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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. ohhh wooo, had me worried for a minute because I designed the 'people mover' that scoots peeps down the directional isle (or so it seems) at an accelerated pace... soon to be released
  2. oh man, i remember picking the path type, pick sloped path, click the first tile, hold shift and the path follow the curser would go up and down the terrain and you could move all over and see the where different routes worked best, and then click to set the path. and if you can't remember, now i'm gonna lose my mind
  3. The roofs is a good point. I can go the courtyard route so to speak. For years i've been asking myself if the screenshots or actual mechanically sound parks were more desirable? I guess a good mix. I'll have to give a up a little bit of each. I've never entered a park for judging, it would be nice to just post stuff but maybe not? i don't know.
  4. Which version had the option to lay down a path from point A to point B with a click? I remember using it, and that's all... kinda trippin right now I can't remember
  5. @X7123M3-256 thanks for the input! I went into the park and evaluated the situation just using your info and additional common sense and thinking I wouldn't be doing myself any favors. So now another option I have is to literally vaporize specific areas of the park and release as 'complete', yet when the time comes I'll have the ability to introduce "newly constructed areas" almost like a cut and paste kinda deal. I have close to 250 versions to ease the reverse time traveling. hhhhm. Additional thoughts are always welcome.
  6. I'm thinking of trying to reduce some content in hopes to complete the last 7-10 percent but completely undecided as far as the best way to go about it. Maybe I can get some input here. Some of you already kinda know I build from the inside out and most of my buildings aren't just building, but contain a lot of stuff inside. So looking from the outside you see a park that makes neat screen shots but on the inside, there's an entire city... ok. I ask myself at this point ( because i've never maxed a file) 'should i gut the inside as needed to complete the outside which really is non productive i agree, or are there some tricks that will keep me from re-producing in the future, yet finish the part and still be able to call it 'Complete'... or do i stop trying to be impatient * If I cut away map areas, will I reduce my count enough to be beneficial? ** Is there a formula so how much space is released per certain custom objects vs. having many ncso crammed into the same area? ie: i use bounding boxes and segment heights all the time to see how objects are clipping and such (its also a great way to build a 3d grid... lil tip there) *** When content is removed from file, is that content actually purged from the file or does the file keep a cache that can ultimately be purged? i've wondered that for a while now. input and opinions much appreciated.
  7. Your either gifted from the stars above or extremely lucky. Don't get me wrong, Both of which are cool in my opinion but the style your rolling is top shelf and above beginner including the volume of content. Never the less... I dig it man
  8. @Deurklink.. that's still good to know, i would hate to claim and then not be able to start for a few days and by then.. 'ding ding' ..times up u know
  9. @Deurklink are these rounds managed by time constraints ? as in "must be finished by a date and time" ? or once their opened and started it continues to be a WIP such as a group park that never really gets finished and is never actually classified as DONE. I looked for a main description of whats expected or minimum allowed, I just want to make sure i know. thanks.
  10. can they be vaporized? way too many
  11. I haven't been in any rounds yet so. just in case. Username: SpiffyJack Discord name: SpiffyJack Cheats/Tile Inspector: Yes I ask lazy questions at times also ie: can i get the link and access to this server action? thanks
  12. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    added some subtleties... @RaunchyRussell The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.82.sv6
  13. PIC ABOVE! Pretty damn cool! bitchen compact sled design
  14. its these little things that help 'stretch' certain maxed out situations
  15. it's official.. the park is content maxed out. I would love to show some of the overwhelmingly sick attractions but I think It's best if this project goes on hold until the save format to complete... Look forward to it in the future
  16. Pretty cool work builders ... might have to take a closer look at this ...
  17. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    supply route is presentable... hope i didnt cause to much of an inconvenience for anyone. Queue: Queue: RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, Wuis, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, girat The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.81.sv6
  18. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    Oh, I only notice you claimed the park again now. Did you want to quickly change something? Otherwise it's not following the rules (assuming you meant that with legal). You should have put yourself at the back of the queue after you were done, not in the missed turn list. Jose quervo made me do it 😄 I really apologize. It' been so long since I participated I was hoping to introduce an additional element to help fill out the terrain. Do I think its a good idea? Yes, but its about 50 saves too late to be truly effective. At the moment anyone can steal the park. My additions the last 24 hours can be pasted in as time allows. So if anyone steals the park, my work will not be lost, just on hold. Other than that I will upload park in the morning. Now I feel all bad and stuff <~~ kicking the can down the street>
  19. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    @Broxzier you made a good point... Maybe it's not very productive for me to start what I was thinking ... hmmm.
  20. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    With a couple minutes till 17:00. It' s my intent to lay out some basic maintenance scenes with the pop up areas. Thanks for the trucks @Deurklink ... I realize what I presented was less than illustrative...
  21. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    BOOM!!! claimed: SpiffyJack i believe this is legal... cause.... Iz gotz shiz to do Darthyoda714 is on hold.... Wuis, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, giraty I will not officially start till 17:00 pacific in case i hurt someones feelings
  22. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    It's not glamorous, it's far from finished... At the moment there's 11,000 ft of track roaming and winding above and below ground. There are temporary terrain posts as shown here with checkered paint around the map in locations I was picking as show points where as to be exposed as a yard, supplies or just a cool spot to show some motion. The entire route is flexible and should not be considered as permanent except where exposed track will be highlighted. I still didn't get the pickups rolling so i used tractors and there only one of four stations active. There's can be much route to add if you kinda like the concept of what's been started. I purposely left current exposed track locations unfinished so styles adjacent to attractions can be duplicated are not... you'll see what i mean. In summary, there's a ton of scenery etc to widdle on and it's up for grabs. Claimed: - Queue: @Darthyoda714, Wuis, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, giraty The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.80.sv6
  23. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    ok seriously edit: builders my wife is on a three day trip... i thought "cool, i can relax and maybe add an additional simple element to the park, like an element that can grow through the park like a fungus, maybe give some builders additional areas of interest..." but enough with the stress allready.... jk
  24. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    im thinking a park wide maintenance route. NOT to be a standout ride, but more of a background network of working maintenance shops and storage facilities. ill try to keep it under 8000 ft cant seem to choose the car ride pickups though... starting to piss me off
  25. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: - SpiffyJack Queue: Darthyoda714, Wuis, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, giraty ATM I have no plan
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