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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. A file won't exactly work. You have to have a folder with RCT2's installed files in it. Or were you actually talking about a folder?
  2. @jensj12 The file it needs is probably linked to another file, because I used to download .dll files all the time when they were needed, and in this case the launcher immediately shows that the file I downloaded is not showing certain things in it's dynamic link library. I'll try updating once again, but I think I'll just stick to downloading builds manually.
  3. It requires a file that VS 2015 has. Also, the file in question happens to come along in a windows update, but I can't update my computer (reasons).
  4. @Chappy258 Why would you even want to play through Hamachi? Do your network settings allow programs to access the internet? Are you able to play online on any other games you may have?
  5. @JarnoVgr Thank you for that! [EDIT: Too bad it needs Visual Studio's 2015 version. That never installs correctly on my Windows 7. ]
  6. Ah... the magnificent pilot episode. Why does SpongeBob have such nice music?
  7. ziscor

    Forum Rules

    I must have become infamous for #5 by now
  8. I, personally am against having genders in OpenRCT2 (for the most part). I like the guests right now because they have a mystery element to them. All of them look the same and only wear the same stuff with different colors. This is also why RCT3 doesn't do it for me: they all look unique with different hairstyles, heights and ways of walking. As a Theme Park Simulator this is a very nice choice (this is ironically the direction RCT games have taken now), but I see RCT 1 & 2's aesthetics more like an antique model-set one would probably find in their grand parent's attic. The less detailed the guests are, the better I say. But then again, if this idea is carefully executed, I just might like it.
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Can't help you there. I never liked the concept of elevators in RCT2. I'd always make only 2 or 3 rides at the 1st Floor, and since some guests don't like going through the elevator to get there, I'd make stairs. That makes the elevator almost a useless part of my parks. But you could go for the obvious things, like making the Upper Floor more desirable to go to, so that the Peep AI chooses to go on the elevator. This is only taking into consideration that the AI is capable of sensing these things, and I'm not too sure about that.
  10. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, ziscorMissed: Philmon11, Dan
  11. @janisozaur: Oh, didn't notice 0.0.4 had it's own reddit title sequence topic as well. I knew about 0.0.3 though. Maybe I should have explained why I don't like that title sequence. I think it's a very generic sequence with zero build up and no special feeling to it. If anyone ever watched the entire default RCT2 sequence they'll know that the parks get more and more bad ass as the music changes shape. In the initial stage, the music is simply toying with the game, showing a blank slate. After this blank slate has been etched on one's mind, it takes it up instantly to show what the game can offer: beautiful flat rides surrounded by trees and fences, guests walking around the park enthusiastically, and more. Then, when you felt the music wouldn't pick up even higher, it does. That's when the game shows you mind-boggling roller coaster monstrosities that must require great skill to build. The music is still on the highest note, and the parks are getting more and more awesome, and then: it's over. That's what my title sequence aims to show. Did you give it a try? I'd like to know if I struck the right strings with this sequence. @Broxzier: I did mean 1360X768. I know, my monitor is a special flake!
  12. A few hours ago I noticed that OpenRCT2's own title sequence had once again been changed. In the hopes of seeing a great one this time, I was disappointed a bit (I know the devs don't have time to make title sequences and that the sequence in itself is quite good considering that, but why don't they keep the title-sequence building part to the community?). So I decided to make one myself. I've avoided to try the title sequence editor in the past because I thought it might be too complicated, only to find it very easy to use in these few hours. There is still room for improvement in this sequence, and the timing is a little off (thanks to no decimal support in the 'timing' field; only whole numbers). Still, I'd like to know how this title sequence turned out from you guys! Now, this title sequence was carefully made for a 1360X768 screen resolution, so if you have anything close to this, you should be good to go, but anything far from this will not be ideal and might not look as I intended it to. All timings are made for the default RCT2 music, of course. I prominently used Group Park 1 and 2 because I didn't have any coasters as big and awesome as the ones in those. The rest are RCT1 remakes that I personally built months ago. Ziscor's Title Sequence.rar [EDIT: Better timing for the last second of the sequence this time.] To use this sequence, take the folder inside this link and copy it into the 'Title Sequences' folder under 'OpenRCT2' inside your Documents. After that, simply select it from within the game and restart the program to watch it in-sync with the music. Let me know if it doesn't work.
  13. @SensualEthiopianPolice You'll love this:
  14. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Done! Here's the build log: Added a custom ride (AE's Motocross), then built it near Jensj12's tower; called it Ivy Cup. After that, built a railway circuit around the hill that the Motocross cuts through; called it Trilby Railways. Okay, so the hill is basically a walking garden, so there's a lot of paths that loop back around with no special things at the terminals. I know this conflicts with the peep AI, but it shouldn't be that bad, right? Inside the hill, made a path with stalls on one side (all this is underground). Hired some staff to keep this section clean and vandal free. I promise this is the last CC I'll add to the park, since this save file is gonna get very big over time. In fact, if you see any problem with the Motocross, let me know and I'll replace the track with the default Go-Karts. [EDIT: Wanted to make some slight changes so I re-uploaded the park; park rating back to 999! ] The OpenRCT Group Park 3.22.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Dan, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, ziscor Missed: Philmon11
  15. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    If nobody minds, I'll just claim the park now!
  16. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'll try to build something later, but this moment is just not doing it for me...
  17. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @imlegos Take this turn, please. I'll push myself into the missed turn list. (Can't build anything half-decent anymore) Claimed: - Queue: @Philmon11, Dan, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: imlegos, ziscor
  18. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Oh lord... I'll never get that good at this game... Claimed: ziscor Queue: Philmon11, Dan, jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier Missed: imlegos
  19. Hey, no need to rush things I say. I'm still happy with the way development is going, given the amount of contribution that happens, plus the troublesome platform known as GitHub. Seriously, still after these infinite complaints from several people from around the world that work from GitHub, how is the system still so impractical for actual developers? I'm still amazed at how you devs can remember a certain issue from almost a year ago and reference that in latest issues and discussions. How even...?
  20. @imlegos Oh come on, now. Auto-correct shall always strike again, mate!
  21. Well, IntelOrca said this could theoretically be done still, but I think the way the night time feature has been implemented is not ideal. For starters, I don't think the entire UI should practically change with night in any game. Nonetheless, imlegos' concept should be good enough, right? I'm sure the devs have something in mind, since they have been aware of this feature's demand since 4 months at least (IntelOrca mentioned it in the last podcast). Anyway, I didn't notice new replies and I was only here to post another screenshot. Remember that I'm only posting these for artistic demonstration, since my idea is way beyond what will be possible to implement. In this image, even the path is glowing with light, as well as the heads of peeps (hard to notice, but it is there):
  22. @Broxzier I didn't make my point clear then. I specifically typed #GamingMasterRace. That implies no specific console or gaming platform at all. My very point was exactly what you said mate.
  23. @imlegos Nintendo and Master Race don't belong in the same sentence. #GamingMasterRace
  24. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @Wuis It's a great looking coaster, I don't see any reason to not have it.
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