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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    @Tune I can not open your save file. It simply says that the game save failed. Did you turn on export custom objects with your save?
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: Cascadia Queue: jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune Missed: Wuis, YoloSweggLord
  3. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Hello there!
  4. That's one of the first features planned for the new save file format, actually. If you want to stay up to date on this, check out the GitHub site for OpenRCT2. Other features that will come right away are removing the ride and landscape limits.
  5. If you have the RCT1 Mega Park file, this option will hide it if you haven't unlocked it yet. You can get all the RCT1 scenarios here:
  6. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Question: Would anyone mind if I claim a space of land for a runaway early on, and near the end of this group park, build a plane tour ride (with an invisible seaplane coaster)? Doing it late in the building of this park would allow me to avoid stopping people from building high.
  7. Just to clear up any remaining confusion, vanilla RCT2 refers to the original game made by Chris Sawyer.
  8. No, it would be convertible.
  9. GitHub is where the game's code is hosted and worked on and also where bug reports and feature requests are filed:
  10. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Yes, something like that, but with the blow out area mentioned int he above posts would be great! Thanks for making all of this!
  11. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    I vote for the merged creek, with a larger creek flowing out of the lake and off the map.
  12. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    People usually don't cover water with scenery.
  13. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    Thanks! Small, one square creeks would keep the water to a minimum.
  14. An idea for if we do ever get a feature that allows us to build Fastpass-like systems: For headliner rides, peeps will tolerate very long lines, but for anything else, they won't.
  15. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    The OpenRCT2 Landscape 5.07.sc6 I was going to extend the creeks so they would merge with each other and flow into the lake, but I couldn't get it to look good and also wanted to check with you guys and gals, so doing this instead.
  16. cascadia

    Group Park 5

  17. 5 minutes represents a much longer period of time in the game then it does in the real world.
  18. As a rule of thumb, you usually want to build queue lines that hold around the maximum number of people on the ride.
  19. I'm guessing this is happening because you're hiring staff after you start the network game. Staff hiring after starting the game over the network doesn't work well, so I suggest hiring all the staff you need on the game on just your computer first, then load the saved game as a multiplayer game.
  20. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    I propose we build just a small lake and no other water at the start in the park.
  21. cascadia

    Group Park 5

    There's no requirements to join. Also, the park is done using turns because that's more convenient for many people here.
  22. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    -Extended Lakeside Raft Tour around the lake to a new station near the entrance to Timber Wolf. -Added a waterfront restaurant to the new station for Lakeside Raft Tour -Added a drink stall and a surrounding building to Broxzier's new eating area. -Built a drink stall at Elizabeth Docks. -Refixed the pathing issue on my last turn that was skipped by Broxzier. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 4.71.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11, Cascadia
  23. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    Also, claiming: Claimed: Cascadia Queue: jensi12, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: YoloSweggLord, TCE, imlegos, RedScope53, SensualEthiopianPolice , Jochem, Philmon11 Not planning to rebuild the stuff I did on the missed turn, but do something else.
  24. cascadia

    Group Park 4

    @Broxzier I think you missed my turn.
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