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Everything posted by ziscor

  1. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    @jensj12 I detect sarcasm...
  2. I know I'm replying to a month old post, so bear with me . To play this game on a joystick, the game would need to be slowed down in terms of time to improve efficiency. That's what you meant, right? Well, I believe slowing in-game time-per-tick is in the works for the future, but I don't see how that would be helpful to you in terms of functionality in a multiplayer server(unless you are working on a scenario that has deadline objectives and stuff). You say someone wouldn't miss out on much if they reach an hour late to a server, but they actually will, if people in the server are fast at building stuff in general. If you meant slowing actual game-time down so that things build slowly, I don't understand you quite clearly. Everything in RCT2 is built instantaneously with a single click. Adding a timer would be horrible, and would remind us all of... *shudder* RCTW. I tried to understand your post to the best of my ability, and the only reason I replied back to you is because your post slipped by me unnoticed. Oh well...
  3. That technically was the name of the server , all grawlixes aside. I'm glad you like them!
  4. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I love the fact that this park is almost at year 4 already. Personally I'm not much of a fan of the combination of the red path and the crazy pavement, but that's just what I feel. We could really use some path variety for this park. The buildings look great. About the dike-like thing: I think if the ground for the path from the middle was flat, and the passage had wooden sides, it would look nice.
  5. @jensj12 Alright, now I'm convinced the effects are too overdone (I had my doubts on #1 and #4 before). I tried to center the screenshots at the specific objects I had made, and the stacked helix 'mess' was not something I had built. I'm gonna have to find that person and let them know that information, lol. Same goes for the diagonal drop. I should add in which parks are multiplayer, I think. That will avoid confusion.
  6. You probably think that because they aren't exactly filters, as much as they are gradient overlays. I'll use general filters more if that works better . I was inspired by the sepia look that was used for the gameplay promotional photos of RCT1 and/or RCT2.
  7. So I made these wallpapers in the few minutes I had to spare after an exam I just gave, and I'd like to know what your thoughts are . Let's use this thread to showcase the 'best' of what you've recently made/collaborated on. With that, here are some pieces I made/helped make in multiplayer and single player recently (they aren't exactly the best stuff, just the most recent ones): Delta Crossing (Self Hosted Server) @!#% Steve (Server: Hosted by @Nubbie) Freebuild (Server: Hosted by citizen) DNSS NL (Server) Forest Frontiers (Single-Player) Realism Server (Server: Hosted By @Julow) Any suggestions are welcome please .
  8. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I see, lol. You guys probably didn't need any because... SKILL Oh, and is Group Park 2 getting abandoned now? I thought there was still a lot of work left in it (?). Will you guys claim it from time to time to polish it up more or is it done?
  9. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    That's fine with me, I guess. Probably best to keep myself from using them for some time at least.
  10. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I was thinking about that. So, if we all have expansion content and people like @Philmon11 (and more probably) don't, how will we go about making this project accessible to everyone? Do we place the links to those objects we used that they download or something?
  11. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    Btw, since the save file will get exported with external objects, does the game not throw expansion objects into the mix? I don't think so, but I'm not sure. @Wuis totally unrelated, but you might wanna use F.lux to ease eye strain .
  12. That's gonna be very helpful. Thanks for the tips guys! I'll try to check more ways to maintain sync for as long as possible. Didn't know having autosaves turned on or having different sound settings caused de-syncs more frequently. Another issue, however, is I don't think connecting to a server that has staff placed already shows up for me if they are way too many in number: mostly, I'd reconnect if the host placed some more staff, but sometimes they don't show up as 'placed' sometimes. Is this also normal at this stage of development?
  13. I was wondering, @jensj12 if there is a way to de-sync later than very early. I tried connecting from the same network; the ping was around 20ms. My question is, is there any way to maintain synchronization for any longer than the usual amount?
  14. ziscor

