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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    @Philmon11 I think I messed up the saves when the saving was broken this morning..
  2. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Sure thing! Currently working: @WobblyRails Next In Line: @xbalogan, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier Missed Turn: imlegos, Enner
  3. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I can load this one without problems, so I don't think so.
  4. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    I'll have to redo the changes now, but the development version as it is now seems to work fine. Done. Not a park rating of 999 anymore tho, but it's better. A lot of guests were able to leave the park now, boosting the rating a lot. Download: Community Park V2.59.1.sv6 Next In Line: @WobblyRails, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier Missed Turn: imlegos, Enner, @xbalogan
  5. It might be handy to display the githash with the provided build, so that it's more clear which version people are using when they say 'latest'.
  6. You should have RCT2 installed (and opened at least once I think) before you can use use OpenRCT2.
  7. Are you by any chance still using a build from November or December? I remember there were some landtool issues then that got into the build.
  8. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    The vegetables have two new member of their family: Chill Carrot (reverse freefall coaster), and Glacial Grapes (green balloon stall) Philmon made his plane coaster invisible, on the map it is still visible, so make sure to check it before building anything there. and I premade the waterfall, so that the waterfall will be right. Feel free to change it, make it smaller or fir the surroundings, that's up to whoever wants to build there next. Download: Community Park V2.59.sv6 Next In Line: @WobblyRails, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab Missed Turn: imlegos, Enner, @xbalogan Edit: I cannot load this park anymore. For some reason when I save there are a bunch of errors.
  9. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    They can, and I've changed it. Also guests can enter the coaster from there, but that doesn't break anything. Only thing is that there now is a message that there is no exit or something there. Guests don't stop there though. There were more issues there, guests got stuck, and by expanding the underground paths somewhat the park-rating increased from ~500 to 999 again. This is what I've built so far, I will make one more small attraction this turn, and then I'm done.
  10. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    @Philmon11 I'm not entirely sure what part you mean exactly. Also during my break just now I improved the scenery there, do you mind?
  11. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    that's looking really good Squab! I'll claim the park now. @Philmon11 I was planning on making a tutorial for it, as well as other cool things you can do with the improved tile inspector!
  12. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    The list thing was meant for everyone, makes it a lot easier to keep track of these thing, especially when someone screws up (like me :D). It would just be nice to also see at least one screenshot whenever someone finishes their turn.
  13. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Whoops, my bad. I haven't started anything yet, just read over it quickly during my break today.
  14. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Please include the list when you're done, and also a screenshot please @Philmon11. Claimed: Broxzier Next In Line: WobblyRails, UTMAN, jensj12, Philmon11, SquabMissed Turn: imlegos, Enner, xbalogan
  15. You're missing ObjData, could be custom scenery. In that case it's not exported with the saved game.
  16. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    Well, here I go: your pirate ship sucks! Just kidding of course!. One thing though, there is another pirate ship not too far away from it already
  17. That sounds like there's something wrong with the scenario, not with the maze. Which scenario is it, or if it's a custom one can you upload it here?
  18. Placing the Mini Maze works just fine for me. Does this happen in every scenario?
  19. Broxzier

    Group Park 2

    This has been on hold now for too long, @Wuis can continue working on his version.
  20. Do you have a saved game of the park? To be able to play without any of these annoyances you can the stable version, or an older version for now.
  21. It's an access violation error that occurs after ~half a minute of playing:
  22. The assertion failure is a different issue that is being solved as we speak. Did it work before you saved the game?
  23. Here you go: DreamlandV3.sv6 It was the exact same issue. I found an easier way to fix it, a way everyone can do. Have cheats enabled, enable sandbox mode, then increase the map size by one, and decrease it again. This makes sure all outer-map elements are correct, solving this issue.
  24. Do you have a saved game with the track that got cars stuck? This very similar issue has been resolved before the vehicle update recently.
  25. It should download the game and save it in Documents/OpenRCT2 automatically. Did you wait before pressing play again? Downloading might take a while on slow connections.
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