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Switch Coaster Types: Booster sometimes not working
Deurklink replied to S-Man42's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Ah, my bad, confused some stuff. Other trains indeed use boosters normally. Depending on the used trains, you will see different acceleration rates though. @S-Man42, thats because that track type doesnt have boosters. If you build a giga coaster track and put a wild mouse car on it using cheats, you will see the wild mouse car accelerate over the booster. -
Switch Coaster Types: Booster sometimes not working
Deurklink replied to S-Man42's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Not all trains are coded to work with boosters. For those it may be better to use a fast chainlift. ^ disregard that, boosters work if you use a different train. -
You dont even need to merge for that if you're gonna make the track invisible anyway. Just use arbitrary ride types cheat to change into a type that uses s-bend and continue building.
Reminds me of this park, which also has a rafting ride: https://www.nedesigns.com/park/4015/gravity-gorge/
Scenery cluster *still* not fixed in MP
Deurklink replied to wingnut707's topic in Problems, Bugs and Feedback
Works fine for me. Maybe you need to enable it in your user group permissions. -
I love those! maybe you could try making a video or GIF of it?
If we reach the object limit in this server i know who to blame
I think we should just apply some finishing touches from now, and start thinking about the next group park
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE You're right though. I think the whole ride could use a little bit more detail.
And I'm done! Things i did: - Changed @saxman1089's sharknado to use the Shark trains from Wacky worlds instead of the custom Shark train (thats converted from WW). This should make the file size a little smaller. - Extended the station of bike race a little. - Changed the ride type of @Penguin's horse rides to Lift, so it stops being so freaking noisy (and now guests may also ride it regardless of intensity) - Made Tour des jardins, a nice little car ride that fills up some space near the entrance. As you can see it's very popular. Claimed: - Queue: @Jochem, Broxzier, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089, Leudimin, Wuis, DiamondRush, SpiffyJack The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.99.sv6
Guest spawning probability is handled in the function park_calculate_guest_generation_probability(), which can be found in park.cpp: Some scenarios have an option ticked that makes guest generation more difficult. If this option is enabled, guest generation will be calculated a little bit differently. In the first section i will handle the normal situation, in the second section of this guide i will handle the difficult guest generation situation. In the third section the guest spawning will be handled and in the section after that i will cover advertisements. The final section has some tips on how to keep the guest spawn rate high. 1. Scenarions with normal guest generation 2. Scenarions with more difficult guest generation 3. Guest spawning 4. Advertisements 5. Conclusion 1. Scenarios with normal guest generation Suggested guest maximum The first thing this function does is calculate a suggested maximum of guests. It cycles through the list of rides in the park, and for each ride it adds a value to the suggested guest maximum. Every ride type has its own specific ride bonus value, which can be found in RideData.cpp (Search for const uint8 rideBonusValue). For a giga coaster, this value is 120. For a corkscrew coaster, this value is 100. So if your park has 2 giga coasters and 1 corkscrew coaster, suggestedMaxGuests would have a value of 340. If you would build 240 corkscrew coasters, suggestedMaxGuests would have a value of 24000. Total ride value for money The second thing this function does is calculate the total ride value the guests get for their money. In an earlier guide, i explained how the ride value is calculated. This function subtracts the entry price of a ride from the value of the ride. If rides are not overpriced, totalRideValueForMoney will increase. This variable will be used in a later function. Guest generation probability Now the function will start to calculate the guest spawning probability, which is a number from 0 to 65536. First 50 is added to the probability value. Then, the function takes the park rating and subtracts 200 from it. The result of this subtraction will be clamped to a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 650. Then this number is added to the probability value. If your park rating was less than 200 your probability value would now be 50 + 0 which gives a result of 50. If your park rating was higher than 850 your probability would now be 50 + 650 which gives a result of 700. The function then adds the number of guests heading to the park to the number of guests already in the park, and compares it to the suggested guest maximum it calculated earlier: If the number of guests is higher than the suggested maximum, the probability is divided by 4, effectively reducing the guest generation by 75%. If the number of guests in your park is higher than 7000, the probability also gets decreases by 75%. Then the function checks the entrance price of your park and compares it to the total ride value the guests get for their money. If the entrance fee of your park is too high, the guest spawning probability gets divided by 4. If it is way too high, it gets divided by 4 again, which only leaves around 6% of the original value. Finally, the function checks for any awards that are active. Positive awards increase the probability by 1/4th, negative awards decrease the probability by 1/4th. This is multiplicative, so if you have three positive awards active, the probability gets multiplied by 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 which is almost twice as much as it started with. I will discuss in chapter 3 how this probability is used to generate new guests. 2. Scenarios with difficult guest generation In scenarios where the option more difficult guest generation is enabled, there are some differences to the above formulas. Suggested guest maximum To calculate the suggested guest maximum, the same ride bonus value formula as above is used, but now it adds a maximum of 1000 points. So if you build 15 corkscrew coasters which would each add 100 points to the guest maximum in a normal park, the guest maximum will only increase by 1000 instead of 1500. Then after this formula is applied, the function checks all tracked rides. Every tracked ride that is over 600 meters long, and has an excitement of over 6.00 will have its ride bonus value applied again, twice. So if you build 15 corkscrew coasters which all meet the length requirement of 600 meters and all have an excitement of higher than 6.00, then you the suggested guest maximum would be 1000 (from the first function) + 15 * 100 * 2 (from the second function), which gives us a suggested guest maximum of 4000. Spamming many small rollercoasters in these scenarios will not help much as they dont reach the requirements and will only add to the maximum of 1000 from the first function. The key to generating many guests in these parks is to make long, exciting roller coasters. Guest generation probability The second difference in parks with more difficult guest generation is that when the amount of guests is higher than the suggested guest maximum, the probability now gets divided by 4 again, effectively dividing it by 16. This is why it may feel like you hit a cap at some point if you reach the suggested guest maximum. 