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Everything posted by SpiffyJack

  1. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed The Mote.sc6
  2. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed Slide Run 50x50.sc6 Slide Run 50x50 B.sc6
  3. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed Redwoods Decayed .sc6
  4. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed MO9.sc6
  5. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed MO6.sc6
  6. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed MO5.sc6
  7. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed Island Fingers.sc6
  8. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed Island01.sc6
  9. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed Labyrinth 01.sc6
  10. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed 250x250-2.sc6
  11. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed 250x250-7.sc6
  12. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed 250x250-5.sc6
  13. scenario map - scenario needs to be completed Horizons.sc6
  14. scenario maps - scenario needs to be completed Devils Tower 100x100.sc6 Devils Tower 150x150.sc6
  15. Slide Run 01.sv6 Slide Run master.sv6 Slide Run 05.sv6
  16. right!? there was a time when these were actually finished to be called finished, then they got busy. the main point of these is to steal track designs and maps. Most maps owned and i'll find the scenarios soon enough to follow. Also you might notice some of my names match some original park names because it was a long time ago and I always screwed up naming new scenarios.. lol Rollercoaster Heaven Simulation 1 r34.sv6
  17. i think they sponsored this park too mLucky Lake - New Tesst yr 163.sv6 mLucky Lake - New.sv6
  18. this area was sponsored by Jose Quervo, Jack Daniels and others... this area has never been open to the year 666... beware Spiffys Extreme HeightsYR 665.sv6
  19. huge map! some painting... and after a year. Great Escape NEW.sv6 Great Escape yr 1 Test.sv6
  20. another track scrapyard the MAP isn't too bad Snow 1.sv6 Snow TEMP new.sv6
  21. Coasters for sale... most are custom Scenario Test Extreme Heights.SV6
  22. Circa 2003 mBotany Breakers16yr.SV6 mBotany Breakers12yr.SV6
  23. time capsule... I'm finding it amusing to re visit some of these i don't even remember lol original save date 2003 mFactory Capers.SV6
  24. the Leaf looks kewl too
  25. SpiffyJack

    Group Park 7

    I lost my mojo . I'm going to move to the missed list so I can pop in and out when I can to replace content from my screwed up file. here is the file prior to my claim. Claimed: - Queue: , @Wuis, Deurklink, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Leudimin, SpiffyJack The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.86.sv6
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