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Everything posted by HookerHeels

  1. I bet I know why. See, my laptop, is Windows 10. If I leave Minecraft, idling for a decent amount of time, say, 30 minutes, it blue screens. A "thread stuck in device driver," issue. This is probably the same thing OP is having, as from time to time Minecraft will crash my pc even when I'm actively playing it. Minecraft is my biggest culprit, but a few other games do it too, such as leaving Cities Skylines, Oblivion and BFBC2 idle for a medium length of time. "The Windows 10 Thread Stuck In Device Driver error is caused by a driver file being caught in an endless loop while it waits for the hardware to enter idle state. This is usually a driver problem and rarely hardware. Thankfully, a driver or BIOS update can fix it. The fault usually results in a BSOD crash." I don't have a solution, as it really just requires updating, however I've yet to manage to get it fixed, despite hours of trouble shooting. IIRC, ORCT2 has done it a couple of times. Best of luck to you.
  2. I know I haven't done anything, I just can't think of anything to do, and forcing it would be.. eh.
  3. Don't have time, I work all day tomorrow. Maybe I'll try and grab in Monday since I'm off. Claimed: -Queue: @Jochem, Wuis, Tune, SpiffyJack, imlegos, giraty, qbbq, TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, BroxzierMissed: jensj12, Cascadia, RedScope53
  4. Well you're the one who played God!
  5. Looks good! We have some quality builders thie go-around. Glad to have you and @TheMightyClem on board. Not to dismiss @Broxzier's building skills, you are awesome too
  6. Looks good! I love the vegetation work.
  7. Speaking of which, I work all day Wednesday, so I may be able to claim it or may have to wait until the next, or two, turns. Either way, I'll try to grab it late Wednesday night or sometime Thursday. (just as a heads up.)
  8. Once on the missed you, you can never come back...
  9. Speaking of which, we could theme each entrance differently (since mine theme seems to be it, they'd all base off that, but could be a little different. Like, one could be like the open outback, while another a town of sorts. A third, mine entrance-themed. Idk about the forth though lol
  10. @Tune That looks great! Two of my favourite rides to make are monorails(well any transport really) and go karts. (Mostly because I suck at making coasters)
  11. My idea of calming music is probably a bit different, as I like EDM and classical sounding songs. Great movie. This song is powerful as hell to me. !Warning! If you haven't seen the movie, this has mega spoilers so I wouldn't watch if, fantastic movie, I suggest you watch it.
  12. @Tune @Broxzier I wasn't tarraforming, I was just checking out the map But I went ahead and did it anyways. Introducing, OpenRCT2 Group Park Six, version 6.0. The OpenRCT2 Group Park Six v6.0.sv6
  13. *facepalm* Ohhh its way to late for me to be up.. yeah, I was brain farting and loading it as a scenario not a save game >_< I need to sleep lol, My baaaad. All fixed. And as for what version, latest developer.
  14. They're already ticked
  15. Well, I loaded up the landscape, annnd the trams are gone..
  16. Looks good. I much prefer it all to be one terrain than multiple. You are a great teraformer
  17. Ahh, haven't downloaded it, didn't see they were sunken. Yeah, thats basically what I had in mind, with guests looking down.
  18. Question.. How set are we on the trams? I've got an idea for the main pathways and/or tram(or other) lines to be sunken, but with the same idea of the 4way being there... thoughts?
  19. I think it would be better to select the sets, then go through and remove some things. For instance, walls and colourable walls.. we could gain some space by removing the walls., etc.
  20. Can we not choose certain items from those sets, such as net walls which work well, but forgo other items from that set?
  21. Hey, you got something on your nose, Jack
  22. Shhh, I was meaning like a Hogwarts castle or something
  23. Right right. I just think we should be careful separating areas.
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