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Some Requests In Updates


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I have some requests in updates and hope that maybe you can change them. (Sorry if some are already in the works or have been answered. Searched but didn't really find anything.First off can you change it so that for a coaster we are not stuck with the same chain lift speeds for all the chain lift tracks on that coaster? You can set individual speeds for breaks why not chains. This would be great for launch coasters since the flat launch tracks from RCT1 have been removed in RCT2 (Not sure why?) Along with the chains I would like the option if I make a reverse chain lift coaster and I want to have multiple chain lifts such as the initial reverse chain lift make the train go up it backwards but then throughout the coaster if I want to add another chain lift to use as booster (Unless you can some how re add the flat launch track pieces once again like RCT1.) or just a tradition lift hill make it so that it actually registers the train going on it instead of passing it normal and wont catch it and continue it up the hill if the coaster isn't going fast enough to make it up the hill like if it was just original track.Along with the first question where I mentioned this but bring back flat launch track like in RCT 1. (Its the same game with just added stuff in RCT2. Maybe get the code/Sprite from RCT1 and implement it into RCT2?)Block brakes act as boosters like on RCT3 and not only brakes. (When turned up higher then the speed your already going.)Make the pricing for park tickets, food, merchandise, and rides more like reality. At real parks its like 5 or 6 bucks for a burger or other food, park tickets can cost like 50 or more dollars, upcharge rides or carnival rides are expensive, and tshirts/souvenirs are expensive but if you raise the prices to what it should cost in reality peeps complain about how expensive the ride, food, entrance fee, or souvenir is. ($2 dollars for a T-Shirt? Really?) Maybe remove the option completely that tells the peep the price for something is too expensive and that would probably be easier and its just that simple if a peep doesn't have enough money for that ride, food, or souvenir, they just wont buy it or will have to go to the ATM. (Speaking of ATMS can we get ATM service transition fees so we make some money of the ATMs?) Also maybe if a peep doesn't pay to get into the park then they pay per ride. If the peep pays for the park entrance then they get all the rides for free. (Unless its a extra fee ride that everyone has to pay extra money. You would just select a option for like upcharge ride or something like that in the rides setting for fees.)Make it so peeps not complain about how confusing your park path layout is with the notifications I get. I have only been creating single paths for my park but have different path ways to go or square looped paths and isn't really that confusing. Real gusts would know where they are but I always get the notification that guests are complaining that the paths are too confusing.Station to Station rides need to have the option to either let peeps stay on or get off. Such as if your building a monorail, train, chairlift, ect that loops around your park peeps should have the option to stay on. Some guests I notice will get off then go get right back in line.Have the option in the cheats to change the excitement, intensity, and nausea rating for every ride/coaster to whatever the max is. Is it possible to bypass the height building restrictions? Even higher then what the remove height restrictions cheat allows you to go? (Which is like 500 and something FT.) The option to put as long as you want station platforms. (So you can have more trains without block brakes.) Put as many cars as you want per train and as many trains as you want without block brakes or switch vehicles onto different tracks? (Like the 8 Car, Son Of Beast, or other Trainers.) As for what I could look up for those trainers they dont work on later OS's for some reason even if you wern't using OpenRCT and using the stalk rct2.exe. Unless someone knows a way to use them say on Windows 8 or 10 because they didn't work for me on Windows 7.Have a cheat option so that guests wont leave the line no matter how long they have been in line and will stay in line until they ride the ride. (Maybe reset the time for the peep in the coding so it doesn't know how long its been waiting or however it determines that the peep doesn't want to wait anymore in line and leaves.) In real parks some people have waited up to hours for a new ride to be able to ride it.Is it possible to allow single riders to ride on coasters or other rides where it requires peeps to wait for a second rider to be in line with them before they can get on the ride?That's all I can think of now but i'm sure ill think of other stuff later or as I had already just typed this lol.Thanks

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Oh have something else. Can you have the option to allow all rides, themes, and objects enabled for a park scenario or bypass the limit so you can select all objects in rides in the scenario editor? Unless there is already some way to do this? Or will this not work because too much stuff is selected and will crash?