3. Guest generation Now that the guest generation probability is calculated, the value can be used to generate guests. Basically, what this function does is generate a random number from 0 to 65535 every tick. If the random number is lower than the guest spawn probability, a guest will be spawned. The guest spawn probability will usually be a number from 0-1500 depending on the amount of positive awards, if the number of guests is higher than the suggested max, etc. When the value is around 1500, approximately 1 guest will be spawned every second. There is another check in this function that ensures that no guests will spawn in a scenario with more difficult guest generation if the number of guests in the park is 150 more than the suggested guest maximum. 4. Advertisements Advertisements are a special way to increase the number of guests in your park, because they use a separate probability value, and they bypass all the checks mentioned in the functions above. The different marketing strategies add the following amount of points to the marketing guest spawn probability: Free entry to park: 400 Free entry to a ride: 300 Half price entry to park: 200 Food or drink for free: 200 Advertising campaign for park: 250 Advertising campaign for ride: 200 Note that the advertisement campaigns that lower the price of the park or a ride have their probability value divided by 8 if the price is very low. Having all advertisements campaigns active will give a probability value of 1450, which will spawn a guest almost every second. 5. Conclusion In order to spawn many guests, you'll want to do the following things: In a normal scenario: - Make as many small and cheap rollercoasters as possible. These will all raise the suggested guest maximum by a lot, no matter how long or exciting they are. In a scenario with more difficult guest generation: - Make many rollercoasters with a length of over 600 meters and an excitement of over 6.00. These will raise the guest maximum by a lot. In all scenarios: - Keep your park rating above 850! If the rating is any lower the spawn rate will drop. - Try getting many positive awards. An easy one to get is most dazzling color scheme (paint all your rides bright purple, bright green, bright pink or light orange). - Advertisements! These will win you scenarios, because they bypass the checks for suggested guest maximum, etc. One last limit you may run into is the sprite limit. RCT2 currently cannot handle more than ~9600 sprites, which includes peeps and vehicles etc. Once this limit is reached, no more guests will spawn. This guide was written using the source code of OpenRCT on 12th of March 2018.
I think it's sexy! Not sure about that observation tower though..
I recently got multiple servers to run on one pc, and i saw some people asking how to do it, so i decided to write a guide. This guide has the following chapters: 1. Port forwarding 2. Running the servers 3. Running the servers with different user permissions Port forwarding This is the most difficult step for most people, and also the step that will decide whether you can host a server or not. First, you need to log into your router. You typically do this by connecting to your network and typing the local ip address of your router. For me this was but for you it will probably be different. Here's an example screen of my router configuration page: The next thing you should do is give your server PC a static IP address. This will ensure port forwarding is always done to the right PC. To give your PC a static IP address, you need to look for a table in your router which says something like static DHCP. It will probably be described in a different way on other router software. Look up the manual of your router if you cannot find it. You will need to fill out the MAC address of your PC. To find it, open a command prompt and type "ipconfig -all". Here you will see the physical address of your ethernet / wifi card you're using to connect to the internet, which is the MAC address: Next, when you have given your PC a static IP address, you can open up ports on your router. Again, this will be different depending on your router. For me, the settings are under Data > NAT > Port mapping. Usually this page will be called Port Forwarding or something similar. The standard port for OpenRCT2 multiplayer is 11753. If you want to have more than 1 server, you will need to open more ports. In my example, i want to run 2 servers on one PC, and another server on the other PC. As you can see in the following table, Ports 11753 and 11755 are forwarded to the PC with IP address and port 11754 is forwarded to If you want to run more servers, simply forward more ports. Running the servers Open up OpenRCT2 and click the multiplayer icon: Then when you click Start server, you get a screen where you can fill out some details: Note that this server uses the port 11753. This port should be used on the PC that you gave the address to in the previous example. Now if you want to run a second server, all you have to do is open up another instance of OpenRCT2. Here you start another server: Note that you should use a different port for this second server. You can start as many servers as your internet connection and your PC can comfortably handle. Running the servers with different user permissions One limitation about the above method is that all these servers will have the same permissions for every user, since they use the same userdata files. An admin in one server will also be admin in the other server. There is a file called users.json in your OpenRCT data folder, which contains the permissions for all users. In order for every server to have separate permissions, every server should have its own copy of this file. To do this, you should go to your OpenRCT2 folder in Documents, and make a new folder. I called mine server2. In that folder, you place the following file: start.bat ( Credits go to @Broxzier for creating it). Running it will start OpenRCT2 while making new user data files like users.json and config.ini in the folder it is in. In the future, to run the second server, you will have to start it every time by running start.bat. You can make many servers by creating more folders in the OpenRCT2 directory, and running start.bat from them. One other advantage of this method is that OpenRCT2 will remember the last port you typed in. So every time you run server 2, which uses the port 11755, for example, you will not have to type the port number because it is remembered in the config.ini file. I often run 2 or 3 servers using this method. I hope this explanation was clear! If there are any questions, dont hesitate to let me know.
