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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. Oh yeah, I was thinking of the other Joker. I didn't know there was an S&S free spin other than Batman at Fiesta Texas.
  2. The rating was a perfect 999 on my (server) end, but it was slightly different on other people's ends due to network desync.
  3. Actually the Joker is a hybrid coaster.
  4. This is the first megapark I have started. Special thanks to Deluxe for helping me forward my port. Week 1: All images: Creators: @YoloSweggLord Deluxe @SensualEthiopianPolice Laaarrrg Honoka Drug Lord SpeedoAlien @birthdaybrian bunsybaby GayRainbowDragon DeadByDawn @TommytheJerk Katie Kola @Juli199696 DobieShep @Cr4z3d @_fog Days 2&3 credit list update: mg153 nico tsundere sarsey pills tomdubbs dan dappertron margen57 @birthdaybrian @CAVIAR @ziscor stickofbutter dankiplier suprathehedgehog ratty mikey @Superjustinbros If you contributed but I don't have you listed, contact me right away. Also if you have an account but I don't have it linked, please let me know. Thanks!
  5. Ok thanks! I updated the post so now it has the park file attached.
  6. This morning, I saw the impersonator, at least I think it was him. He was impersonating me this time though. If you see me in the next few days, check to make sure it's really me. I can't set up any security questions i the forums since it's possible the impersonator is on the forums. IDK just ask me the name of a certain ride I made in the past or something.
  7. can anyone answer my question about the Park file?
  8. actually warf it's spelled YoloSweggLord not YoloSwagLord. I saw you fixed it from YoloSwagLorg but if you could correct this too I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  9. Did you ever use custom content? If so, it was probably just that, a custom object. I don't know of any tables ever existing in RCT2, though i'm not sure about RCT1 since I haven't played it.
  10. Yeah i saw that lol. You know you can edit it, right?
  11. I don't see it on the map list. What is its name? Is your port forwarded? Did you check the "advertise server" box?
  12. Hmm, that does sound like a nice forum game, though. "where's Mr. Bones?' That could go under 'Small Talk and Offtopic.' Hide a Mr. Bones in a park screenshot, and try to have other members find him.
  13. Also, wouldn't this thread make more sense to be in the 'Custom Content' section and not the 'Guides, Tips, and Tricks' section?
  14. Actually, the intamin launched freefall doesn't have its own track. The thumbnail pic shows it on a roto-drop track. This is explained in the information under the vehicles tab of the ride info panel. "The best look of this ride can be achieved achieved if you merge the vehicle type on the Gyro (Roto) Drop..." If you try placing that ride, you will see that it is actually on the launched freefall track. You need to cheat it onto a roto-drop tower if you want to get it onto the characteristic circular tower. Also, it is currently impossible to create a new track type in vanilla RCT2 without changing the coding. This is because the vanilla coding only recognizes the track types in vanilla RCT2. It is possible to replace a track type's files with new ones, but not to create a new track type altogether. Hopefully the openRCT2 developers will, in the future, allow the game to recognize new track types. This would also theoretically allow us to also create new track elements, though these elements would need new car animations for them.
  15. After a bit of searching, I figured it out. I found 2 reddit posts by the creator of the custom ride. Here is one announcing the RMC hybrid custom ride. In it it mentions an ibox track. After a bit of searching I found this. There he explains that it was a failed attempt to change the track sprites for the twister coaster into track sprites for an ibox track. So no, this isn't available, and even if it was, the track type would replace the twister track instead of creating a new track type.
  16. Lel best exploding ride ever. That woodie gives me an idea, if I use track merging then i should be able to get golfers to walk along roller coaster tracks.
  17. These are 3 rollercoasters I made in thewarf321's "rollercoast". All of them are inspired and named after songs by my favorite artist, Waterflame. Final Battle song Final battle is a floorless B&M twister. Its frequent inversions and unexpected twists highlight the bouncy, intense feel created by the song. Sky Fortress song Sky Fortress is an Intamin Wing coaster. Its smooth, wide turns combined with its steep drops reflect the balance between smooth and intense that the song creates. Conclusion song Conclusion is a launched, non-inverting B&M sitdown. Its gentle curves and smooth transitions mimic the relaxing, transfixing mood created by the song. Also I named one of my flat rides after his song Velocity Wings: More images of the coasters, including images of their stats, can be found here. Thanks!
  18. Hey guys! This is a park that was made on thewarf321's sever. Since he doesn't have a forum account, I am posting this for him, with his permission. These are the 4 main overall views that I took. More images can be found here. Park File: WarfRollerCoast.sv6 Make sure you have "export plug-in objects with saved games" checked under options>miscellaneous when you download the park since it contains a few custom rides. If you want to see my "Waterflame" coasters in this park, there is another post here. Special thanks to: thewarf321 (server owner) castarr sensual ethiopian police brigade dono yoloswegglord (me) kola supra thethrillman meat tornado rcgames jet fuel remi cheese openrct2isbetterthannormalrct2 improbabilities If you helped with this project bet didn't recieve recognition, please notify me right away so that I can add you name to the credit list. Thanks!
  19. Yeah, not exactly a waldo. lol.
  20. I just want to point out that the number of trains you can have on the track is actually not equal to the number of block sections, but 1 less than the number of block sections. Otherwise, the trains would not be able to move because each train would be on a block brake, meaning that the next block brake would be eternally occupied. Otherwise, great tutorial.
  21. Or you could just use track merging with zero clearance (if you know how) to use the steep chain hill of a vertical drop coaster.
  22. This would be a really great thing to implement into scenarios, especially where there isn't a lot of space to build. But as for your everyday sandbox server, I think it looks to unrealistic for everyday use.
  23. Yes, I was thinking something along those lines. We shouldn't need a separate account for both the game and the forums.
  24. Ivy Hills... Ivysaur... That was a completely unintended coincidence. There's a Mr. Bones somewhere in there, can you guys find him?
  25. Recently, I witnessed a malicious prank on a fellow OpenRCT2 player. Another user, using his username, went on and griefed several servers, giving a bad name to the original user. I have also witnessed, on at least 3 occasions, a player getting banned for griefing, changing his/her name, then re-entering that server only to grief it again. I think that the username system should be re-optimized to: 1. Allow no more than 1 person at a time to use the same username, and 2. Limit the frequency at which you can change your name. This could be easily paired with a sign-in system that pairs each user to a unique hidden ID. This ID would make it easier for servers to remember each player's permission group, meaning that someone would keep their current permission group after server resets, disconnects, and crashes.
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