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Everything posted by Gymnasiast

  1. Go to C:\GOG Games\RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 and look in "Saved Games", "Tracks" and "Scenarios" for your content. Then copy those to the appropriate folders under Documents\OpenRCT2 (`save`, `track` and `scenario`, respectively).
  2. The PPA can usually be made to work on Debian. But you'll need to specify your version of Debian.
  3. You followed a guide for Ubuntu and its derivatives, like Linux Mint. The error message suggests that you are using a different Linux distribution. In order to help you, we will need to know your Linux distribution. (This applies in general - when asking help with Linux, always mention your distribution.)
  4. Almost every server is on `develop`, so you should indeed use the nightly branch. (Which is what the instructions tell you.)
  5. Yeah, Microsoft is turning the screws on software that hasn't been signed with a developer certificate. But Microsoft asks a lot of money for those certificates, and they make no exception for software which is provided free of charge.
  6. This is a problem that happens from time to time. It used to be much more prevalent, but we changed the structure of the program and now it luckily happens much less often. Some more background can be found here: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/FAQ-&-Common-Issues#why-does-my-virus-scanner-not-trust-openrct2 If Defender is blocking the program outright, try going into its settings window and look for the quarantine section. You should be able to see the blocked attempts at starting OpenRCT2 - you can tell Defender that you want to run it anyway.
  7. I have fixed the object in our object repository. It will be merged at some point before the next release is out. You will probably need to re-place all the statues you placed before the fix, though.
  8. You need to change the settings of the launcher. Have it download "develop" builds, not "release".
  9. Could you provide me with the following info? macOS version OpenRCT2 build (listed in the title screen, e.g. ab1c2d3e) The language your macOS system is set to The language OpenRCT2 is set to
  10. Fixed in the current "develop" version. Always use that if possible. The launcher has a setting for it.
  11. We have recently been able to reinstate 10.13 support. But you need to make sure the launcher is set to download "develop" builds, not "release". (We recommend this anyway!)
  12. Welcome! One of my personal objectives is adding the missing RCT1 bits to OpenRCT2. Most of the work has been done already - you can even open old saves from RCT1!
  13. Converting RCT2 to OpenRCT2 took us years. For RCT1, the same would apply. Not many people want to put that much effort into a project like that, especially not since RCT1 is very similar to RCT2, except it lacks a lot of the latter's features. The remaining bits are stuff like land types (already implemented in OpenRCT2), the path system (planned) and a handful of vehicle types (also planned). OpenRCT2 can already open saves and scenarios from RCT1 with everything intact. In short, it makes much more sense adding the few RCT1 things that RCT2 lacked to OpenRCT2 than to create an entirely separate project.
  14. Your loss. But make no mistake: it wasn't caused by lack of effort from our side. You didn't even try to get help here, you just put a single-sentence complaint in someone else's topic.
  15. I think that you should be following the instructions for Ubuntu if you're running Chrome OS. Could you follow the instructions at https://openrct2.org/quickstart/install/linux/debian-ubuntu-mint and outline exactly what goes wrong?
  16. This very much looks like a bug that has been solved earlier this year. Which version and build are you on? You can find it in the title screen.
  17. No, this should not cause problems with pathfinding. The algorithm can get confused with double width paths (which are not always properly marked as such) and entrance/exit hacks, but this set-up should be fine.
  18. Hm, that should not cause a crash in the first place. That should really be investigated.
  19. You need to go to `Library/Application Support/OpenRCT2` and delete `config.ini`. That should reset the configuration back to the defaults. You can open the Library folder by opening a Finder window, clicking the "Go" menu and holding down the ALT key. It should then appear in the menu.
  20. Oh, you meant the official patches for RCT2 itself? Those are indeed not needed, as they mostly/only concern the executable, which we don't use.
  21. Can you provide your build number and the track designs in question?
  22. One problem, as far as the game is concerned, is that the top section of the spiral lift hill is not a distinct track piece, unlike a regular lift hill top, block brake or end-of-station piece.
  23. You should upload an SC4 or SV4 file that actually has 10% interest, then. I determined the 1.33% by checking the interest payments that RCT1 deducts with those from RCT2, and all I tried had this interest rate. There is also no indication on the TID a loan interest variable exists for SV4 files. I am not sure how you would "remember" that in the first place, seeing as RCT1 does not even display the interest rate, making it hard to determine without carefully checking interest payments and comparing them to the loan amount. Can you upload that save, then? And how do you know it's 10%? Did you check in RCT1?
  24. The keys are used to avoid users impersonating one another. Most likely, your brother accidentally removed his key and a new one was generated. On the server, go to the config directory of OpenRCT2 (I'd be more specific, but you didn't tell me what operating system your server is on), then to "keys" and find the file that starts with his username and has a .pubkey extension. Delete that file and your brother should be able to join again.
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