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Everything posted by YoloSweggLord

  1. I recommend that, If you want to play multiplayer, you go with the development builds. It's pretty rare nowadays to find a server running the stable build.
  2. Woah woah woah, this a pg forum. Here let me help you fix that dirty video you gave us.
  3. "Ruined"? That's a funny way of saying "improved by 200%"...
  4. This video would be 200% better if the caravan palace logo at 0:21 were replaced with a lenny face. yes I fucking made this meme.
  5. "Like"? That's a funny way of saying "are scarred for life by"
  6. Everyone has a story behind their profile picture. What does it signify? Did you make it? Did someone make it for you? Here I'll start: I've been playing pokemon for several years now. My first time playing pokemon was probably when I was around 6 years old, when my brother got Diamond and Pearl. Ever since then I've played several of the other games in both the main story line and in the PMD series. A lot of them I played on emulators. I've always been a fan of the eeveelutions, particularly the second gen. ones (umbreon more than espeon though). Sometime last year I started using (a program I learned to use in middle school) for memes, pictures, etc. I decided to make myself a profile picture of an umbreon, though I needed a base image to edit off of since I'm not very good at making original artwork. Using bulbapedia, I scoured through the movies, anime episodes, and trailers before deciding on an image from the anime, one of the season 2 episodes called "trouble's brewing": The "editing" portion consisted of mapping out each of the separate components of the body (rings, eye, body shape) then removing the background. Then I gave it a black background and a fully black body (to remove the shading effects), and re-colored the rings and eyes to a much fuller color (the base picture was a bit grainy). I applied gaussian blurs to the rings, eye, and body. This is the end result: If you have and want to see the separate layers of the images, here is the file:UProPic3SquareFixed38.pdn I look forward to hearing about your guys' profile pics!
  7. That's the second time you've brought up the topic of pokemon profile pictures. I'm settling this here and now. As of 6:56 pm est 4/19/16 there are exactly 11 accounts on the forums with pokemon as their profile picture. @BlackHoleDragon (excadrill) @blah (dialga) @DJVT7 (growlithe) @formlesstree4 (jirachi) @Ivysaur (ivysaur) @Kyledude252 (lucario) @LinkedGlint (gardevoir) @Nurse_Lucario (lucario) @RicUltima (lucario) @TopKekleon (multiple pokemon) @YoloSweggLord (umbreon) Yes I scoured through the entire member database to get this information. You're welcome.
  8. That album cover is weird enough even with out the song. All hail our great führer the burning trombone.
  9. I found out about it from a stream by a guy named colts18to87td. He was doing a stream of openrct2 "featuring" thecodemaster (some guy that makes custom content for rct3). I actually found out about colts from another mor famous streamer, Silvarret. I asked him how they were playing together and he told me about openrct2. The next day I dug my RCT2 Triple Thrill Pack disk out of the depths of my computer desk drawer and reinstalled it on my laptop. A few weeks later I saw another person streaming openrct2 on twitch, some guy named michielP1807. I noticed his latest follower was Silvarret, I asked about that and he told me that he had subbed him a few minutes ago and that Silvarret had also helped a bit with their multiplayer park. After I entered their multiplayer park (it was a pretty fockin sweet park btw) I asked about the weird ride names and he said that Silvarret had renamed everything. I commented on one of the ride named and HOLY FUCKING SHIT SILVARRET CORRECTED ME LIKE HE WAS IN THERE THE WHOLE TIME LIKE WOW. Also I ended up helping with the park, aka attempting to build a dive coaster that ended up being in the way and then building a pretty shitty flying coaster and I probably ruined their park experience since I haven't seen it being streamed by any of the other collaborators since. Also sorry for the long story but I felt like that was worth mentioning.
  10. Dammit guys, 2 days since the last post! We need to keep this thread going! Here's a nice orchestral/trance song, of course from waterflame.
  11. No, not necessarily. When I downloaded the h2h7 workbench from nedesigns the custom content installed automatically, but I had to manually put the custom content into the objdata folder to make the arjan workbench work for me.
  12. Not sure what the cyberlink youcam thing is, it's one of those rider programs that came with my laptop I think. Yes I use Autodesk. Inventor to be precise. I use to make my memes. Literally. It's also what I used to make my profile picture. Dolphin, if you didn't know, is a wii/gamecube emulator. I also use desmume but It's not a program, it runs as an application. Keysticks is left over from a failed attempt at trying to use my xbox 360 controller to control my computer. Not sure why I still have it. Also I'm a huge fan of the flash game Tanki Online.
  13. What I want to know is, what would happen if you mixed a train with, say, steel twister cars and side friction cars, and run that train at high enough speed over a hill that the side friction cars fly off the track, would the whole train crash, would the game crash, or would the train separate in some weird way?
  14. We sure like progressive don't we
  15. The program is unable to find the g1.dat file in your directory. At least, that's what the error message says. The g1.dat file contains all the game's graphics. Are you able to play the vanilla game, without OpenRCT2? Have you ever changed or messed with the directory files in the past? Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
  16. This is one of the most progressive songs I have ever listened to. It starts off by setting out a simple tune. As it carries from one verse to the next, it increases in complexity, adding new layers to the beat. Several times through its course it reaches a climax, and the beat switches to a simpler tune, only to complexify more. Then, when it finally ends, you can hear the original tune from the beginning, tying everything together and suggesting a new beginning, the start of something equally epic. Truly a masterpiece.
  17. First of all, the train length limit is set into the coding of the game. It simply cannot be "put into a file" which is added to OpenRCT2. Second of all, there are already 2 treads in the forums discussing this. Next time, try looking through the forums to see if your question has been posted in the past. As for the "train cheat file," @X7123M3-256 is working on a cheat to do this. He has posted it on gitub (as explained in both threads). It can be found here, though I do not recommend that you do not use it as it is unstable and can cause compatibility issues in multiplayer.
  18. Obviously you didn't see my earlier post of Waterflame-Final Battle. Here it is again. This song is literally the essence of epic.
  19. were you talking about Waterflame-Final Battle or M Craft-Dragonfly (Memro Bootleg)?
  20. @Broxzier 25 minutes in and I'm enjoying this music, thanks!
  21. I wish I had 8 continuous hours of working to listen to that. Oh wait, I do...
  22. Also, I would not have been able to submit a switchback since it is technically two separate coasters because of its design and could not be converted to a single track save file. Just wanted to put that out there
  23. So instead of a switchback, I'll submit the king of all compact coasters: the skyloop. I called my skyloop "railgun". Its size is 16x2 or 32 tiles, so it clocks in at just over half the maximum size. Railgun.td6
  24. Aw, I was just about to submit a variant of my switchback railway... But I need zero clearance to build the switchbacks
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