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Everything posted by HookerHeels

  1. Ah, perfect, I'm off tomorrow! Claimed: RedScope53 Queue: Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714 Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, cascadia, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p
  2. May I ask why you'd need a version from 2 months ago?
  3. Plus, its right next to the jungle themed area, what goes better together than peanut butter and choco-- I mean pirates and jungles?
  4. What did you do to the bathroom to make a MASSIVE amount of peeps going up/down the stairs ._.
  5. Mine isn't greyed out, its selectable, it just doesn't work. You have to set the Render Engine to hardware display and it'l become tickable (least for me.) Its not a huge deal, I was just working on a solo park and wanted to make sure night lighting was adequate
  6. Have the light effects been disabled? I turned them on, and set the render engine to "Hardware di...," but they're not working? I'd forgotten about them all together until I saw a screeenshot using them and I was like, OH YEAH!
  7. Glad you liked my design Funny you should do that, I did actually redo that path with diagonal pieces and a bridge, but then the game crashed and I didn't feel like re-doing it, and autosave didn't save it.
  8. Gettin me in trouble
  9. Which building are you referring to, and thanks
  10. See this guy? Yeah, that guy with the penguin avater. Best friend right there
  11. Glad you like it! Yeah I wasn't 100% sold on the lights, but thought eh, easy to change lol. I'm actually really happy with how the gate to Illumi... came out, glad you like that too! As far as the fence goes, I wasn't sure how'd you like it, so I only did part as a demo
  12. Whew. Did a TON of landscaping. Added a new ride. (Props if you get the reference.) Changed some paths up. Fixed some broken paths, added info/bathroom stalls. Added benches and litter bins, etc. Added a ton of trees and grass and flowers and bushes. Added more grass and trees and bushes. New ride. Spiced up Space World entrance(s) a little bit. (Feel free to revert if you don't like them, ) @Deurklink Made a fancy bridge for the monorail. Made a gateway for Illuminati Confirmed. (Which I just noticed is missing a fence on the bottom half.) Treeeeeeeeeeeeessss. I hand placed all the trees, grass, bushes and shrubbery, so please, remove as needed and not a giant eraser tool sweep Claimed: Queue: @Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, giraty, Darhtyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53 Missed: @xbalogan, @Philmon11, @jensj12 , @Przemek, @Jochem, @SpiffyJack, @cascadia, @saxman1089 , @TCE , @TheMightyClem The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.34.sv6 This was taken yesterday and doesn't reflect the current file.
  13. Heres a tiny peek at whats to come.
  14. Thanks for the heads-up ;D
  15. South Florida Claimed: RedScope53 Queue: Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, giraty, Darhtyoda714, 1081p Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, Cascadia, saxman1089, TCE,TheMightyClem,
  16. I'll claim it in the morning, really tiring day at work and I'm gonna head to sleep.
  17. Looks like an issue with rendering. What Drawing Engine are you using? (In the options)
  18. This looks awesome. I love the idea of having the 'must be covered' restriction. Looking forward to seeing this
  19. Did you brighten your pictures? lol
  20. Looks good Just want to let you know, I meant no offense when I tweaked your building before, I just added new colourable pieces to give more options and took out the old, static coloured ones Good colour choices
  21. No, actually it doesn't. I didn't change the building, just the block that it uses. The picture seems to have broken. Down load the save and see, it looks the same aside from the roof being angled instead of using two pieces of roof peek, and doorway pieces on the path instead of just empty holes. Feel free to delete those, but no need to act snobby about it, the changes are minor, and in GP5, rule 3 stated minor changes were allowed. Having checked for GP7, I see that broxier changed it to no changes at all, which is my mistake for assuming the rules were basically the same. However it's not really a big deal, it's just a doorway.
  22. Alright... well... I knew what I wanted to build, but it just wasn't turning out, so I scrapped it. Instead I just did some decorating. I'm sorry if I've done something ya'll don't like. I feel like I changed a lot of things and I'm not too keen on some of the things I did, but the reason I did them, was to showcase that I've added a handful of new walls and roofs. Instead of just grey and pinkish yellow roofs, I've added colourable ones and taken out the standard ones. This allows for many new roofs and seeing as I removed the others, actually decreases item count. I've matched some of the roofs to the colour they were before (note: 'salmon' is as close as you'l get for the pinkish tanish yellow colour roof), and changed a few to different ones. I've taken screenshots of them below. I've also added a new roof set, also fully colourable. As for walls, I removed (what I could) of the old tanish brick, and replaced it with a colourable version. This in turn, again, allows for more building types. Again, I've matched the colours to be as close to what they were before. Some parts you may not even notice. As for the single block pointed roof, I replaced the solid brown version with, you guessed it, a colourable version. Placed fences, moved the monorail a bit, and the biggest thing, I changed the main bridge into the park. Now, if we don't like it, feel free to change it back, I was just showing an option Added a parking lot, not sure if I'm going to keep it, feel free to spruce it up. Meh parking lot, WIP. New roof material, and now in black. New material roof, same colour. Removed the covered (bridge) path from the map, as peeps and objects went atop the roof, and didn't look good doing it.. So I built this bridge instead. And the new bridge. I didn't put props on it yet cause I'm not sure what people want to do The radio tower's building as been completely rebuilt using new walls, windows and roof pieces that I added) Claimed: Queue: @Broxzier giraty, Deurklink, Wuis, Cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p, saxman1089, xbalogan, TCE, TheMightyClem, RedScope53 Missed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.26.sv6
  23. Tis odd. I've never had that problem in the ten years I've played RCT2, or ORCT2, I mean, aside from user error of me messing up, but never the game doing it.
  24. Whats your scaling set to? That might be an issue. Also, remember to place the object on the ground first, and use a combo of crlt/shift to move things up/down to where you want.
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