You can post it to the reddit post, the best parks posted there will be chosen.
  12. Your park is probably to small to have thousands of visitors. Try expanding your park so your visitors have places to go without running into each other.
  13. We plan to release a another stable version of OpenRCT2 by the beginning of December. We are now focusing on fixing bugs until then. If you would like to help, please test the game as much as possible and report any bugs here ( [1] ).I have said in the past that we would like to refresh the title sequence every release. So we are looking for a new set of parks to show in the title sequence for 0.0.3 stable.According to: [2]Some of you did not like the sequence for 0.0.2. So now is the chance to make a better one.Restrictions:Parks must be NCSO without expansion packs. We cannot accept parks that use custom objects or expansion packs as not everyone will be able to run them. Even if the custom objects are packed into the park, they increase the file size and size of the game. Hacks such as disabling clearance, supports, track switching or vehicle swapping are fine.The parks must not contain any offensive banners, ride names, staff names or guest names.Always rename your rides so that they are not left as their default containing numbers. "Enterprise" is fine, "Enterprise 1" is not. (it doesn't matter for shops)Do not use any pre-made tracks from the base game.Advice:Please use RCT1+AA+LL as inspiration. They show off a 'mixture' of partially empty parks and full parks. They are RCT1 scenario landscape quality (not flat). E.g. one park will be a simple train going through an empty mine, another will be a busy compact park.Some players will have very large resolutions so don't assume some things on the map can't be seen.Thanks for participating and we look forward to your submissions. Please submit parks by uploading them somewhere and sharing a link here. If you have any questions, ask here or PM etc.Source:
  14. Hmm... It should just work :/ lemme check it...I just tested it and it worked fine with me... It does take a while to notice I guess, since it only increments per hour (it's minute based in the back-end, but it gets rounded down on the website)
  15. No, it's a bug I think. T would also hide the things in the bottom.CTRL+F10 should (quick)save the game.
  16. Just install the launcher and hit launch. Everything should work out-of-the-box. If it doesn't, let us know and we'll try to help you.
  17. There has been talked about this before and this is probably going to happen. A dropdown to choose between RCT1, RCT2 and Custom, each having it's own tabs. I'll see if I can find the mockup someone made... Edit: can't find it :/
  18. Can you open My Documents/OpenRCT2/bin? There should be a file called openrct2.exe. Try to run that. If it's not there, delete the bin folder and start the launcher.
  19. I would expect the square land to be flattened
  20. I've created an issue on Github:
  21. There is still a limit. This can however not be lifted yet.As soon as it's possible, any limits will go to unlimited, since that's one of the goals of OpenRCT2.
  22. Wowza, that's quite the puzzle :p
  23. Just wait a bit, it really should work, especially if the slideshow-thing works (since it gets that live from the same server as where the builds are).The build server is down (as you can see on the download page) and I can't seem to get to pfckrutonium (who runs the build server), but the launcher should still work correctly (it will download an older build tho, since it looks like the build server has been down since last night). If it doesn't work, try deleting the My Documents/OpenRCT2/bin folder, that might fix it.I just tested it and the launcher works correctly on my computer.
  24. Yes indeed :) But there's something wrong with the buildserver I think, since the last build is from yesterday evening... i'm not controlling the build server so I've got to wait untill pfckrutonium comes online :(
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