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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: -Queue: @Dan, ziscor, qbbq, imlegos, Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, BroxzierMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    All additions look great, but a bit dark for a park entrance, let's get that rainbow going. x) @jensj12 if I would redo the building, would it be okay to get it to a somewhat happier theme? or maybe just go with the lighter brown color for the mansion's walls? Also, can I please make a new version with a door in front of the new toilets at the pirate corner building? Like this: It's bugging me. ;;
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: Line: @Broxzier, CAVIAR, Dan, ziscor, qbbq, imlegos, Wuis, SensualEthiopianPoliceMissed: jensj12 Philmon11 CoasterMaster Yup.
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Seems like a fair system, but we might have trouble with people who don't often got time. They got to get in the queue first again before they can take their turn.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Maybe add a counter and notify them after ten turns or when the queue has done a whole round, every turn seems a bit excessive.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    This is going to be Group Park 2 all over again x) On the other hand, I might want to work a bit more on the buildings I made and add a bit more green, also toilets, there are no toilets.
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: Line: @Philmon11, CoasterMaster, Broxzier, CAVIAR, Dan, ziscor, qbbq, imlegos, WuisMissed: jensj12 The OpenRCT Group Park 3.01.sv6
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Adding water would rather be a thing to keep in mind for people who are taking the upcoming turns, than me actually working at it, I think. Else the whole idea of an empty map would be ruined. But good thing you noticed, as I actually am so stupid that I did not relate a dike with water. Howerever we might want to make this a winter dike rather than a summer dike, due to paths leading there, that would be going under water elsewise. x) The monorail station might indeed better be placed in the empty spot left when entering the park, though I have a pretty much finished park in the build log, but guess what? No station. Thus I don't want to show a single bit of it, with that being pretty much the entrance. I find it pretty harsh to build stations, they're too big and feel like big empty walls too soon or look completely ridiculous because you decided that pink fences was the decoration to go with. I think if people want that, I'll just build a caroussel or a ferris wheel, that'll do me and I'd call it a day. Leaving that empty spot open to whoever wants to build that or something else. Wow.. I have quite an health issue, that being me not writing short and simple sentences. :^)
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Guess I'll flood the square and poke a hole in that dike! I'll look into the paths, it indeed looks a bit too much, but I also feel the square still seems empty and I want to change that. That's why I wanted a dike to be build, a giant building would else be required to get it in a station above the ground and I am not good at those. Besides it would really be out of scale towards the other buildings in the main street/square. But it might still be an option though. Also thanks for the Arrrpreciation of the corner building, Broxzier and ziscor.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Yeah, I posted it, then actually began counting, realising that I am using like 34x22 (748) tiles now, so I deleted it as it wasn't needed. I'm not that far yet, so I might not even be able to finish this this turn but I am not sure about pretty much anything. I usually don't use the clearance checks that much, but it's now used all over. Also the dike-like (hehe) thing, was supposed to be something for the monorail ( As after already including a train and tram, the monorail would be next), but I quickly realised that atleast 1 big path was required to go straight onto the middle of the park, so I'll need to think about it. Take a peek: Wuis constructions co. Be sure to leave your opinion, even if it is that you want me to change the color of the wire texture from green to red/orange/purple or even another texture. This is not a personal spot of a group park, this has to be liked by the whole group. Would you rather tweak the entrance area by yourself? Hit me up, so we can arrange something. ~Things I'd especially like to know~ -Which monorail? (The jet-like, the cute-like, the other-like or the hanging monorail) [sorry for the tracked ride ] -How's the dike-like thing looking? -How are the buildings looking? -How's the square looking? Pretty much asked everything... x)
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: WuisLine: Philmon11, CoasterMaster, Broxzier, CAVIAR, Dan, ziscorMissed: jensj12 I might have the park file done ( well, I downloaded 0.0.4 and now it's gone, but atleast you can say if it is correct) (The giant screenshot failed to upload, but it's a 176x176 map and that purple wire texture that is bad for your eyes)
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    So, are we going with or without expansions? As Phil said he will get them as soon as possible. they're not great, but some of the stalls(medieval stalls *_* ) etc. are really nice to have.
  13. I've been trying to get OpenRCT to save my coaster, but it doesn't want to show the window where I can give it a name and save it. Is that not working correctly (Because then I'll just save it in RCT2), or what's going on here? This might not even be the right topic to notify this, so in that case, also sorry. ^^ Build: OpenRCT2, v0.0.3.1-master build 1500 (673796e)
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    No, I was if I had time Thursday, didn't work out. So it's yours to take.
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    It is really lovely, besides maybe the station's colors which look a bit dark for the attraction itself. I might claim it tommorow, but I am in a school exam week, so currently doubting so.
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    I'm in for sure! And I will try to build more flat rides even though there aren't too many, especially with no expansion packs the choice stays really limited. But I was guilty of building coasters rather than flat rides. Maybe you'll see more Giraffes coming your way.
  17. Wuis

