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Everything posted by X7123M3-256

  1. What original Linux source? The original RCT2 was never available for Linux and source code has never been released (to my knowledge) - OpenRCT2 is based on disassembled code. As long as you have some version of RCT2 installed you can run OpenRCT2. It is not necessary to use Wine as OpenRCT2 has a native Linux build available (but you can use Wine to install vanilla RCT2, if this is easiest). What files are these? Most features that trainers had have been implemented as cheats within OpenRCT2. A few are available as plugins (for which you need the lastest develop build as plugin support isn't in the release build). I think there might be one or two that are still not implemented. Trainers will not work with OpenRCT2, however, parks that were hacked using those trainers should do. There has been work on a new save format, which you can find here. The limits are significantly increased in that version, but it should be considered highly experimental. The file format is still subject to change and there's no guarantee that parks you create with it now will work in a future version, so I would strongly recommend sticking with the develop build for now unless you want to test the new code.
  2. Mods for OpenRCT2 aren't really a thing, are you thinking of plugins?
  3. Several vehicles were grouped in the original. For example, the Giovanola and B&M hypercoasters are both listed as "Hyper Twister Coaster", the Arrow and Vekoma suspended swinging trains are all listed together, as are the GCI and PTC wooden trains (there's also three types of PTC train in the game, all listed under "Wooden Coaster"). OpenRCT2 just changes how the grouping works. Since research worked per-vehicle in the original game, I wouldn't be in favour of changing it. Especially as a scenario could be intentionally designed so that one vehicle is made available early and a better one is researched later.
  4. The game isn't really complete until it has it's own assets, right now it requires the original game to play. OpenTTD didn't reach version 1.0 until it had open source assets, I wouldn't be surprised if they do something similar here. The save format is also a major change, once that is introduced a lot of limits will be increased and you'll no longer be able to open OpenRCT2 saves with vanilla. They usually increment the minor version number after significant features are added (for example, the next release will be 0.3.0 because the plugins have been added). I don't know if version 1.0 will come after 0.9 or following a really big update like the ones mentioned above.
  5. Running the following command should update g2.dat: openrct2 sprite build data/g2.dat resources/g2/sprites.json
  6. It's OpenRCT2 specific, although it uses track sprites and vehicles that were already present in RCT2. Yes. Because nobody has added those yet.
  7. No, they don't save the sprites inside the SV6 file. I don't know if this requires the new save format (I'd guess it probably does just because of how much it would change - there's bound to be somewhere that assumes only 4 view angles), but that's not what I'm talking about. The original graphics set does not have sprites for 8 angles of most objects. Ride vehicles it does, but pretty much everything else doesn't. So this would require an OpenGraphics set, and would not be compatible objects or graphics made for vanilla RCT2. I think this would prevent it from being merged, because compatibility with parks made for the original is something they want to maintain.
  8. While it's not technically impossible it would be a massively complex change to implement and would only be possible once the OpenGraphics project is completed as the base game simply doesn't have the sprites required in many cases. This would also make the game incompatible with the original graphics set and objects made for the original game, and for that reason I think it's very unlikely to happen.
  9. That is not the problem. The game can load the sprites, but the SV6 format does not allow for additional surface styles to be added. This is not a bug, the surface styles are not currently supported and there is no way to make them work until the new save format is introduced. Unless you're on the (very much unstable) new save format branch, the terrain surface objects won't be loaded, only the edge types.
  10. If you're using the launcher it should have the option to switch between release and develop builds. Otherwise you can just download the latest release from here. Note that the next release build will have plugin support, so if you aren't planning on updating your OS you might want to stop using the launcher and stick with the latest release indefinitely.
  11. IIRC, the release version still doesn't have plugins, so you could try switching to the release version for now.
  12. If you're referring to OpenTTDs 32bpp graphics set, no that does not exist for OpenRCT2 - it still relies on graphics from the original game. If you're talking about some kind of upscaling algorithm, that has been tried, but, the only upscaling option present in the official release is nearest neighbour (which won't make it look less pixellated, but does allow you to make the display larger, useful for high resolution monitors).
  13. This means that innoextract either isn't installed or isn't in your PATH. If the latter is the case, you can either supply the full path to the executable or add it to your PATH (I'm not sure how to do this on Mac though). Also, this forum doesn't have much activity lately, maybe try the OpenRCT2 discord instead.
  14. OpenRCT2 can work with the asset files from RCT Classic but you'll still have to copy them to the right location for it to find them. Also, some RCT Classic assets can't be loaded - see the wiki page. OpenRCT2 supports Android but not iOS (at least not officially - I did see someone who got it running on iOS a few years ago but you will have to have a rooted device and compile it yourself). The issue with touchscreens and OpenRCT2 is that OpenRCT2's interface is designed for a mouse and is difficult to use with a touchscreen (unlike RCT Classic which was made for mobile). It's not that it won't work with a touchscreen, but you'll probably find it frustrating to use. Most will prefer RCT Classic on mobile devices, however, nothing stops you from installing both if you want.
  15. Go to the options window, select the tab with the gears, and under "Show toolbar buttons for" select "Cheats".
  16. As far as I can tell, that page can be edited by anyone, so you could just add it yourself.
  17. Shell scripts are just lists of shell commands - whatever you would type on the terminal is what you write in the shell script. But `ls` is a Unix command so this code looks like it's written for use on Linux or Mac - you will probably have to modify it to use it with a Windows batch script.
  18. What do you mean they "won't work"? Is there an error message? Nobody can tell you if there's a fix if you don't say what's wrong.
  19. I've not tested it but I'd assume it is - as far as I'm aware every version of RCT2 that has been tested works.
  20. The station limit cannot be circumvented without the new save format. On the new save format the limit has already been raised, but that branch is not stable yet.
  21. You could try to extract the relevant code from OpenRCT2 but it's going to be quite complicated - in order to calculate the ratings you need the stats, and to get those you have to run the entire physics simulation. A better idea might be to try to implement the coaster generator within OpenRCT2 itself as a plugin - or use some kind of heuristic.
  22. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 isn't really discussed here because this is a website for OpenRCT2, not RCT in general. You can find RCT3 players on other sites such as RCT Go. It should be obvious that adding a coaster cam to OpenRCT2's existing isometric renderer is entirely impossible. There is a guy experimenting with a 3D rendering backend that supports it, but for this to be made fully functional, every existing asset would need to be replaced with a 3D model, which may one day happen but isn't likely any time soon.
  23. Search for "rct2.exe" and select the folder it's in. You might have to include hidden directories in the search - I'm not sure where Wine puts its files on Mac.
  24. Glass objects have a separate sprite for the glass parts. In the objects I looked at, this was always a solid color - I'm not sure if it has to be. I don't know anything about the object editor though.
  25. It's not, it's based on RCT2. RCT Classic will work with OpenRCT2, but if you want the RCT1 assets you would need to link RCT1 separately. Also, I'm not sure if OpenRCT2 can load the scenarios from RCT Classic yet - unless you already have RCT Classic but not vanilla RCT2, you probably want to use RCT2.
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