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Posts posted by Nubbie

  1. On 2016-04-06 at 19:05, imlegos said:

    And on a un-related note, why not make the face icon changeable by the host with permission levels?

    (Someone could setup something like Host has the large smile, muted have the angry red, etc)

    Sounds interesting but I have no idea where that would be placed to change the pic for the face

  2. @Thewarf321

    Posted on Github:

    Would be useful but a bit worried how it might slow down kicks for spammers who are using the cluster tool, really hope the permissions for the cluster tool will be released first

    Example how I presume it will look like:


  3. @Thewarf321 

    3 hours ago, Thewarf321 said:

    but they both need better colors

    The coasters where made on a server which had limitations in color and perspective, especially for scenarier (which was not saved because X reasons)


    3 hours ago, Thewarf321 said:

    I know you hate me Ethiopean

    Don't think he hates you, the community is often kind and nice

  4. 6 hours ago, imlegos said:

    If we're trying to do a Where's Waldo, why not use a guest with a red tee and hat?

    Hahaha, that would be an interesting Easter egg, a sprite with a chance of 1 in 10.000 guests to spawn - Waldo


  5. 16 minutes ago, SensualEthiopianPolice said:

    Other than the obvious dick free falls and concentration camps

    People spam these "memes" in the game yes, which is a bit sad but nothing that can be done about. The best thing would be as an admin to tell them to stop or kick them.

    And about the block brakes issue, not many know about it, you can always inform them or fix that yourself, not everyone is experienced :(

  6. Hey

    I was really curious on how to change the title music on Roller Coaster tycoon 2 so I could use This awesome remix 

    I noticed how the cssX.dat files actually are .wav files so here is how you can change the music to the title / in the game 


    1.  First find the music you want to you and open up a program where you can edit it, like the free program Audacity

    2. Convert the new music file into a .WAV file, PCM format, 22,050Hz, 16bit, Stereo. (Copied from the CUSTOM.txt file, read more in there)

    3. Go to the data folder of OpenRCT2 (C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRCT2\data)

    4. Place the custom music in there and change the name of it to either "css17.dat" or "css50.dat"  (ccs17.dat is RCT2's music, css50.dat is RCT1's music) 

    5. Start the game


    If the music doesn't work in-game:

    • Are you sure you converted it to a .WAV file, PCM format, 22,050Hz, 16bit, Stereo?
    • Did you change the files name to 'css17.dat' or 'ccs50.dat' (NOT css.17.dat.wav)
    • Did you change the music in the options? (Might be in the wrong category)


    The screenshot is how to use Audacity and import the music to the C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRCT2\data folder



  7. 13 hours ago, YoloSweggLord said:

    1. Allow no more than 1 person at a time to use the same username

    That seems to be a bit harder as it needs a server to track the names being used

    I think something that maybe can be done is to put (just like on steam and on Windows when you copy files) a number if there is two identical players on the server you're playing on

    Example;   Ronron + RonRon (1) + RonRon (2)

  8. Have no idea if it's that's necessary, there is a ton of buttons in the top toolbar already

    Try to check the "Disable audio on focus lost" in the "Option" tab in "Settings", that should be enough if you minimize the game :)

  9. 2 minutes ago, NightHawk said:

    Yeah, password protected servers are the cancer of openrct2. People are too lazy to care about the group system it seems...

    It's not the problem that it's cancer, the problem is that it blocks the view of open servers, especially when it's not even sorted in a row

  10.  When they updated the Server list window to show off players online on every server, which is great, I thought about more stuff that could improve the whole server/lobby window.

    1. Filter (An icon with a list where you can filter out 'maps', player count, Password Protected servers, game versions etc) - With more servers being added, it gets a bit messy
    2. Map shower (Showing off the map/campaign that the server is running)
    3. Sorting (Tab at the top to sort name by the alphabet, players per server etc)
    4. Downloading? Mb/Kb/bytes? (Tell what the numbers are, for example; Downloading map... 425/953 mb )
    5. See which players are on the server (Useful if you want to .. stalk someone.. or just play with a friend)
    6. Being able to ABORT the "Map download" (You can, if you press on the X, it just comes back up)


    • (Tutorial how to set ut a server) - Just a simple button with a pop up who tells you about the port - A lot of people don't know this about the port.
    • A easier to see color when tagging a server as ur favorite? (It's not the easiest to see, especially depending on which screen- and settings you use)
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