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Everything posted by cascadia

  1. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    Yay, Broxzier is back! Also, has anyone considered recreating Dan's coaster?
  2. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    And here is a link to giant screenshots of the entire park at the lowest zoom level:
  3. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    A minor update, if people don't mind: Fixed a few pathing issues, added more handymen assigned to previously uncovered areas to stop the ratings issue from uncleaned bins and litter, and added some more capability to Flight Of The Iron Men to try and increase the number of guests who have the ride as their favorite in the entire park: The OpenRCT Group Park 3.74a.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis , jensj12 Missed: imlegos, WobblyRails, wilburg22, Yimmy, ziscor, RedScope53, Dan, Broxzier, cascadia
  4. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    @Zoomer36 Could you move me to the missed turn list after your turn, please? I don't know when I'll have time to take another turn again...
  5. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    Thanks! I was in a hurry, so didn't notice that.
  6. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12 , WuisMissed: @imlegos , @WobblyRails , @wilburg22 , @Yimmy , @ziscor , @RedScope53 , @Dan , @Broxzier
  7. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    No screenshot since I'm in a hurry. Built a few extra stall to cover areas without food nearby and some scenery. A challenge for people after me: Finish Flying Boat Coaster 1 and make use of all that extra space available on the mountain it's on! Remember to name it! The OpenRCT Group Park 3.72.sv6
  8. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    If no one minds, claiming. Claimed: CascadiaQueue: jensj12, WuisMissed: imlegos, WobblyRails, wilburg22, Yimmy, ziscor, RedScope53, Dan, Broxzier
  9. While we wait, for bigger sets of scenery, you can put a very small ride by the scenery, and save the ride with the scenery to use the prebuilt ride feature to place it in future parks.
  10. Didn't @IntelOrca say one of his original goals for ORCT2 was to add this feature?
  11. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    Where's the file?
  12. Most servers require new players to ask the mods for permission to play to avoid trolls. Just ask a mod by chatting on the server.
  13. Just search for game server rental on Google.
  14. Yes, you will need access to the router to open ports. If you have $20 or so to spare a month, you can rent a game server to get around this.
  15. Putting this on GitHub would be a good idea- many more devs are on there then here. Just remember to follow the exact format as specified in the post template there...
  16. There's an option for that by opening the screen for the ride you want to save, in one of the tabs.
  17. Because of limitations from reverse engineering the code, the devs can't use the original AI, but they are planning to making better AI in the future.
  18. There are custom object tables available out there, but peeps don't sit at them. For that, it will have to wait until the game has a new file format to get around limitations...
  19. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    Yes, you can. The reason why nobody likes it is because of the wait time- all the other attractions that no one really likes also have long wait times. Maybe increase the capacity instead?
  20. Have you posted the issue on GitHub?
  21. He likes to troll. Trolls do it just for the feeling of supposed power over people, even if it's not real.
  22. How exactly do maps work?
  23. What exactly is wrong with the game?
  24. cascadia

    Group Park 3

    If anyone wants to build a few food stalls, the area around Cruise and the entrance area of Mexican Golf could use one or two...
  25. Try making people you trust mods, to keep him out more.
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