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  1. how did you build so much in 45 hours?
  2. This park is sadly not being worked on. Check out what I have worked on on DKMP youtube/discord
  3. one workaround is to install reshade from which can add some flair to openrct2 in opengl mode, HOWEVER, every time the game updates (which can be 3 or 4 times a day on develop) you have to reinstall reshade, which is why I don't use it (I only play on develop)
  4. does this mean they can't be included with OpenRCT2?
  5. you have used a Large Zero G Roll which cannot be saved to td6
  6. I'm building out infastructure (monorail), by the way I put some screenshots on new elements as well
  7. Made a Heightmap and now added the first shops and stalls It's a 999x999 giga park, but half water since I think that will make great theming for a Japan focused boardwalk / pier. I have nothing but hope and dreams, and I really like the name of the park but I may change it if people complain... I used an image from my favorite anime FLCL, don't think it should be a copyright issue... I'll let you know when I start building custom rides, very excited to start over on a giga park and add some trees, waterfalls, desert, who knows honestly. Yes I will add all kinds of anime references and rides, pirate themed one piece even though I don't like one piece, I will try to do some research. Also I am still learning unique tricks such as shoe stringing, so let's see how I improve over time!
  8. wow, I have several parks where this bug broke my entrances, thanks for the tip!
  9. this sv6 file still crashes the game on the latest dev build
  10. enable chainlift on all track pieces and build entire ride with chainlift enabled and cheat code unlock operating limits
  11. I am creating this guide since it is an involved process and I find myself forgetting how to at times. Also google search reveals out of date inaccurate info. In order to replace Title Screen music you will need (in my opinion) on Windows foobar2000 Powershell youtube-dl from github make sure windows isn't set to hide known file extensions. Step 1: go to youtube and find the video you want as background music Step 2: use youtube-dl in the terminal, guides can be found online Make sure rct1 directory is selected in openrct2 options to replace both choose 2 videos from youtube in foobar2000 you may need to download the codec pack for the converter after you use youtube-dl to get the two mp4 files, open them one at a time in foobar 2000 right click on the file playing and say convert and click ... then select wav and click add filters add retroarch resample near the bottom select 22050 hz and click back repeat for other file On Steam go to your steamapps common directory( ies) for each game RCT2 and RCT Deluxe and open the data folder rename both css17.dat files if they exist already to css17.old or something else and ignore windows warning then rename the new wav files to css17.dat in the rct2 and rct deluxe data folders. now you can load the game and if you want select random title music to cycle both of them.
  12. I checked the issue tracker on github and so far nobody has mentioned that there isn't a toggle such as in more modern games to display openGL output on secondary monitor. The game outputs on the last monitor used so it isn't an issue for me, but when i use hotkeys in DMT to switch game to secondary monitor in a fresh install it is not easy. New players that are fortunate enough to have dual monitors like myself might be few and far between but I still think it could be implemented like in other games to output to secondary monitor. Thanks for your time.
  13. compile ,park branch in visual studio 2019
  14. i would like to see the ability to split gameplay into purist mode for nedesigns or pros and enhanced mode so we can even out or fix more bugs in gameplay or add features like difficulty modes or fix original bugs but toggle enhanced off for some saved Parks or per ride. Maybe compatibility mode?
  15. i am curious if the hard limits on sprite resolution, count, etc are due to data integrity checks, memory usage limits, game logic constraints etc?
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