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Everything posted by giraty

  1. Nothing much recently, just found a good wooden path and replace the path type to this newfound one on the lake crossing, and added more supports to Bois Epique (the wooden coaster). Not sure how to fill the remaining areas
  2. Oops Of course the park needs an Alpine Bob so here it is in the Italian zone! Added a what supposed to be hybrid wild mouse coaster (wooden track with steel support). Uses wooden coaster cars because it has more capacity and fits nicely IMO
  3. Background: I'm a bit bored with building flat parks, then I decided to find a heightmap to build a park from. Finally found it and it has become a nice little park, built to the landscape. Located somewhere in the low Alps of Swiss, hence Alpunta, from "Alpine" and "Punta", the park incorporates Swiss' major languages. The park have it's own zone of French, German, and Italian language plus a monorail that goes around the park named in Romansh. Kiosk and stalls also named accordingly to where they are. Below are the progression of the park when I'm still thinking a good name for it. Save included below. The park is nearly completion due to it's small size and forbidden building zones (like the snows). Enjoy! Early part A very tall Gyro Tower and early form of the wooden coaster. Cottages for people to live in and stay at night! German part monorail station WIP The trail section of Italian part.... The current condition of the park. A lake high in the mountains surrounded by amusement park but still have the thrill of nature What do you think about this park? Alpunta.sv6
  4. giraty

    Group Park 7

    oof only 2 people in queue. Going to check the park to see if there's still room.....
  5. Yeah I cut another 14 pixels from it and the gap between "Low" and "High" in settings is more than 110.
  6. Simple one, it might look like a round mountain but it's more of a highland lake. Credit to someone who post it in internet. I'm currently working on this height map, this is the early stages of the park.
  7. giraty

    Brent Sigma

    Holy my Deurk, that's another unique idea went well
  8. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: - Queue: Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier, Spiffyjack, Wuis Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, RaunchyRussel, Darthyoda714, TCE, saxman1089 Should have done this earlier, removed myself from the missed list. @Jochem
  9. If you are fine with that then you can take care of this ;(. So I should edit the topic title again?
  10. Before jens12 work on this.... I decided to cancel this. The passion is gone (to judge the coasters).
  11. That was a blast!
  12. Username: giraty Discord name: giraty Cheats/Tile Inspector: Yes
  13. Username: giraty Discord name: giraty Cheats/Tile Explorer: No
  14. Another nice idea park from Doorknob Next time he'll build a suspended park....
  15. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Looks like you like it so here it is! Claimed: -- Queue: @Broxzier, Darthyoda714, Wuis, TCE, saxman1089, Jochem, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, RedScope53, giraty WIth that, I've finished my participation in this group park. Thank you! The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.78.sv6
  16. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Before I post my update.... do you think this looks good? If not I'll just skip myself I built a race control tower for the bike oval, and added a boat tour near pirate village and also goes inward a bit near seaplane tours
  17. giraty

    Group Park 7

  18. Holy sh*t!
  19. Wait I saw a ride named DIPG on MassDestruction server... Could it be you that built it?
  20. I was searching the RCT version of OpenTTD, and I found ORCT2 first on facebook page, then the forum.
  21. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Me messing around with the park, changed Seaplane Tours ride type to "Lift (Elevator)" and I'm waiting of @Deurklink's approval on this
  22. giraty

    Group Park 7

    Well his time is up so @Wuisshould work on the park now IMO
  23. giraty

    Group Park 7

    LOL I was so tired that I forgot there's "no entrance option in ORCT2, duh! I got 2 exams yesterday before working in the park. What you think as catwalk is supposedly how guest shoukd enter the ride by following that path, the stairs at the end of the walk is platform to enter the ride but it ended up as scenery, doesn't look bad in the end @DeurklinkHow to make the first car invinsible? EDIT: If you're asking about the stairs that goes into the ride's tower, it's maintenance stairs that mechanics can use to reach the columns @Wuis
  24. giraty

    Group Park 7

    I just spent 4 frickin hours on group park. For some of you that might seems small but for me it felt like eternity. GAOOO. As a reverse of last week, I decided to build hacky ride, and.... success! Figuring it out took an eternity and some help from wizards.... but it's done! Pastel colours themed, a simple ride that goes around and around. Details can be seen in the next screenshot. The ride named Giratorio, which is actually my word for username inspiration! A Portuguese word meaning spinning. That is such a good tribute indeed. Next to it is Mine Plunge ride. Supposedly, you dove down inside an abandoned mine (in reality it's enterprise type ride but ask the creator). There you can see the details of the underground part. I didn't make it invinsible on purpose because it's underground anyway and the most important is you can see it just in case. Though the pathing seems killed..... I don't know how to fix it rip. *Summons path masters*. Added some minor details on the Hide and Seek. On the far end of the park (Near xbalogan's part), a hideaway place for pirates. There's village hall, some cottages, a cooking center, a storage room, and another storage hole leading to treasures inside the cliffes (supposedly!) EDIT: I forgot to decorate the Giratorio ride itself, so wait for me.... Here it is Giratorio decorated... With a proud sign of Giraty above it! P.S. The guests above the tower is dummies, not real guest (unless you want to build path there hehe!) I think we should try to link xbalogan's zone, it's looking good and need just few stalls to complete it. Claimed: - Queue: @Broxzier, Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin, giraty Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Wuis, saxman1089 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.69.sv6
  25. giraty

    Group Park 7

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