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Everything posted by HookerHeels

  1. I think a mix of a few themes would be good. Take Pirate and medieval. Think Swiss Family Robinson like. A lot of themes would look good together. Obviously limited certain things, like, we wouldn't want a giant castle in a jungle, but a few pirate ships off the coast of a medieval world, or a few dinosaurs in the jungle-y roman mix wouldn't be too bad. (think a fantasy world, Romans in the jungle.) Overall, I don't think splitting the map into four areas is a good idea. I think it A, limits the space for a theme, and B, I think it makes it too.. binary. Free flowing themed areas, like say, Disney, are good. We'd just have to be careful not to change a theme too abruptly. Also, if we do do a four area map, the transport shouldn't be the boundary. I'm all for the hub in the middle tho. And I've got an idea for it too thats similar to Cascadia's. Thats just my thoughts tho.
  2. Should we do a theme for the next GP? I'd probably be a lot more involved if we did say.. a medieval theme
  3. Sorry to hear about that, Jack. My condolences to you and his family. HOOYAH.
  4. Notifications have been messed up on my pc lately. But someone forgot to move me to missed turns, and I think I'll stay there for a while.
  5. Never got any tag notice >_<
  6. Rofl. You're fricken killing me
  7. Forget what everyone else is saying. Since I'm assuming its your parents, just grab their cheeks, look deeply into their eyes, and say "ITS A GAME YOU GOD DAMN IDIOTS." :)
  8. Meh. I built many coasters and they had trash stats and looked like crap. I've never been good at building coasters (hence why I always make Go Karts and transportation.) I laid out the monorail, just a rough go, obviously it can be changed/moved/decorated. Station 2 is just a temp place holder, anyone can feel free to design it. Did some decorating, a little pathing, changed the bright orange fence to a darker orange, (still need to find a good colour, white just doesn't look right.) Tweaked a few rides to make the decorations stand out a bit more. Lacked inspiration, talent and time. Claimed: Queue: @YoloSweggLord, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53Missed: jensj12, Philmon11, The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.13.sv6
  9. Claimed: RedScope53Queue: YoloSweggLord, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, Foxy, SpiffyJack, giratyMissed: jensj12, Philmon11, UTMAN @YoloSweggLord Thanks
  10. @YoloSweggLord If you wouldn't mind (unless you really want to) I'm off tomorrow, but will be working friday, saturday, sunday and monday, if you want to swap turns? No biggie if you not.
  11. @Foxy I like it! Tho, a bit more defining things and details would make it %10 better (I'm sure you're not done.) Tho, I do think the tunnels need to be more open, airy. (I've got an idea so I'll wait till you upload it for the next person and try an idea.)
  12. Looks great! Thats the kind of detail I'd like to see in GP5, as GP4 didn't have any like that. ~Edit~ Just booted it up. Those moving trucks.. Bravo good sir, bravo...
  13. Nice idea!
  14. Edited the entrance to clear up congestion. (corners make the peeps freak out.) The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5 v0.4.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @TCE, Cascadia, jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, JochemMissed: Wuis, Tune, YoloSweggLord
  15. Temporarily claiming to solve that.
  16. Righto.. Would have liked to work on this more, but I'll be at work til long after my turns up, so here it is now. Things are still a bit of a WIP. New Ride: 'Skyway.' Retro monorail (this can be changed if people don't like it, I just thought it would be nice to theme around it a bit. The station didn't exactly turn out as I had in mind, if anyone wants to touch it up, this is what inspired me. New Ride: 'Caveman Capers.' Caveman go karts. Jungle themed. (WIP) Edited the entrance a bit, added fencing. I tried lots of colours, none fit too well or blended in with the ground too much. The orange, nor the fence style, has to stay of course. If everyone can do me a big favour, and I'm being 100% serious, I have OCD, and the brown crazy path makes me freak out. I really don't know why, I've added a grey version (doesn't bother me) and replaced a bit of it, if we could refrain from using the brown one for main paths, I'd really appreciate it, tho I won't throw a fit if we do, I can just deal with it. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5 v0.2.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, Tune, YoloSweggLord, TCE, Cascadia, jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53Missed: @Jochem This reminds me of DayZ, if that means anything to anyone.
  17. But which one lol
  18. Oo that first picture gave me an idea, and I do happen to have those pieces
  19. @Wuis, @Tune, @YoloSweggLord, @TCE, @cascadia, @jensj12, @Philmon11@Broxzier @Foxy@UTMAN, @SpiffyJack @giraty, @Jochem I know its early stages, but I think getting one station near the entrance is a good idea, what kind of transport should we do this time?
  20. Claimed: - RedScope53Queue: Wuis, Tune, YoloSweggLord, TCE, Cascadia, jensj12, Philmon11, Broxzier, Foxy, UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giratyMissed: Jochem
  21. I had a work emergency and didn't touch it at all actually. Sorry about that, just flew back home an hour ago. Sorry folks! Use Spiffy Jack's version. I meant to pop on here on my phone and mention it but couldn't get a chance. ~Edit~ Had a work emergency in Texas (I'm in Florida.) Flew out at 5 this morning and had a WONDERFUL day off...........
  22. Sure. I've got a collection of paths I often use. I've got a tarmac with no stairs on slopes too
  23. Haha ok, I was cooking dinner atm actually lol
  24. Claiming. Going to work on an entrance idea (or two.) Are we going for simple, or fancy, I've got a couple ideas already and don't want to go in the wrong direction. ~Edit. I know we're adding things as we go, but paths obviously are different. Thoughts on using one of these as the 'primary' park path?
  25. Cheats are always on, this is more of a build for fun rather than build to play kinda thing. (doesn't mean we cheat the whole thing, but they are used.) I wouldn't say its only 40-50%. I think it'd be great to have a relativity flat park. No need to go all out on hills, rivers, gullies and things imho. Desert could use a bit more of work, and maybe some slight leveling of the really bump area in the SE, but I'd like to see it the way it is. Naming doesn't matter, name it whatever ya want (nothing offense of course.)
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