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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. I'd feel kinda guilty if I didn't write anything to accompany the song so hi
  2. @SensualEthiopianPolice that drone music sounds like earrape to me...
  3. How about something a bit more adventurous-- something with an epic feel to it? Maybe a bit of videogame-style to it?
  4. I hope this thread isn't restricted to just ragas music, because I have some nice videogame-style/techno music to recommend... If it is, I might just have to start my own music thread
  5. YoloSweggLord


    Deluxe, back at it again with the pixel art...
  6. Oh, I just saw that you remade the post in the correct location. If I had seen that beforehand I would've replied to this post and not the othher one. If I'm not mistaken, I think the forum moderators have the power to move threads from one topic to another, maybe one of the mods can do that for your thread?
  7. Ok, thanks for letting me know. Seeing as this is could become a minor annoyance to see bug crashes reported but caused by this issue, maybe it would be a good idea to have an error message pop up when an invalid ride type/operation mode/car selection combination is attempted to be tested or opened? Maybe have it pop up in a similar manner to the "cannot test ride, track is not a complete circuit" message when attempting to test or open an incomplete track, so that it only pops up to the specific player attempting to test/open the invalid ride? I don't know, maybe it would be time-consuming and inefficient to map out EVERY invalid combination in the code, then it might be a good idea to have the system look for patterns in invalid rides(like go-karts paired with an operation mode other than race mode) to save time.
  8. Yes, let's learn from previous failed attempts at multiplayer construction games. Or at least take them into consideration. In all honesty though, I do feel like this is something that could end up ruining a good experience for many people. Confining people to a specific area could conflict with the efforts of many people who try to improve the park as a whole, and having to continuously remap other player's build areas could prove extremely time-consuming and boring for server owners and their moderators. I'm not saying it was a bad idea on @ledust's part, but I do feel it is something that could become a major annoyance in the future.
  9. I don't know if it was enabled, it's possible someone else on the server turned it on though.
  10. I was hosting a server when the game crashed. The dump files are linked. I hope this is the right place to report this... 8c6d7883-c01d-41bd-9934-58809600d954.dmp 8c6d7883-c01d-41bd-9934-58809600d954.sv6
  11. No its perfectly fine that you're using it. Also, you joined after I posted your first megapark, and therefore we were already friends... right?
  12. Yes folks that is how you kill guests with me.
  13. Me when people make too many helixes in a row:
  14. Oh but what would happen if I rode Final Battle then Sky Fortress instead of Sky Fortress then Final Battle? The suspense is killing me...
  15. He also forgot to make a steel twister with a bat wing
  16. I like that you're varying the frequency with the new tool! I just have one request, and that's the ability for server hosts to turn this on/off for other players, basically make this a permission. This tool is used to spam waay too much.
  17. I think that separately, each coaster has a nice layout and a good sense of realism, but as a park, the coasters just don't seem to function. In some spaces they look cluttered together, which is unfortunate. Though you do have a nice amount of scenery work between the coasters, I feel like the coasters themselves need a bit of help.
  18. This can be fixed by clicking "renew rides" in the cheats menu. This reset's the age of every ride in your park. The reason these guests aren't willing to pay as much money anymore is that their ride price threshold is determined partially by the age of a ride (newer rides=higher threshold.) Resetting its age also resets the ride price threshold. This is one of those problems that were "left over" from the original game.
  19. You mean you didn't know? They've already released the concept art... yes, I literally just took the time out of my life to make this.
  20. In that case, I think RCT3 would make for a better cereal box game. It's right on par with crappy basketball games and Dora The Explorer: Backpack Adventure.
  21. 5. Gatekeeper (Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, USA) 4. Skyrush (Hersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA) 3. Helix (Liseberg in Gothenburg, Sweden) 2. Air (Alton Towers in Alton, England) 1. Skyscraper (Skyplex in Orlando, Florida, USA- set to open in 2017) Also @UTMAN: Nice Meme! though I guess that meme could apply to pretty much every RCT fansite and forum page...
  22. Ok thanks guys. As for the server, unfortunately my laptop is broken at the moment. Until I get it fixed I will be unable to play the game. In the meantime I am using a crappy windows machine to post this message. I will update the credit list now, but until I get my laptop fixed, I won't be able to post the pictures from days 2 and 3.
  23. I literally just looked up "cheerios roller coaster tycoon 2" to see if he was joking. He wasn't.
  24. Yes, there is also a steep lift element for vertical drop coasters, though what i mentioned in my post was a vertical chain lift. And there is a vertical chain lift on the inverted vertical shuttle coaster, though it is, of course, only available reversed.
  25. I would add in the Intamin flat truss tracks that are often used in in eurofighters and mega-lites/gigas where there is less stress on the track. An example can be shown here. Near the end of the coaster, the track type switches from a triangle truss to a flat truss. I would add in more banking angles to all track types, instead of just 45 degrees. Maybe in 15 degree increments. Also I would add in wider turns. I would add in is the Maurer Söhne track, and along with it, the x-car trains. Basically the looping or LIM coaster track, but with a more pronounced rail height. I would also add it vertical lift hill functionality. I would change the brakes on Giga (Intamin triangle truss) track to intamin brake fins. Also would have the option of changing the lift hill to LSM launch or magnetic launch fins. I would add in Gerstlauer Eurofighter track in both flat-truss and quad truss sections. With vertical lift hills, dive loops, and beyond vertical falls. And of course, I would add in hybrid tracks.
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