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Everything posted by ExCrafty

  1. I have to wonder now. Is ride length calculated from station to station, or total ride length ? If station to station, then that explains my current dilemma, if it's total, then something is fishy. Ghost Town -- Extreme.park
  2. Welcome. @Gymnasiast --- You're still around. :)
  3. If you look a bit closer, they're almost twice the length of the other types. I always want to use the 1920s cars, but I get too frustrated with them getting stuck and having to reset the ride.
  4. That's one hell of an inverted impulse.
  5. I almost always find that the 1920s cars get stuck on corners. They bottleneck and you have to reset, regardless how many cars I use. Obviously I mean more that one or two. I can only assume it's the length of the vehicles versus the radius of the curve. Pity that go-karts have always only had the one curve piece. The other thing I've noticed is that caveman cars will run along the actual edge of the track (the "ripple" strip). Hopefully those will change in time.
  6. I realise you're posting about a potential bug, but I'd be interested to see that heartline you've got there. It looks to be along similar lines (no pun intended) to stuff I make. :)
  7. I've just seen some of your posts. WE don't NEED them, they'd be nice, but I suspect not everybody would agree. It's great that you're making suggestions, but it'd be nicer if they didn't sound like demands. That just my opinion from the wording of your posts. I apologise if you find my response offensive.
  8. About the option I could think of would be to remove all guests from the park and let them start again. But I suspect you've already thought about that.
  9. Sorry, but I have to say, if your current build is working and playable, why jump up and down about any updates. This entire project is being done by people in their own spare time, as far as I'm aware, they don't get paid to do it, they don't have a "Patreon" page, at least some would have jobs and families. Maybe to you "it ain't rocket science" but to probably the majority of us it may as well be. Do you understand what's what with all this ? If so, why not ease off on the sarcasm and complaining, and offer them some assistance ? I apologise if this is considered rude or inappropriate.
  10. Any time I build a Hypercoaster, it has access to boosters too. I don't use any cheats that might account for it.
  11. DOH !! You're absolutely correct. I completely missed that one. Sorry about the post in that case. And I thought I'd gotten both of them. Must have mistaken the six for and eight. (not an excuse) I can't find suitable colour contrasts, so often have troubles with the black text looking a bit blurry until I get really close to the screen.
  12. It's just pure curiosity, and can explain some of the differences in posting styles. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ... for me. :)
  13. Octagon Park requires 10 different roller coasters to be built with a minimum length of 1200m. I've done this and after several minutes the scenario still doesn't complete. I have this with a previous similar scenario but can't find that post, that one was Volcania (if I remember right). There is no time limit, guess number, or park rating, just 10 coasters greater than 1200m length. Octagon Park -- Extreme.park
  14. If I understand you right, then all it means is you don't need to research anything progressively, thereby saving money. But if you still don't want everything unlocked, then once you start that scenario as a game, have cheats enabled, and and open the "research" item in the cheats pull-down menu. You can then choose what is researched and what isn't. As far as I know, that'd be the only way to do it without making an entirely new scenario. I hope this helps.
  15. I also find GitHub confusing. I suspect that those that use it frequently will be rolling their eyes saying things like "it's right there" "how can you not see it" etc. But since the launcher itself is independent of OpenRCT2 project, it's often an issue. It's a pity there appears to be no way to contact the dev of the launcher either. I'm currently having exactly the same issue. The launcher isn't updating the game, and when I followed the links for the latest dev version, I couldn't work out what to click either. Plus, when I tried to open my current save directly I got an error message telling me it contains "invalid data", same message for three different saves prior, but not the older ones than that.
  16. If you have a save or auto save from prior to the incident, then you should be ok. I'm not a coder or dev or anything even close, but my guess would be that this issue wouldn't effect save files other than if the balance is negative, that's the state it got saved in unfortunately. If that's the case, then I'd suggest enabling cheats, add money to get you playable again, then you're good to go. Just because you have cheats enabled, doesn't mean you have to use them. :)
  17. I've been having a similar issue for the past week or so. I hadn't been able to catch what's triggering it though. I'd do something and notice the balance had gone negative by a similar amount to what it had been positive. Because I have cheats unlocked, I just add money. But it's still something that hopefully can be addressed. It's still happening as os last night (my time).
  18. Thanks jensj12 for the suggestions. It was a hard call for me to make Deleting all that stuff, but a fresh install does appear to have worked. Some unexpected differences with the install now though. The scenery objects window now has an infinity symbol tab on the far right, looks like it's got all items in it regardless of any other tabs. Couple of other very minor things, but all in all the game works. And that's the main thing.
  19. Thanks, I haven't tried that extreme yet, but I'm pretty much there now, so I'll see how that goes. Something I think I've failed to mention is that if I try launching directly from a saved game, it immediately goes to a BLACK not just blank screen, with the frame rate showing (I have that turned on in the options). Then it crashes. Doesn't matter if it's an auto save or a regular one.
  20. I renamed the plugin folder so it wouldn't load them (I assume). Did an update but still crashing almost as soon as it starts to load giving the same message it has all along, only now I guess it's successfully uploading data to GitHub.
  21. I honestly didn't understand much of what is listed there. The only add-ons / plug-ins I have are Benchwarmer, Price Manager, and Cheat Saver. No I hadn't tried that, and I can't remember how or where I got those from. I'll do some more investigating. Thanks for the suggestions. It wouldn't surprise me that it's not an issue with the game itself, it's been very stable until the past couple of weeks.
  22. I am now certain it's not the launchers, as I haven't been using one and have been downloading the latest development build each day. Game crashes a few seconds into launch and gives me the option to send data to GitHub (which I do). For me, the game has been unplayable for nearly a week now. I don't know what the hell is going on, it's gotten very frustrating.
  23. A bit too frequently now, when the game updates via the launcher it crashes, and a report goes to GitHub. I don't know what goes on from there, as nothing more is heard. I don't know if it's the launcher, windows, or a game bug. But it is happening atleast once or twice per week now. The only way I can find to "fix" the problem is to keep downloading and re-installing whatever version is latest from the site. I have tried to use two different launchers, one has worked great most of the time, as for the other, it appears to support two different games, and I (probably me being dumb) can't get it configured to try using it.
  24. Have heard nothing since reporting this. So I can only assume that it's a "me" problem.
  25. Volcania -- Completed all five coasters, all well above 6.7 excitement and the scenario won't complete. Any thought ? Volcania -- Extreme.park
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