    Wuis' Micro Park

    Uhm, no. I just build the park, I shall go on beating it now though. I was quite amazed by the fact it was so small and I thus had to fit as much into tiny space. EDIT: I actually did complete the mission, as the mission was; "Have fun!". I just downloaded it from this site, don't know who put the file up there. But if you got one with a mission, I'd like to do such.
  18. Wuis

    Wuis' Micro Park

    This was rather a really small project, I hadn't got time to rebuild coasters. Lol It was either done in an evening or finished up another one. And besides the left side (Area of Ece/The Tomb) is quite cheap. The inverted coaster for example is launched, and I don't feel like cheating should be allowed, even if it's for the looks. The area of Ece is in my opinion very atrocious, quite want to do another try on it, maybe with cs or atleast with the park split in four parts. But thanks anyway.
  19. If this is your first time there, I would ride the main attractions. If you've been there before, you've GOT to ride the Joker, new wooden coasters are usually good coasters. You can also just wander around the park and see what has got the lowest queue times, if you really despise queuing.
  20. I can't even open the file...
  21. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    Okay, this park has definitely not been canceled I've actually worked quite massively on it, but I am not making any new logs as every time I start with the park, I try to get a good looking entrance going, well like a main hall. (entry tickets are just and always will be some booths) Thing is, I want this to be good looking and it's not really working out So I was not originally planning to show off the areas first, but I don't want to get the next log waiting for too long. So I can either, show the further works around the wooden coaster, the new shared themed area and two other new themed areas. These will probably happen in like 4 updates, but I might just make a huge one. The alternative here, would be to just wait till I got that entrance going. Maybe someone has some tips, or just a custom scenery pack I might want to start using, because as you can see, there has been no custom scenery used in this park, but I surely want to give it a go. So things I would appreciate people helping me out with; Show or Wait. Tips CS or that's a nono? thanks in advance!--has been removed--
  22. I think it's very neat, but I am a sucker for wooden racers, racers as a whole, so yeah.
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    "I've been queing for Group Park 2 for ages." @imlegos There should be a few spots left. I removed two rides and a track scenery piece, along with some information kiosks. You could probably get a giga coaster with a dedicated food court/souvenir stall and a maybe a transfer track, although it might just only be enough for a transfer track and some toilets extra. I won't work on this park until there is atleast someone else who worked on it, kinda stupid otherwise. Also, if you got any enhancements for The Giraffe, my first darkride and latest attraction, feel free to change things.
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    That is such a good idea! As the backstage area would look way more realistic with an entrance nearby. Same for the carpark. Maybe we could even make like a bigger entrance building, as the entrance now is rather tiny as it only being the preset entrance.
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: -Next In Line: @qbbq, xbalogan, Broxzier, WuisMissed Turn: Enner, Philmon11, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Squab, Przemek, WobblyRails, Racey
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