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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Luckily I had! ( Every 30 mins. ) There are still some things I didn't do, but that were mainly terrain painting and raising of terrain I didn't use anyway. I wanted to add a dinghy slide besides the pirate ship, but I think I filled quite the space already, so it's up to the next person now. 1.2.3. 4.5. 1. Fixed Frozen Eggplant by adding stations which launch the coaster. - 2. Added Beach Banana, a pirate ship, which hopefully is getting a family member along his side, but I didn't feel like I should be building more for this turn. - 3. Added two new buildings to the water area, as the one building was a bit lonely. - 4. There is a space bumper cars and a little food court to be found. - 5. Bridge is now 2 paths wide instead of 1. FILE : Community Park V2.56.sv6 Next In Line: @Philmon11, Squab, Broxzier, WobblyRails, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis Missed Turn: imlegos, Enner, xbalogan Community Park V2.56.sv6
  2. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I'm getting a bit delayed! :c my game crashed, after accidently opening the console and typing 'exit'.
  3. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it then, I guess.
  4. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    @xbalogan? How is your turn going? It's been monday evening in every country, or atleast, it's Monday evening. Or did you mean Tuesday evening?
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I'll do, I think I am going to wait for Xbalogan until tommorow evening and try to make more clear that I am claiming it next time.
  6. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    xbalogan are you working on it or not?
  7. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Eeks! Now I'll need to go fix Frozen Eggplant. I'll get on it this evening or else tommorow morning.
  8. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I don't think a lot of people know what is going on tbh
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    1. I haven't noticed any breakdowns on any ride while I was running enner's save file, atleast, I won't get told so, if I force one, I will. 2. I noticed if I forced it to breakdown on the end of the chain, it did indeed get stuck. But if I replace the launch chains by stations with a launch, will people see the entrances to these stations as entrances to the ride? even if they aren't connected to the main paths? 3. I think we should keep Enner's bit, possibly resulting in him skipping a turn. If so desired. I don't care that he made it bigger than usual. If not that way, let someone, probably enner himself, save the ride. Enner will get on the missed turn list, as he is busy. We'll get back to Broxzier's save file and let Wobbly do his thing. When Enner gets back, he can put the coaster down again, hopefully for me, a bit higher elevated. He could also do this in a later stage of course or we could even save it for the next community park. And Enner, don't let this get you. You might hate capitalising letters, you might've been a bit overexcited, you might've put a bit too long of a min. wait time on your coaster, you might've spilled a rainbow over our screens. BUT you made a hella cool ride. Okay, I was a bit frustrated in the beginning, you kinda changed a lot, also influencing other rides. But I'm seeing it as a challenge now, and it's a cool and surely possible challenge (as in getting from the current park, to the new bit and fitting a ride in the new bit). You did quite an awesome job on the terrain and all, and we might finally see a bit more coasters making contact with each other, because it's one big themed fun fair atm.
  10. I hope to go to Phantasialand this year too! But I think I'll only go if Taron AND Raik are opened, else I might make my first appearance at Heide-Park. I don't think I will ever ride Wildfire at Kolmarden, but we'll see.
  11. @Dan You've been to places. O_O
  12. Isn't it a known fact that Dutch people are the ones that are actually still quite active with these three games? Because I atleast noticed so.
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    In regard to fixing 'Project: Frozen Eggplant', will those entrance huts with no purpose cause any problems with guests or staff, because I want to fix it without breaking other stuff. Because else I can't do the LIM-Launch and I will have to try to make a hidden B&M type of coaster so I can use the booster wheels and make a visible giga coaster for the looks.
  14. @Jensj12 Yeah, from around Arnhem. Koningin Julianatoren, wooh. @Enner I think you mean an summer tobbogan or in german sommerrodelbahn, they're really fun. They're quite uncommon in the Netherlands though, as most of the country isn't really mountainous or even hilly.
  15. @Utman, I don't care 1 bit about the creativity team, that woodie looks awesome. Mine would be: 1. Goliath (Walibi Holland) 2. Black Mamba (Phantasialand) 3. Vogelrok (Efteling) 4. Troy (Toverland) 5. Joris en de Draak (Efteling)
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Yea, I forgot about Tesla having these problems. I just made some multi-launch coasters in my own parks, and they worked out rather well. I think 'Project: FE' is just a bit too high, so I guess the second lanch is going to be a tad different.
  17. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I can partly fix ´Project: Frozen Eggplant' on my next turn, if desired someone may close the ride for the time in between. The thing I had with the first launch, is that I didn't want to make it too fast yet, so the chain stopped quite a bit before you went uphill. The second launch seems to be dealing with bigger problems though, I need to find something else for that. Maybe I'll have to turn it in a LIM Launch, somehow.
  18. Wuis

    Château, WIP

    Looks really cool! The buildings are a bit oversized, some are bigger than the coaster itself. I would say to look to stations other people build or even real stations. If you build in a theme, don't just look in that tab, look in every tab. Sometimes you can fit things in other styles too. And rather than making stations big, which most of the time, looks cool and all, make them somewhat smaller, somewhat more detailed.
  19. I can see where you are coming from. I myself, don't like every single thing they made. But I still have my hopes high. PS. Probably because my favourite attractions are water rides, and the log flume looks gorgeous, especially in comparison to the previous games.
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Thank you very much, Utman. If it gets removed I will probably squish it in somewhere near again, the two rides are basically not to be separated. I also despise the fact that, although the park badly needs one, I didn't build a restaurant/food court/snack corner, or anything like that.
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    I don't know what everybody thinks about me making lengthy posts because of all the pictures, so I am going to refrain using them a lot. You can see I finally build the Multi-Launch Coaster: 'Project: Frozen Eggplant'. And I weirdly enough, got the first spiral slide: 'Quest of the Frozen Potatoes' up and running. The spiral slide might need to be removed though, or at least replaced. As it's pretty much blocking expansion from there. PS. I'm really proud of my 'hidden' eggplant and potatoes. Currently working: Wuis Next In Line: @Philmon11 , Squab, Broxzier, enner, Wobbly, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis Missed Turn: imlegos, xbalogan Community Park V2.48.sv6 EDIT: There was a path to the end of the icy part, with some weird viewing-platform. I wasn't sure about it, thus removed it in the end to make the slide. But I seem to have destroyed all trees in that area too, and forgot to place them back. :c EDIT 2: < This to be exact. =)
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    OK, claiming it!
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Can I claim it? Cause I found a solution in booting up my old computer, which is really slow, but it'll do for RCT2.
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    Aaah wobbly, wat are you doing to my brain. It's not like you build a massive station or anything but it still looks really awesome. On your update I was like, "OH HELP", but you certainly are a true magican. Only thing I would take a look at is putting fences at the invisible entrance/exit, because without it, it looks really weird and it's unsafe for the guests x)
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 2

    @Utman It just came up and I gave my idea about it. For me the system worked rather great. I just thought that it was more fair to people who are in queue because else they might end up in the missed turn list just because someone else claimed it beforehand.
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