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To be fair, that type of layout actually is confusing to the peeps - they have a very basic A.I.Bypassing the Height Restrictions to that degree will only be possible at full decompile.Station to Station rides like Monorail may be possible to make do that, but it will require more advanced peep A.I. - Which will also solve your layout issue.Also, keep in mind that if we made peeps pay anything, that would ruin the balance of the game. It would have to be a cheat option.

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I read somewhere that the most confusing park layout award is given if you have lots of different types of scenery close to each other. It's not based on path layout.Some currencies in-game have a factor included. For Yen this is 100 (but the price internal is the same). An option to double (or triple) the visible amount would work here (but it allows to make the entrance fee way overpriced, can already be €80 in big parks, no-one pays €200 to get into a park right?).I'd love to see longer stations, or bring back the 12 trains of max lenght on any coaster cheat I had in RCT1 (a permanent patch back then). Preferably both.On all rides in the game (except a few) peeps are handled per 2. Look at a coaster train loading, the first peeps waits until the second peep arrives before taking his seat. Allowing single peeps to ride all attraction might require quite some coding.

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I read somewhere that the most confusing park layout award is given if you have lots of different types of scenery close to each other. It's not based on path layout.
If you look at the code (award.c, award_is_deserved_most_confusing_layout function) you can see that it actually just checks if there are at least 10 guests who are lost or can't find something, and this amount is more than or equal to 1/64th of the total guests.
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I just realized you can change the ride vehicle type sorry for that one. As far as the guests will pay anything a cheat would be nice but its not really unbalanced if it was just a changed to that as some guests only have say 30 bucks once in the park. If you charge say 31 bucks for a burger which is a crazy amount they wont be able to buy it. if you set it at 30 and then they buy it well then that's all their money and then they wont be able to buy other things or ride other upcharge rides. I'm basically getting yes they will pay anything but if you make a price so hi that no one has that amount of money in their pocket your not going to make any money and be at a loss so you would want to put it at a more reasonable price. Maybe for the park entrance at least raise it up more so that we can charge a higher price without complaints. As far as them going to the atm you can have 2 dollar amounts for peeps. One their pocket money status and the other their bank money status. So some peeps can have 50 bucks in their pocket and lets say 200 dollars in their bank. When they draw money from the ATM it takes it out of their bank money but you would be able to see both amounts in the peep information like you can see how much money they have in their pocket. I also got the award for most confusing park lol. What I have for my setup is i have one big square path that follows around the whole park 6 squares away from the edge of the park on all sides. I have a monorail that goes around the very edge of the park and stops in the middle of each of the 4 sides. in the middle on one side I have a path connecting to the the other side of the park.This is what it looks likeView imageThe only time I have small square paths is like this and its not everywhere only in like 6 places.One like this.View imageOne like this.View imageAnd 4 like this.View imageI don't think its that confusing but maybe I'm wrong? Do peeps that have park maps even benefit anything or will they still get lost? If they don't get lost with park maps maybe by default as a peep walks into the park auto give them a park map. There is already in the cheat menu to give all peeps park maps so it shouldn't be that hard. That way we dont have to keep clicking that every so often as new peeps come into the park or make them first thing want to go get a park map from the information booth before anything else. If parks maps still make peeps lost then whats the point of park maps besides the animation of them opening them up and looking at them every once in awhile?

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Oh have something else. Can you have the option to allow all rides, themes, and objects enabled for a park scenario or bypass the limit so you can select all objects in rides in the scenario editor? Unless there is already some way to do this? Or will this not work because too much stuff is selected and will crash?
I think I read somewhere originally from the devs that this will happen but they have to figure out where the memory cap is in the game as they're reverse engineering it. Not 100% sure thats exactly whats going on seeing as I'm not helping develop the game yet but it was something along those lines.
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I think I read somewhere originally from the devs that this will happen but they have to figure out where the memory cap is in the game as they're reverse engineering it. Not 100% sure thats exactly whats going on seeing as I'm not helping develop the game yet but it was something along those lines.
You are correct. Right now there are parts in the code that use data from the original rct2 executable directly. This is being done all over the place, and, before each of them has been replaced with the 'decompiled' C code, OpenRCT keeps relying on the original game, thus will keep having these limits. Only when all of these have been replaced we are able to higher or even remove the limits. This will also break backwards-compatibility.
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