    Group Park 3

    I'd like to participate please
  15. @janisozaur So far, I haven't come across the problem since this build went live. Thanks for the fix!
  16. My core focus here was not to prevent players from misusing the system(though it is something that would come as a result of this), but rather to make the game seem more practical from a logical point. How about paying them their entire wage before the month starts? As it stands, they are payed after their services are done at the end of the month. Paying before hand would make one less willing to sack them, and instead would force them to utilize them to their fullest. This should be way easier to enforce than all the stuff I proposed earlier. A lot of employees around the world are payed up front for their Job, right? (Basically what you said in your last point )
  17. @X7123M3-256 Not necessarily, no. Red faces do vandalize, but super angry ones do that as well (I think). To my knowledge, there is no clear cut way to know if a guest is a definite vandal, since I think all the angry people make a group effort or something, lol.
  18. The way it seems right now (at least to me), the staff's salary is given to them on payday, but if you manage to sack them before then, you don't have to pay them a dime. This seems flawed to me, since you can hire a handyman to clean up things, by picking him up and dropping him right where all things need to be cleaned, and when he has served his purpose, you can fire him; since you got all work done before the month ended, you ended up with a clean park and no salary to pay to that poor soul. I suggest we add some way to make sure staff that hadn't completed their month get some part of their wage when they are sacked. This makes the game realistic, even if just a little, and it also balances the game so that wages are even more effectively draining your cash. Perhaps make a day/wages-paid ratio, so that the employee gets 50% of his expected wage if he is sacked in the middle of the month, and so on. You could make it a different ratio as well, depending on what feels more balanced. Or, if the Employee doesn't do any task from between the time of hiring to the time of firing, he gets 0% of his wages, but if he does 1 task or more, then a variation of the system mentioned above is assumed.
  19. I propose a branched staff structure: Generic Staff at the top, which do work that they do in Vanilla and OpenRCT2, then more specific specializations branching down to more expert staff, and staff that has one/two specific work(s), like only mowing grass, only fixing Vandalism, only inspecting rides, only clearing bins. I'm open to the extent of specialty, because it would be pretty pointless to have a staff member that just cleared up bins. I really like the idea of mechanics fixing Vandalism, with a cute little hammer being slammed into the broken thing, and fixing it right there and then . Each fixed item would be payed for at that very moment, or perhaps added into the monthly/yearly wage. The latter could be exploited by sacking staff right when they fixed things, so I think I should propose an idea for the game: I'll make a proper Topic for it, but here's the basic idea: if the staff member has done any task from the time of hiring him to the time of sacking him, make the game pay for the employee's wage. Not in full, if needed, but a considerable fraction.
  20. @janisozaur Wow, you beat me to it. I was gonna post that link
  21. That's the second thing that came to my mind. In fact, that is way much better than the standing scooter things I had in mind. Carts would be more visually 'at home' in this game than the scooters: which feel more modern and out of place with respect to everything else in the game. I still wouldn't mind either one of them, though . About driving over paths though, I don't think it would make much sense. As it is, making trains cross over regular path seems visually odd, what with all the indestructible guests walking through the railway cars unharmed. For this function the asphalt road (with the white lines going through it) could be put to good use. It could even be a two way road! What I'd be curious to know is how the game's internal logic would distinguish between regular path and staff only path. It's a tricky bit of business, but I'm excited that as a developer you find this idea nice, Brox!
  22. This consistently happens to me a lot on any latest build that comes forth, so my best guess is that you have to sorta expect these things during this early stage of development. My usual way of preventing this is opening up a single player scenario/saved game and then close it, and open Multiplayer right after. Also, I think the game crashes more if you immediately click on Multiplayer as soon as the program starts, so try waiting more a few seconds before clicking on the multiplayer button. I hope this was of use to you
  23. While that idea is a lot more cooler than what I assumed, it will need exponential amount of work than what I was proposing. What I had in mind was more along the lines of this: This would only need a sprite of the mechanic and/or security guard on that vehicle thingy(or something similar, like actual carts). Or, @Broxzier, I see your idea in the form of a 'staff-only' ride (perhaps in the form of a tram?) that can be accessed by the staff to get to certain places across the park. Definitely shouldn't work like regular rides, though (not queue friendly, no attractive stations)(but then again, making queue's is up to us, and stations can just be made invisible by the user).
  24. I should have opened up the game to check if 3X3 was the actual size or not. I stand corrected @jensj12 @imlegos
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