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  1. 40 FPS is indeed the framerate of the original game. You would honestly need to ask Chris Sawyer why he chose the time scale and speed that he did.
  2. I have a theory about the faster diminishing of the crash penalty on No-Money Parks. Specifically, I think the reason that was done was because if your park rating stays too low on a no-money park for too long, the park closes and you lose the scenario. This was probably done to balance that out - so that a deadly crash doesn't necessarily spell disaster for your park - Just a period of time where you have to be careful to manage your rating so it doesn't cost you the scenario. In a park where you have money, that isn't a factor, so having the penalty last long results in a financial penalty - Less or No new customers means you're going to have a financial slump. The result of course being that in either type of scenario, a crash is serious, but not enough to necessarily shut down your park, unless it was being mis-managed to start with.
  3. Not quite - CSS17 is kept on the CD/In the Install Directory. So you kinda do...
  4. Locking by request of the OP, pm if you need unlocked for some reason.
  5. If I may suggest - Regardless of how many frames per second that the game is rendering, the game itself is still only running 40 ticks per second, no more. My honest advice would be to not unlimit the FPS, since that simply increases your CPU/GPU load with no actual benefits. Ideally, for your configured setup, you want the game running at 40 FPS - One Frame per Tick, as the game originally ran. The only reason we have more FPS now, is because we are tweening the animations from one tick to the next. (Think Tween from Adobe Flash - we're filling in the gaps.) Minimizing the game also helps, since the game basically stops rendering, while not running in headless mode.
  6. Dark Side Best Side
  7. Just a note, if you have RCT1 Installed, you can tell OpenRCT2 where it is, and it will import the scenarios directly from the first game.
  8. Krutonium

    Group Park 5

    I went to use this screenshot for the Readme on GitHub, when someone pointed out an error. See top of Lift Hill.
  9. I have a Contact at Avast!, I'll see if I can pull some strings.
  10. Fix should be live very shortly.
  11. We're looking into this right now. Please sit tight. Edit: It appears some code was misplaced, Fix incoming.
  12. (All you had to do was install and use innoextract.)
  13. Hey Guys, if you don't cool it, I will lock this thread. @Wuis OpenRCT2 has Co-Op gameplay.
  14. Neither the developers nor the runners of this website have the ability to do anything about this.
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