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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I AM NOT DONE YET! Update: Ralf the Rutheless Reindeer, a quite thrilling familycoaster with wooden supports and steel rails. Overview Beast the Bully Boar, an enterprise. Maybe doing this, give your opinion about it. Not themed yet.
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: WuisNext In Line: Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12Missed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    It had two safety cut-outs quickly after each other, this is really rare. I think it will be fixed if the train waits for leaving the station until the train ahead is fully on the lifthill. EDIT: This goes the same for The Hero. EDIT 2: I think 15 secs Min. wait time does the job.
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Did you add longer maximum wait times to both of these rides, as they most likely will crash again. Their crashes are really uncommon, but they are bound to happen if you don't make changes.
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    @imlegos The new scenery and new coaster look neat! You really like the launched inverted coaster, do you?
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    That's just timing the min and max. time a train leaves the station and the chain speed of the lifthill. A coaster where it doesn't stop at any block brakes is more difficult, and I doubt I can explain that.
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    @qbbq I really like you squished that size coaster in such a tiny area. Only thing I could see the coaster improved on, is it having custom supports. Also, when you open the file, this: will happen. So to the next person who is going to continue with the park; fix "The Villain" or close it immediately.
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: --Next In Line: @qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, RaceyMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    @jensj12 Also noticed so, kinda regret only building the kiddie coaster when I had my turn.
  10. Depends if we have the same bank.
  11. I'm also Dutch! Sooo whats your bankcard code?!
  12. Wuis

    Wuis' Micro Park

    I stumbled upon a micro park scenario file yesterday, and I was settled to do that before anything else. So after a few hours, here it is. Overview of the park: Left: Area of the Tomb | Bottom: Area of Ece* | Right: Area of the Ancient | In the Back: Area of Boo *Ece is the park mascot, an elephant. Area of the Tomb: The Egyptian themed area offering two attractions and two stalls. Main attraction is Sphinx, second on the guests' favourite list, an inverted launch coaster with two inversions. Area of Ece: The beach themed area, specifically designed for kids. Offering three attractions and a restroom facility. Main attraction is Coast Er, a wild mouse coaster. Area of the Ancient: The Jungle/Ancient themed area offering two attractions and two stalls. Main attraction is Rio Amazonas, the guests' favourite ride, a rapid river. Area of Boo: The Scary themed area offering three rides and two stalls. Main attraction is Scarecrow, a floorless coaster with a looping. All attractions and stalls have unique names. Facilities have no numbers or they were replaced by their location. FILE: Wuis' Micro Park.sv6
  13. I most of the time don't use it because it simply is unrealistic. I'd rather increase the chain speed of a coaster than that. Seeing this thread though, I was thinking of doing an indoor coaster with such a lifthill, as you don't see it anyway.
  14. Thank you very much, sir! \o/
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I was joking. The only thing I actually kept was the baby coaster. Also not on an actualy picture, but I still did, was changing the entrance from Frozen Eggplant to invisible again.
  16. Wuis

    DC's World

    For me it's a merry-go-round.
  17. Wuis

    DC's World

    Looks really cool now! Especially the trees at the merry-go-round <3 <3 .o.
  18. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    oh. that would've maked things easier.
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Well, I just finished. I made some awesome paths and a coaster called "Supercoaster 1313 fun fun 1!1!". I didn't listen to Jens and made as much tunnels on the end of the rock. Ha, got you! I did however find the hidden tower, I wanted to make it's position more clear to the peeps. I actually only build this kiddie coaster, called 'Supperman'. I was kinda rushed because of the 24 hour limit, so this is the best I came up with. Claimed: -Next In Line: @Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, WuisMissed Turn: Enner Community Park V2.65.sv6
  20. Wuis

    DC's World

    I think it's rather the use of only one bush, there are like 2 or 3 bushes who go with this one, so not that much choice. But I think it will make it look better.
  21. Wuis

    DC's World

    Looks cool! It is a bit depressing on the color scheme though, especially the buildings. EDIT: I think it might be the terrain instead, it's all brownish.
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    @Utman ^ that happened, I'll see if they continue to operate tommorow, will do the same with Frozen Eggplant. But honestly, I doubt it.
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: WuisNext In Line: Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12Missed Turn: Enner Shall I make still make Frozen Eggplant a bigger coaster? Or shall I leavei it as it is?
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: UTMAN Next In Line: jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos Missed Turn: Enner ^I think that is the right one again, if you find something odd, I can edit it ofcourse. How does it work: For Example: UTMAN is done building, he includes the save, atleast 1 screenshot, and this above. He removes his name from 'Claimed' and puts a "/" there instead. UTMAN then continues putting his name on the end of the 'Next In Line' queue. It might also be nice to make the first person in queue mentioned; '@Username'. Jensj12 notifies so. Thus he claims it. He does so by removing the "/" from Claimed and putting his name there. He removes his name from the queue. UTMAN is done building, he makes a post here, including es. He clears his name from Claimed and puts a "/"here.
  25. Wuis


    Nice to meet you! I hope you'll have a great time.
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