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And I'm done! I built Off-road racers, a race track where guests can ride monster trucks on an off-road course! Guests can watch the monster trucks speed by using the path that runs alongside the length of the track. This path connects the Jolly Jungle area to the area with Jochem's vertical drop coaster, using the path behind the waterfall. I tried to keep the station simple, and to give it the same roof style as Wuis' building next to it. Here's the zoomed out view. It nicely fills the leftover part of the 'danger zone' The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.96.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: Broxzier, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Leudimin, Wuis, DiamondRush, SpiffyJack @Broxzier
Claiming! By the way, I think the biggest problem the park has is the irregular shaped 2-wide paths. They actually count as a lot of extra junctions, leading guests to not be able to find their way properly. You can see that when they leave the park, for example, they prefer the 1-wide paths because they have no junctions. 2-wide paths work better if they're completely straight because then the game can properly tell guests which tiles to ignore. Not much to be done about that at this stage Edit: just at the stairs indeed. But there's quite a lot of those! Claimed: Deurklink Queue: Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Leudimin, Wuis, DiamondRush, SpiffyJack
Guide: How to win awards with your park in OpenRCT2
Deurklink replied to Deurklink's topic in Guides, Tips and Tricks
You can always check in the code! https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/blob/develop/src/openrct2/management/Award.cpp -
I think you can make it look more like a poke ball.. Isnt one half of a poke ball usually white?
Are you using the latest version?
It's there now! https://www.nedesigns.com/park/4022/postapocalyptia/
Brent Sigma is one of the world's lesser known oil platforms. At the end of its lifetime, it was decided to not sell it for scrap, but to keep it profitable by turning it into a theme park! Guests can enter the park using an underwater pipe, or by using one of the transport boats. On the platform, guests can enjoy several attractions, like the signature double launch roller coaster called Sigma Twist, or they can plunge down into the sea using one of the diving life boats. At several places, they can change into one of the iconic orange colored Brent Sigma coveralls. Several ROVs continuously monitor the seabed around the platform. It is rumoured that a pirate ship loaded with treasure once sank in this area. Anyway, here's some screens: A more zoomed out view: A view without water: Here's the NE link: https://www.nedesigns.com/park/4048/brent-sigma/ The park can be downloaded using this link: https://www.nedesigns.com/park/4048/brent-sigma/download/
Long-time player, first-time forumer!
Deurklink replied to isometricosahedron's topic in Introductions
Maybe you should make it black -
Then you should ask the admin for permissions to change someone's role. Or you should ask the admin to mute someone. Or you should become admin on your own server.
Ok, I'm done! Here's my contribution. Note that i continued with the save that @DiamondRushprovided, which didnt actually have his coaster in it. I only found out after an hour of building.. Please copy your coaster using save track design (with scenery) and paste it in my save. I continued with the jungle theme area that i started in the corner, and added a virginia reel and a spiral slide. Feel free to expand this area! Underground path near Broxzier's coaster, to counter the guests getting lost there while trying to leave the park: Set my bicycle race to Lift ride type, so guests ignore the stats and ride it again: Here's the save: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.94.sv6 Tagging Diamondrush in the queue so he can paste in his coaster. Next time, please make sure you provide the correct save to prevent this from happening again. Claimed: - Queue: @DiamondRush Broxzier, SpiffyJack, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Leudimin, Wuis