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Everything posted by Deurklink

  1. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    I'm claiming it!
  2. Really there should just be as few junctions between any 2 points of the park as possible. When trying to find their destinations, peeps will only look ahead a certain amount of junctions (more if they have a park map). I see you use a lot of double stairs, which are notorious because they have junctions at the top and at the bottom, since they're treated as 2 single paths next to one another. It's may not really be an issue yet but it will become a lot worse when you expand. (By the way, good job on calculating that suggested guest maximum, I just checked it in a debugger and you got the value exactly correct)
  3. This guide explains what the conditions for guest spawning are: If you read this you will know everything you need to know in order for your number of guests to start increasing again.
  4. Hey everyone, I made this tutorial which shows 2 methods of doing track merging in OpenRCT2. Could be useful for someone.
  5. I wish OpenRCT2 would implement more chests. The range of chests that are available to us now is very small
  6. Is one of them named Felicity Anderson? (or a staff member)
  7. In RCT2, you can change the water colour when you make a scenario. What you actually do when you change the water colour is that you load a new selection of colours that the game will use for that map. A person by the name of ja227 created an application that will allow you to change the palette of a map with colours of your choice. This has been used in some maps to change the colours of peeps, for example. The colours of the user interface are also taken from the palette. Some parks with a different palette: - Peeps are turned green - Peeps are turned a ghostly white - Every colour has been made a bit more bright How to make a palette First off, here is the zipped application (by ja227): Now, when you have unzipped the folder somewhere, you find the following contents: When you open one of the BMP files, you will see an RCT2 palette: Each pixel represents a colour the game will use. If you colour something on the map red for example, the game will use the pixels around the red colour to colour the item depending on the viewing angle. Some of the colours are used to colour peeps. If you change those the peeps will get a different colour. If you change the brightness of this image, you can make all colours in the map look brighter. The easiest way to edit the palette is by taking some photo editor software, select the part you want to change and then change the hue, contrast or brightness to your liking. Now as an example, I will make a palette that inverts the colours of the map. This may not be very useful in a map, but i think it gives a good example of what is possible with palettes. Now, first make a copy of WTRCYAN.bmp, and edit it to your liking. I selected the entire palette and inverted the colours in microsoft paint: I called the resulting image WTRINV.bmp. Make sure you save it as a 24-bit BMP! Also, make sure the name you give it is not used by any other objects in your object folder. Now, you will see a .bat file named RCTPALMAKER.bat. Make a copy of this and call it RCTPALMAKER2.bat. Edit this file in notepad. In the batch file, purple water is used as an example. You should change the names to fit your palette. Here's how I changed mine: When you are done editing the batch file, save it and close notepad. Now you can run the file by double-clicking it (if windows allows you to run batch files). If successful, you should see the following in your screen: You should now have a file called WTRINV.DAT in your folder: This object should then be moved to your objects folder. For OpenRCT2 this is usually Documents/OpenRCT2/Object Now when you make a scenario and you go to Object selection, the palette should be available to you in the water color selection: Now, this inverted palette is probably not very useful, but it sure gives a dramatic effect Anyway, good luck and have fun creating new palettes! Thanks to Liampie for providing me with the program! Credits to ja227 for creating it!
  8. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    As far as i know, the ride duration counter is stopped when a car is stopped by the block brakes. I just tested it with 2 trains (of 5 cars) and they no longer had to stop and wait all the time. Of course this would require a small track change to allow the trains to make it through all inversions. For clarity, this would only be for aesthetic reasons. I didn't look at the effect on queue times.
  9. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Here's a tip: It's usually better to use less trains than the block sections allow. In this case, I would use 2 trains. There's now often 1 train waiting at the station, and 1 train at the top of the lift hill. If I were to ride this coaster, that would annoy me a lot Also, I would make the trains a bit shorter (probably 5 cars). This will make it look a lot better, especially since the coaster is quite low to the ground.
  10. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    I'll fix the spacing when i take my next turn
  11. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    You can put me in the missed turns list for now.
  12. Yep. The game can only calculate stats for one ride at a time. If a ride loops infinitely it will prevent other rides from getting their stats calculated.
  13. Is there an attraction somewhere in the park with an infinitely looping track (so which does not return to the station?)
  14. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Alright everyone, here's what i made this turn: I made station for my launched coaster. I also made a transfer track and a small building to store the coaster trains. It still needs some stuff all around, but that will be for a later turn I also took these 2 trackitecture rides, and turned them into 1: I copied a piece of this track and used it in my station as well (with a different color). The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.13.sv6 @Broxzier, your turn! Claimed: - Queue: Broxzier, UTMAN, Wuis, Deurklink Missed: Redscope53, giraty
  15. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Claiming! Will probably not do a lot this time.
  16. For evergreen gardens, you'll want to delete some pieces of path so that the guests all stay in the area near the entrance. Then in that small area you can make some rides. As you make more money, you can slowly expand the area. If you allow the guests to walk throughout the entire park, they will get bored and lost.
  17. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Alright everyone, here is my contribution: It's a ride inspired by Hypersonic XLC. I didn't really have inspiration for the stations or decorations, so I guess I will do those in my next turn. If anyone else wants to give it a shot, feel free to do so Claimed: - Queue: @Broxzier, giraty, UTMAN, Wuis, Deurklink Missed: RedScope53 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.09.sv6
  18. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Alright, guess i'll claim it then!
  19. This is something that requires a new save format. For now, I would just recommend making your map size a bit smaller and then 255 rides is more than enough.
  20. You could try the following thread. You don't have to follow every step, since I assume you only want to run one server, but it does explain some essential things, like port forwarding.
  21. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Oof, I agree with Broxzier on this one. - Very close to the map edge - Very close to the park entrance - Weird theme when you look at the surrounding areas - Why have it run under the monorail? It removes all the supports from it. This would look better in a forested / lumber themed area.
  22. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    Ok, I'm happy with my work so far. I think I'll pass the turn to the next person! I started to work on a mechanically themed area. I first made the two freefall towers (one is launched, the other is dropped). Then things got a little bit out of hand and I ended up with a Go-Karts track going around them, in sort of a trench The edges still need some work, the current bushes are placeholders. By the way, i made a small trackitecture deposit in the corner of the map, so i can easily copy and paste pieces of track that i need. I like to use lots of trackitecture in NCSO maps, but I'll re-use trackitecture rides where possible so we don't fill up the rides list too fast When the map is done we can simply hide these pieces underground or delete them using tile inspector. This is approximately the size of the area i had in mind: Note that this will probably not be the final path layout. It is a bit too square imo. I think we could try to place a heartline twister or one of those old-fashioned arrow shuttle loops in the yellow area: The area north of the kart track could probably use a nice B&M invert or something. I have some great ideas for a mechanically themed station using coaster trains as pistons, or something with a big tesla coil made of track (or both ) @Broxzier, it's your turn! Claim: - Queue: Broxzier, Wuis , giraty, Utman, RedScope53, Deurklink Missed: - The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.04.sv6
  23. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    OK, in that case i'll claim now, and continue with 8.03!
  24. Deurklink

    Group Park 8

    C L A I M I N G ! EDIT: I am not sure about all this added stuff from the asia Theme... First of all, this Asia theme is really big and adds tons of items, I can see you had to remove lots of other themes to add it. I don't think this is the way to go. Secondly, I really don't like the stuff from the expansions too much with their clunky animations. Also, as stated in the first post they don't show up for the 2-3 people that don't have the expansion packs installed. We should probably limit their use. There are some really nice ways to make asian themed buildings using generic scenery pieces and trackitecture. We probably also want to keep our entrance area a bit more generic, and make peeps walk into themed areas from there. I think i'll continue with the 8.03 version.. If anyone has objections let me know ASAP. EDIT 2: I'll wait with claiming until we have this sorted out.
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